Product Chat / [LOCKED] GameGuru MAX

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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 20:51
Quote: "Here's a (strange?) thought - I know that GameGuru MAX uses LUA, but what about somehow adding the ability to work with AppGameKit Studio? It would be pretty awesome to be able to create a custom, functioning GUI in AGK Studio, for example, and have it run in Game Guru MAX. Or to be able to to code in AGK Studio and use it in MAX. This could encourage the sales of both products as those who already own AGK Studio might want to get MAX to use as a level editor/designer for their 3D work while coding in AGK Studio and those who get MAX may want to purchase AGK Studio, etc. Also, since you have the AGK Studio Particle editor, then that could be made to work in MAX, too, adding yet another tool that MAX owners would want to purchase to add more customization to their games. "

Not sure if this was answered, but I'd assume Game Guru Loader would be the middleware for this. Maybe Lee or Preben can shed light on this?
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Monkey Frog
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 20:57
Quote: "Not sure if this was answered, but I'd assume Game Guru Loader would be the middleware for this. Maybe Lee or Preben can shed light on this?"

That makes sense. Frankly, I'd forgotten about Loader.

What is strange to me is TGCs have all these programs and they don't talk to each other in some fashion. Seems like potential that is not being used. But that's just me.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 21:06
I just pre orderd I hope for a full third person shorter support

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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 21:24
Quote: "Fourthly, the developer has something called GameMachine, which is a Blueprints-like visual coding system for non-programmers. It's a state machine system that allows the end-user to set up all sorts of things from animation (including animation blending) to interactions (triggers and the like)."

Much better and intuitive that Unreal BP.. i tried both and where BP are a total mess .. Gamemachine is amazing..

Quote: "
And man speaking of S2 Engine, it is just so graphically impressive, the water especially blew me away when I got it on sale a few months ago! If GG Max could have that kind of water I'm sold! (But there would have to be swimming so we could make the water functional too! At the very least there should be an underwater shader/effect, the community could probably program swimming without too much hassle..)"

Sadly Lee asnwered to me that GGMax will not have any type of underwater system mechanics and it's a shame

Quote: "
just pre orderd I hope for a full third person shorter support "

Lee Explicitally said third person will only receive some bugfixes to make current projects in the making to can be completed but if i understood correclty no improvements will be added

I dont have any type of expectations for the new engine but since i'm an idiot and the monkey push hard on me i want to preorder the same...

so my question is TGC store or steam?? and eventually dlcs that cna be purchased on both store will be compatible with the other version?
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 21:35
Quote: "What's cool about this is it allows the developer to use his own engine in a development environment."

Yes, I was advocating for this last night on the Discord. Most engines don't get developed in isolation; they are developed in tandem with a game in mind. Half-Life 2 for Source, Crysis for CryEngine, Unreal for...well, Unreal. I know Game Guru has a minuscule development team but it would be cool if they could use their tools to create a multi-level, "story-driven" (forcing them to develop the character creator and animation and lip-sync capabilities) FPS game. Something that can showcase the engine's technologies whilst also pushing them forward and forcing them to polish up features.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 21:44

I must admit, I don't read here very much anymore. But this seems to be a huge step!
The step we are wayting for since years. I hope the promisses are real.

I will PreOrder, even I don't like the faqct to pay again. Since FPSCreator I paid so much. But I understand that TGC needs the money to produce awsome resaults.

Hope it will be as great as it sounds
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 22:02 Edited at: 6th Feb 2020 22:13
I have a few questions about Game Guru: Max.

1. Will Game Guru: Max take advantage of PBR rendering? If so will you be using the metallic workflow or the specular workflow?
2. Will the people who pre-order get a steam key?
3. On the topic of Virtual Reality - Will there be any form of framework for interacting with the environment with motion controllers?
4. On the topic of Virtual Reality again - Will OpenVR and Oculus headsets be supported in GameGuru: Max?
5. What is locomotion going to be like in VR? Will it be teleport only or will there be other methods to move around?

+1 for 64 bit here.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 22:12 Edited at: 6th Feb 2020 22:13
Quote: "Sadly Lee asnwered to me that GGMax will not have any type of underwater system mechanics and it's a shame"

I think to assume we will get a fully finished product in September is maybe expecting to much but a bloody good one with odds and sods still to do will make me happy … I would still like it to be improved as we go
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 22:52
@GraPhiX : Can you send me a link to a technical article and/or SDK for UDIM, I can add it to my thought sheet when considering what our new engine needs!

@cybernescence : I will be pulling together a more detailed testing plan from March to figure out the groups of testers we ideally need to make sure MAX goes out the door as solid (and as few holes as possible) for the September release. I remember back in the boxed-product days, this was not optional

@OldFlak : I think the 'drop in another object and transparency messes up' might be a bug. Is there any way you can create a simple FPM with stock media and post in the GitHub issues tracker? All transparent entities are sorted back to front, and then rendered over solid geometry, it should always work out the box. By the way the video you shared looked great!

@MooKai : Make sure all your wishes are on GitHub. I will sort through them in March, see which ones tally with the feedback we have so far. Nice list!

@GubbyBlips : Spawning new entities from your local library is a great idea, please add this to GitHub issues tracker as an Enhancement. Right now all you can do is drop in and hide an entity, then hijack its position via a script. It would be good if we could have a box factory, which just spawned the things until a fixed maximum which I think we had back in FPS Creator days

@Teabone : The community has made it VERY clear, and I completely agree, that Classic needs to continue so that the remaining bugs are fixed, the promised features are added and the software becomes a rounded self-contained product. It is what everyone bought into, and I personally want to finish what I started. The bugs are no problem, probably a nightmare to reproduce and solve, but a definitive list Preben and I can work through. The promised features however I am finding much harder to pin down. Over the last 5 years there have been a lot of feature ideas. I have asked about for some direct links to a list from 2013 which showed what we promised during the Reloaded Pledge campaign, but I have been unable to locate it. If anyone can find this link that would be great. Five years and constant updates has been a long time and I suspect many of the features on that list have indeed been completed. It's almost a catchphrase now to say 'delivery what you promised' but I cannot remember what that was Thanks also for the 64-Bit thumbs up, I think the community have spoken!

@Zigi : Thanks for the extra thoughts. To keep on track, my plan is to release the new DynamicLUA in September and see whether 'tweaking a few values' provides the necessary logic control for most users. I think you might be surprised just how a few sliders and controls can eliminate the need to code anything for most typical game mechanics. I personally love to create logic, but I learned a long time ago not to inflict it on others I also have an ambition to create a visual coding solution that does not spiral into a damn mess once it starts to get tasty large, and so it's likely if Lee does decide to add a non scripting logic layer, it will some mad experiment that will probably try not to look like anyone elses, such is my curse!

@Avenging Eagle : I have suggested your idea to my team as I think you have a good point, but the verifying Steam owners is the tricky one. Back in the day, we would even ask users to scan the front covers of their box product before manually processing an upgrade. Yikes!

@fearlesswee : Your points:
1. Yes we will be doing MAX DLC specifically in the form of KITS so you can make complete mini-games in that specific theme, so all the things you need such as structures, scenery, character parts (you build your own characters) and game logic parts so you can quickly create a game in the theme of the DLC.
2. I think you can get the Photon server code installed on your local machine, and then tap that server to run your game in a LAN stle fashion. You would need to check how Photon licenses that option however.
3. The standard multiplayer game will remain much the same, except that it does not require Steam and your players don't need to buy GameGuru. The good news is that all the multiplayer logic is now in an external LUA script, so you can code it whatever logic you need. Your multiplayer game, your rules.
4. We have improved the Save Standalone UI for MAX, and will be expanding it a little with some extra core tweaks such as custom icon, splash, etc but there will be no huge screens editor, new functionality, etc. Once we release, we can look again at the Feature Requests and see if an editor for all standalone game screens is high on the list. You will read me saying this a lot, mainly as I want to focus the next 6 months on delivering a solid platform, rather than 50 half baked features. Hope that makes sense!
5. I tried animation blending but it has some issues, and can sometimes look outright nasty. No plans for inverse kinematics, I will leave that to 3D animation tools which then export a nice animation file. What we will be doing is overhauling how animations are managed, so gone are the days of a single model holding onto 65000 frames of animation, now models come with one default animation, just to show its alive. The rest of the animations will be imported into the model as you need them, and for MAX we will be starting with some basic animations as you might expect to get things moving about. For the alternative to blending, we are adding LUA code to control animation more tightly, so for walking you would have three animation sets, start walk, walk loop and stop walk. The script would coordinate this and you end up with a character that actually looks like they are setting off walking, walk about a bit, then gently and accurately come to a stop. Gone are the splerging into whatever animation takes our fancy, as now it's more a state engine style approach to getting animation under control.

@Belidos : Your points:
1. For MAX, I would hesitate to scare the GameGuru community with the word 'work-flow', but they will be able to import a model in the format of their choice, give it a name, adjust the scale and textures, and here is the cool part, import compatible animation files to stack them right into the model. For some models you may only need a single animation loop, for others you might want a full set of character actions. In the importer, you will be able to prepare the animation slots, preview them, manage them and finally save out as a regular GameGuru entity. From here, you are back in the real world, choosing a script for your new entity/character, selecting the animations previously prepared using the DynamicLUA system if animation slots are exposed, and away you go. I have not figured out if adding names instead of ordinals would be a nightmare, but ideally it would be cool to reference your animations by name instead of index.
2. All previous entities and formats will work in MAX no worries. There is a LOT of stuff out there in GameGuru land and being able to load in existing levels is gonig to be important for lots of users.
3. Alas the boat has sailed for our naming convention and we are basically stuck with _gloss storing toughness (the inverse of glossness). To change it now means all legacy PBR assets would look wrong in the new engine and I am not asking all GameGuru artists to change everything they ever did in PBR We would certainly add more naming convention so adding support for a '_metallic' texture which would simply read in as a metalness map. Alas for Gloss, we are smegged unless somehow has a suggestion how both the old and new worlds can live together!
4. Funnily enough, having done such a slog of work, I am finding the AssImp FBX import can run rings around mine I know what I am beat, and if all tests work out, the new MAX importer will handle FBX in it's sleep, in addition to other favourites like OBJ and the new kid on the block GLTFv2.

@JC LEON : Your points:
1. No plans for a heightmap importer, but we are working on the terrain creation system so it might crop up to add an import button. It's a good idea! BotR, if you want to send me a link to your height map progress, I can add it to my thought list for the engine (which includes what technique we are going to use for the new terrain system).
2. EAI is a top artist ultimately it's his DLC so I am happy to go with what he wants. If his pack does not require any new features from MAX, such as integration with the new particle system and perhaps some of the HDR ideas we have on the render side, then it could remain a Classic DLC. Alas, the Steam community are pretty angry right now about DLCs and announcements about DLCs, they don't seem to understand it does not detract in any way from the development side
3. Yes we have backwards compatibility, which includes support for all assets currently on the store. We are only adding stuff, not throwing existing formats and structures away that currently work and are depended on (with the possible exception of converting terrain data to the new system as the current terrain system has had its day I think).

@Ratall : A good point about writing all this down to refer back to it! I have stated before and its a good idea to state again that my replies here do not constitute promises of any kind, we are only having a conversation about what I intend to work on and hope to produce. The only thing you can officially hang your hat on is the text from the official announcements which has been pre-approved and ratified by the whole TGC management team. If everything I ever wrote on any social channel was deemed to be a cast iron promise, I would be busy for four lifetimes and the PC would probably not exist by the time I release the finished product. I have asked a few times now if anyone can dig out the list that must have been created in 2013 to list out what was promised when Reloaded was pledge funded, so I can separate out that list with the subsequent seven years of things I said in forums that later turned into legend.

@SOLO DESIGN : No need to buy MAX, we will still be fixing Classic and adding functionality. Sounds like you have some ideas what Classic still needs before we work on MAX. We are tackling the bugs in March (potentially all of them) but it would help if you could dig out a link to the list of items from the original Reloaded pledge (I have had a good scoot but cannot find it). One of my jobs in March is to try and separate what features we listed in 2013, and which feature requests appeared later on. There is a sensation of 'you did not add the features you said you would', but no-one can actually show me a link or page that points to it specifically. I think a lot of it came from my posting on the forums, long after the product was bought. As it stands, I could keep working on the product another two years and not really know what checklist I am working to as it keeps growing and changes with every telling. Any guidance from you would be helpful!

@Supe : Best if you put these feature requests as GitHib issue items, that way we can go through them in March and assign some popularty scores against the feedback we have received over the years. Seven months seems a long time, but it will fly by once we tackle upgrading the software to 64-bit, writing a new lighting model render system, a whole new terrain and general scene editing controls, and that's just the enhancements. No plans to add an unlimited map for the September release, so I would hold back until September when we will be releasing a free demo so you can try the new terrain system yourself. You might decide to buy, or stick with Classic which will be much more solid, have better functionality and feel like a rounded product. It would have taken five and a half years to develop, but we hope it was worth the wait.

@Tarkus1971 : You will still have backwards compatibility with all your maps and all old assets will still work. They may even look a little better being rendered in a more real-time light and shadow friendly scene! You may have read ALL my answers above (poor you) but I am dealing with pages of features requests by requesteing that you make sure that have been added to GitHub issues tracker so we can sort through them in March. The only 'promised' features for September will be those on the official announcement as it's the ONLY way to control expectation. If someone is not happy to pre-order from what they see on that page, then my advice is that they DO NOT purchase until they see more concrete progress posted, which I will be doing through screenshots and videos as the development evolves. Can you send me a link to the post about "better lighting and shadows and many improvements were mentioned for GG Classic a while back" as I am getting a lot of similar conderns voiced at the moment. I would like to read my own words back to me to understand what it sounded like from the other side, and work out a solution that will please everyone who decides to stick with Classic.

@Teabone : I love the raindrops on screen, can I buy the effect from you to integrate to GameGuru MAX? Please email me to discuss if you are interested, and we have some other similar effects we have in mind like snow fade. We already have some weather effects up and running but we will be enhancing them for September.

@MXS : We are not planning to add an inventory system for September. Aside from the items listed on the official announcement, we will be pretty busy writing a new 64-bit engine, new lighting model engine and a completely new terrain, grass, tree, atmos, sky and cloud system to go with it. As Teabone demonstrates, there is a huge amount that can now be done with external LUA scripts, including an inventory system. I would not want to be beaten up four years from now because I promised an inventory system in this thread and did not deliver

@Unknown Nomad Studio : All are welcome, here you are points:
C1. The original release of GameGuru in 2015 did not cast dynamic light shadows, and in fact only had four dynamic light in any one area. Can you send me a link where I promised to add dynamic shadows that had a direct influence on your decision to purchase GameGuru (or pledge to the Reloaded campaign). In March Preben and I will be going through the bugs, and I will be going through the enhancement requests to find the ones that we promised to add to the 2015 product. I have been unsuccessful so far in finding any links from that time which lists the features. From this I can determine which ones we NEED to do for Classic, and which ones can be safely moved to MAX as part of the evolution of the technology. It may slow down MAX development, but I do want to finish what I promised when I sold GameGuru to you five years ago.
C2. Now sure what you mean by "How much quality of live improvements will be made". If you mean will we be developing Classic outside the bug fixes we are planning to do in March, the answer is yes. If the community wish it, and the functionality is necessary to complete our promises from 2013 and 2015, then we will be working on those too. We have no present plans to decommission Classic, it will sit alongside MAX as the 32Bit lower-end alternative to MAX.
M1. We are still at the research stages of the new terrain system. The primary goal is to allow terrain creation that is more realistic, both controlling geometry and how textures are applied for a realistic visual. I think it's a good idea to allow terrain size changes, but on the advice of my solicitor I cannot confirm nor deny that such a feature will be present I would not make a purchase decision based on whether the terrain can be resize.
M2. Yes we will be throwing away the old terrain painting and banding effect, replacing it with some kind of texture splatter which allows paints to be overlaid in any order the level designer requires. As we are completely rewriting the terrain system, we have the option of fniding a modern day game engine technique that will maintain performance for this effect on higher end graphics cards.
M3. There will still be a delay when you click Test Game to calclate the pre-baked data from any edits that happened in the editor, such as working out the new AI obstacles for the pathfinder. We will be able to do some optimization however with the new 64-bit engine as we can keep more things in memory and side-load them using a thread so UI performance stays responsive and reduce the need to unload memory when bouncing between editor and game.
M4. We have moved the SETUP.INI changes into a new Launcher app with gadget controls. No need to open notepad again. The parent settings of an FPE are not designed to be edited while the software is running, that is what Entity Properties are for. We can add more properties to this panel if we get requests for it, and many of them can now be hidden in an Advanced tab so less used values are hidden from the main editing experience. Typically, FPEs are created by the artist and then added along with the asset media to the library folder and remain unchanged for the most part.
M5. There are no plans to substantially change the functionality of the standalone game menus, only minor things such as customizing the icon and splash screen. We will not be shipping a full blown screens editor with the September release but we can look at this afterwards if there is demand for it. I think there will!
M6. We intend to keep the scaling drop downs in the Test Game so you can set terrain, entities and grass to quality levels that suit the performance you need. As we are increasing our minimum specification to something like a GTX 960 we should be able to produce a better visual even at the Lowest of the settings, and hide away the extreme performance hog features to the Highest settings.
M7. There are no plans to add an in-game console to control the underbelly of the game. It's a neat idea, like a CLI you can bring up and make hard edits to the game settings, but I am pretty happy with the TAB TAB panels right now and it seems to cater for most needs.
M8. Once we determine which enhancements are required for Classic, and the amount of time needed to implement them, we will have a better idea how much time remains to implement the priority ones into MAX. The remaining will be transferred to the MAX Repo and we are looking at tagging them so everyone knows what the priority ones are post-September.
M9. There are no plans for Linux support in any way. GameGuru has always been an Windows PC product, and looks to remain so for the time being. The only caveat is the game cloud which will be used to host games on the TGC server so you can download them to an Oculus Quest headset and play your game in standalone VR. The player for this will be a cut-down renderer (for obvious reasons) and be limited to stock media, but with the shortage of VR content out there right now it will give you something new to try if you happen to own this particular device. It's a bit left field for the GameGuru community, but it will already have been developed for the VR Quest sister product by March so there is no harm in using it for MAX in September.
M10. The GameGuru MAX team consists of myself, Preben (who everyone knows) and small group of trusted, experienced arists. We have a project manager and the use of part-time freelancer coders who will be helping us along the way. We could probably squeeze onto two large couches, but we are certainly not what you would call an elite AAA room sized team. For room sized teams, you need to aim higher!
NOTE: Disclaimer, all the above are my own thoughts and are not part of an official announcement that can be construde as a promise of features. They are merely ideas and hopes that I will be working hard to attain. Do not make your purchase decision based on anything I write, best wait for a demo and some actual reviews post September, its the safest way!
EXTRA NOTE: I cannot make the promises you listed out (cap the discounts, no bundles, give it away for free, don't sell to Russians, stop sending users to Unreal), as I have learned that making too many promises can come back to bite, and oh do they bite! Thanks all the same for your points and I understand the merits of your advice, but in business you really cannot rule anything out, the industry moves too quickly.

@Tarkus1971 : As above, I recommend given your reservations you do not purchase now. We do have a schedule to release the first alpha build mid-April which will show off the new UI, some VR, the new Character Creator, new Importer and some other toys we kind of have right now, just cleaned up. The later alphas will be much better as we delve into testing out the new lighting model and terrain builder, but as I said, probably best you wait until you have something concrete before you make a decision. We will be doing a demo at launch which is a free demo sporting our new showcase level (probably a Tropical Island but we will see).

@Earthling45 : Thanks for your comments. I plan to release lots of progress news running up to September, but your plan to wait until its done and check out the demo is a very good idea. You can then decide if it's for you. I think you will like what you seem but don't take my word on that

@UNIRD12B : Excellent, thanks for sharing some links, I've been asking around a lot now Can you send me one where I specifically promise that VR is going into GameGuru, or a listing which had VR in it which caused you to buy or pledge? I need to start separating what was promised, and what was talked about in forums and posts as future ideas.

@KapitanNemo : There are no plans for GameGuru to be anything other than a Windows PC product. We are heavily based on DirectX, a Microsoft proprietory technology. Plus it's much easier to support one platform when you're a handful of people As mentioned above we will be doing a sort of export for Oculus Quest but more on that when we get closer to September, and the technology we need to use might spawn some other opportunities, but I know better than to mention them

@Mrs Baird : If you can put your Audio-Engine ideas in a GitHub report and send me a link, that would be great! For Skyboxes, I understand they are not too tricky to make, perhaps a small video tutorial would be better than writing a whole sky maker inside the product? As you say, Classic will be there offering 32Bit to all those who are happy with the Classic community for as long as its needed, no need to upgrade to MAX if you don't see anything you like. MAX will be fully backwards compatible so you can load in your existing game levels no worries. Great question on the RTX, and the answer is do not worry you don't need a monster-RTX to run MAX, I think we are years away from top games using realtime raycasting as the primary method of lighting scenes. We are aiming for GTX 960 for now (until our research changes this) which does a sort of cheap raycasting using Voxel shaders (if we use the VXGI approach), but the effect is much the same, really nice indirect lighting on every surface, so a single light changes quite a lot of the scene as it moves about.

@benjiboy : Thanks for your comments, I am interested in your perspective on this one. Going back a touch. What would you have done differently for FPS Creator? I think we sold it for around £20 originally in 2005, and released free updates for many many years, released over 70+ model packs for it and grew an amazing community around it, slowly discounting it until it was about 70% off. After a short break, we felt the market needed something with more up to date technology, so we planned a new product that would use newer more up to date technology. Would you have continued developing FPS Creator and providing free updates up to 2020? How would you have funded that development? Unlike our counterparts back in 2005, we did not charge for an upgrade each year. If we did it like Sony Vegas for example, FPS Creator would be on version 15 now and I would have charged the same user 14 times. For FPS Creator, I charged them once and gave out free updates as we went along. I am curious how you would have done it benjiboy? Do you see a better way?

@osiem80 : Can you create a GitHub report and put your sound system ideas there, including your link. We do have 3D sound, but it's not great, and sound detection, but it's mostly via scripting. Sounds like you have a feature request coming on MAX will be backwards compatible with all levels, assets and scripts so no worries there, we will mainly be adding in that respect. We are also keen to add import of animation files onto models during the import process so you can stack only the animations you need. You just need to make sure the animation data is compatible with the rig of the model

@World Class Multimedia : if you have not already done so, a GitHub entry with your ideas on better music and sound support would be super helpful. The old terrain system did not lend itself well to footfall materials, only EBE structures. The new terrain system should definately have materials tied to sound footfalls, so I am hopefuly you get that report in so I can find it when it comes to sorting through what new features go into MAX. In fact, all your ideas need to be reports in there, and the more detail (and perhaps even links to 2019 games which use it the better). Alas, we've already chosen IMGUI for our entire UI rewrite, which is very much a graphics based rendered interface. The good news is that it looks very cool, is super quick and slick, very easily customizable and we've already finished it. Once you get your hands on a demo, feel free to let us know if we have missed anything. I checked out the C4 (now Tombstone Engine) engine, and noticed it was retired in 2015, do you have updates from them newer than 2015. Are you able to quickly export a demo using the engine so I can see how it looks? Their website is pretty thin, but I think they are open to technology licensing.

@3com : Your points:
1. There are no plans to add functionality to add entities to the first person player, it will be pretty much as you have it now. An invisible avatar in FPS mode and anything you collect will likely be controlled by a custom script and the entity disappearing.
2. You can create a script, associate it with a zone, and have objects magnetise towards the player. I did this recently for something else and it works great. Right now only the province of scripters but it is possible, and I dare say someone could write a script and sell it on the Asset Store.
3. Fluid dynamics is VERY expensive, even for most GPUs today. I am afraid you will have to fake your quicksand trap, perhaps with some nice geometry and textures, some good sounds, clever custom script to freeze the player and shake the camera, and we have particles now that will work for you. No new things in MAX to help trap players in quicksand though we might have access to the particles creates in the AGK Particle Studio if the author likes the idea of a Particle Editor DLC for MAX which could be accessed from within the software UI.
4. No plans to build an RPG style inventory system into MAX, this can be done with scripting and we want to focus on engine as mentioned in the above pages. Thanks for the thumbs up on the 64-Bit. It is definately a no brainer now over 40 users have said yes

@Argent_Arts : The S2 engine is a great looking product and an amazing price. I have not used it myself, but the results are very cool! As you say it is developed by a single person and that guy or gal definately rocks! I would be pricing a lot higher for what you get, or switch to free and use Patreon as the primary funding model like GODOT did a while back.

@fearlesswee : Your approval of the idea to work on an actual game with the tool you have just made is an awesome one. We actually did that with DarkBASIC when we created The 3D Gamemaker using that language, and the same with DBPro when we used that language to create FPS Creator. It really forced the languages to get good fast as they needed to work for a real project. I am not ruling out making a cool game after September, but we would need to convince management that spending half a year on a glorified tech demo is worth it. I suppose we could tell them we intent to sell it

@Teabone : The GG Loader is a good starting point for the Quest Player, but there is no plan of attack on how it will be coded. Sometimes it is better to start from scratch when the outcome is sufficiently different. Something I will be looking at from next week. I imagine though you can guess the consequences

@Peri : We will be fixing the current TPP issues, and adding small functionalities in Classic based on some cool third person projects being worked on right now, but there are no plans to add significantly new features in the third person control system. Hopefully there are other benefits in MAX you like the look of, but if you are only pre-ordering for new TPP features, there are none planned, and it might be prudent to apply for a refund until you see more news on the TPP front. As a Classic user you will get the fixes and functionality boosts for free! I know, very anti-business, but I am a developer first

@JC LEON : Don't listen to the monkey, he's a bad monkey!! For MAX, because we are not tied to Steam anymore, we will have both Steam and Direct Download options, and any DLCs will be released both on Steam and TGC for direct download. The direct one will also have auto-updates so no need to keep installing new installers with each update. We will be sorting out a COMING SOON page on Steam soon, but you won't be able to buy from there until September when it goes live. I would always recommend buying direct from TGC, not just because we avoid the Steam commission but because we have greater refund powers. You have to be pretty stealthy to get your refund from Steam given the conditions they impose.

@HeadClot : Your points:
1. GameGuru MAX will continue to use PBR rendering and support the metallic workflow, all be it with a reversed gloss texture requirement.
2. If you pre-order you get a choice of Steam Key or Download. This time we can offer both options to users.
3. The player actions using the VR controllers is all handled in a LUA script, so we will start you off with some default stuff but you can add to it as you need custom player mechanics. The standard stuff will be there, looking around, moving, teleporting, detecting buttons, picking stuff up, dropping it, running, opening doors and activating things.
4. Only Windows Mixed Reality will be supported for the September release (and in a smaller way Oculus Quest standalone VR). I am watching the OpenXR tech closely however, as this promises to support lots of hardware under a single API which would be very cool for me.
5. For locomotion, you will have walk forward, backward, turn left and right, walk and turn left, walk and turn right and finally teleport (already in).
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 23:25
Wow I always thought Uman's post were big
Thanks Lee another awesome response ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 23:45
Few questions about multiplayer
1 Can we have multiple multiplayer levels in one game that could be picked from
2 Single player campaign and multiplayer an option either?
3 Different modes other than Team DeathMatch and or Map voting and loadouts/weapon buying customization
4 Player models on multiplayer being set based on map and team
really big features that i wanted to see if they were coming
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 23:46
Quote: "@Argent_Arts : The S2 engine is a great looking product and an amazing price. I have not used it myself, but the results are very cool! "

Hi Lee. Thanks for your responses.

My point about S2 was not to talk about it looking good or being at an amazing price, but to talk about some of the things it does that I'd love to see in GG MAX. I'd mentioned the weather system for rain, day/night cycles, etc. Will GG MAX have a simple way for non-programmers to access and adjust this sort of thing? I'd mentioned the flexibility of S2's water system. Will we be able to have something like it in GG MAX? What about color grading? It's not just for movies and TV any more. It's a staple of modern 3D games, too. Unity, Unreal, and, yes, S2 have simple methods for getting the look you want for your game. What about GG MAX? You've already addressed that visual coding is something that's on your mind for the future, so no need to respond to that part of my post.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 23:47
I think you've touched on this in your responses, but will we have to dig into .ini files to make all sorts of adjustments in GG MAX or will all of these (or most of them, at least) be accessible via the editor instead?
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 23:58 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 00:04
Quote: "@Teabone : I love the raindrops on screen, can I buy the effect from you to integrate to GameGuru MAX? Please email me to discuss if you are interested, and we have some other similar effects we have in mind like snow fade. We already have some weather effects up and running but we will be enhancing them for September.

@MXS : We are not planning to add an inventory system for September. Aside from the items listed on the official announcement, we will be pretty busy writing a new 64-bit engine, new lighting model engine and a completely new terrain, grass, tree, atmos, sky and cloud system to go with it. As Teabone demonstrates, there is a huge amount that can now be done with external LUA scripts, including an inventory system. I would not want to be beaten up four years from now because I promised an inventory system in this thread and did not deliver "

@ Lee
1-Teabone Raindrops are awesome and I own them too (like all other great Teabone scritps) but for thing like that i think that shaders are the solution and not decals.. this is what i mean when I asked to you to have full screen shaders support .. not only the hardcoded based ones but the flexibility to use custom shaders (hopefully provided with "dlc Kits " or created with other softwares ) to integrate in our engine and proejcts like raindrops effects, camera effects and so on..
2-about the inventory system(that works between levels) sadly if the engine doest have commands to spawn entity from LUA, is not doable as demosntrated by others great GG LUA scritpers into the forum (smallg, Amen Moses) since we have to port exisistng objects with same exact ID between levels and so on... but if you could give us some hints on how to work on this it could be great... and inventory in gg (that works between levels ) is not doable since no one game published or "work in progress" has this feature added ..and we all think it's a great miss..
almost every horror, fps ,adventure, rgp game cannot be complete without a complete and working inventory system inventory system, if you dont want /cant add and inventory system from start please consider the idead to add it after maybe like a paid "kit"(i''m sure many of us will purchase it) that integrate into the engine...or give us a some real infos to create a system that works maybe with a podcast or a YT tutorial... i left many of my game proejcts idead due to inventory system and the obscene animated characetrs import system..

btw i'm goging to preorder the same since I want to support you Lee and trust in you again(but please dontjoke with us again and hlep us to make some great games woth tools and functionalty GGMax will need, that provides GG engine the bright it deserve..)...and i'll preorder the store version so all funds goes to TGC
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:02
@ Lee
Thanks again, long post.
About inventory I made my own times ago; just thinking about non scripters.

Quote: "Fluid dynamics is VERY expensive, even for most GPUs today. I am afraid you will have to fake your quicksand trap"

Yes I think so, well I'll has to add some particle here and there, nice environment and right fog to get ambience ideal.
About the script there is not problem, you can achieve it playing with "GetTerrainHeight(x,z)" as you already know.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:03
Great response, every quest answered I think

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:05
Quote: "Why do people keep supporting this behaviour?"

It`s a business decision, simple as that. I have a half-finished game that will sell 5000 copies easily as soon I release it, potentially more like 50.000. I have invested around 40.000 Euro in it so far. Money that I have already cancelled out as loss in my books.
I cant roll it out with GG due to memory restrictions and missing dynamic shadows and I dont have the time and patience to roll it over to Unity or to Unreal.

Chipping in 30 bucks in the hope MAX allows me to wrap it up is a no-brainer.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:08
Quote: "Thanks again, long post.
About inventory I made my own times ago; just thinking about non scripters.

really?? and work between levels too??
can you provide some infos to me or evetually sell the code ..i want to study it ...let me know..
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:29

Question here is about to GGMax providing inventory system working for everybody, every game styles, and so on. Most likely it will need some dedicate dialog window to set your settings, add images, and so on.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:40
Quote: "@Earthling45 : Thanks for your comments. I plan to release lots of progress news running up to September, but your plan to wait until its done and check out the demo is a very good idea. You can then decide if it's for you. I think you will like what you seem but don't take my word on that "

I'll certainly be following the progress, the plans are very interesting and if delivered, i'll happily be paying 50 euros.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:41
1. Are you going to add more usable functions in MAX, not exact number that AGK has but that is related with 3D?

2. Are you going to add lua editor for us willing to program?

3. Is dynamic lua something like ADDGUI option in AGKS?

4. What about Cutscene editor, place where we can keyframe camera movement and doing even cuts between cameras?

5. Speaking of keyframes, ability to animate assets inside world editor would be a nice addition, what do you think?

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 01:06
@Lee - I would advocate channel packing for MAX, 64 bit is great idea though I suspect most developers will hit video memory issues before system memory problems.

Following up on an idea Preben mentioned on this, in the end I went for a 2 stage process. A setup.ini switch that first scans all _gloss, _metalness, _ao files for a level and creates a _packed_gloss dds file for each entity. This allows current PBR textures to be used in the 'new' packed way without artist pain. Thereafter another switch that will use textures instead of the normal three. Also needs PBR shader changes of course.

End result is significant reduction in video memory usage and faster load times (as only loading or reusing three textures per model rather than usually 5).

With normal approach, load times for Cogwheel main level (pretty huge) 3:08 mins, with packed gloss approach load time 1:47 mins (on very average machine I5/GTX750TI). This without multi-core loading of course that MAX will have.

Stuttering caused by paging of textures has gone too. So a good experiment for you to consider for max perhaps.


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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 04:59
@synchromesh : I think if Uman wrote an engine and had to reply to questions, the forum would run out of letters

@wut : Your points:
1. There are no plans to expand what you can already do with the multiplayer game, so it's basically one level in your standalone multiplayer game for the September release, mainly so we can focus on the main engine upgrade. I do like the idea of a proper 'multiplayer maker' but I suspect that's a massive arena and I am pretty sure I will be accused of doing a half-baked job so probably best to avoid promising anything related to 'better multiplayer' at this stage The good news is that the multiplayer system is controlled mostly by external LUA script so perhaps with a new clever LUA commands, we could open the door a crack to loading in secondary FPM level maps via script control? Something to think about post-September launch.
2. There is already a single player mode (just save as Standalone), but I think you mean a single executable where you can pick single player or multiplayer all in the same exported standalone. Good question, and right now I do not know. I can see the logic in a single standalone being saved, and you tick a box when you exported as to whether you want single, multiplayer or both. Let's see what happens!
3&4. I am pretty sure you won't see extra multiplayer modes or custom avatars before September. You are dealing with an old fogie who's idea of multiplayer is connecting two Amigas together with a serial cable you made yourself out of bits of wire stolen from a broken appliance!

@Argent_Arts : No worries, the S2 engine cannot help but impress, had to give it the kudos it deserves! Now, your points:
1. We will have a weather system in MAX, nothing planned for day and night but it would be VERY tempting to deliver this as it's a highly asked for feature. As always, changing the settings will be either through the editor and the new UI system, or through the test game TAB TAB sliders. Nothing too nasty or hidden.
2. You will need to elaborate on how S2 does water, as I mentioned, I have not used it so not too familiar with it. For our September release, the only confirmed item to do with water is an improved sea/ocean system which will lap against your shore a little more convincing that a large blue polygon slicing into a bumpy green polygon
3. For color grading, we do have brightness and contrast, but I suspect you want total control here. The good news is that we will need a whole new rendering system, which includes a new scene graph, shaders and post-process pipeline, so its likely we can expose more settings to control the final visual. I am going to make sure, however, that we don't bombard the user with twenty sliders to adjust how the human eyeball experiences a pixel. If we can get it down to five, I think I can live with that!

@JC LEON : Your points:
1. Teabone has been in contact with me and we might be able to do something together on the subject of weather. We are basically rewriting our postprocessing shaders for MAX so if there is room for some kind of custom 'drop in' screen effect that fits with the work needed, get ready for fireworks. Right now though, the plan is simply to replace the post process shaders with something that you might find in a 2019 modern game, which in my mind includes stuff I don't do right now such as HDR (which I should have been doing over 10 years ago) and the newest stuff like HBAO+ which blows SSAO into tiny little bits (and is faster I believe).
2. To the point of GameGuru currently not able to do an inventory system I will leave you to debate that with the community, especially those who have already managed it. The smartest thing I can do is provide more powerful LUA commands to make this process even easier for scripters as then you get many inventory systems out there instead of the one I chose as a default. Best I remain focused on engine stuff up to September.
3. As I have probably mentioned further up the pages, for users who have (or had) reservations about what is going to happen to Classic, and what MAX will become, I encourage you NOT to pre-order and instead wait until you get your hands on a demo, or see something compelling that convinces you to take a risk. A pre-order is always a risk as you don't really know what it is you are buying. Look at Kickstarter, you literally have no idea what will come through the door two years after you backed it. The last thing I want to do is let anyone down, and I don't want to raise expectations so high that I cannot meet them. From your earlier strong reservations, I suspect I will fall short of what you are looking for and don't really want to be Dr. Evil here. Only preorder if you are happy with what is in the official announcement in respect to MAX. The few thousand words I have posted in the last 48 hours should not be the deciding factor, as I suspect its my occasional postings on forums that has caused so much grief over the years due to my tendancy to dream outside of my comfort zone and then put those hopes into words. Anyhoo, if you are happy with the conditions, thanks for pre-ordering and I will try not to disappoint!

@Ertlov : So no pressure then You will get your 64-Bit massive system memory storage and dynamic shadows in MAX. If this is all you want, you will be an easy person to please in September! Alas your own users will need 64-bit Windows to run your game though I do not think that will be a problem as most 32-bit owners, like most iPhone 4 owners and Android KitKat owners, don't buy much anyway.

@psychoanima : Your points:
1. There are no plans to expand the LUA commands set significantly more than what is presently available. Yes we will add a few, such as the possible spawn command that has been requested, but whole systems to take over the 3D scene is probably off the cards.
2. I have wanted to add a proper syntax highlighting, compiling and all round cool editor for LUA scripting for a while now, but it's a huge job. For this reason I am definately not promising it for September. I do know someone however who could do a great job creating one, and it would be awesome. Thing is, he will want paying and the only thing I can think of is a MAX DLC which adds LUA script editor to the editor. Problem is, I will then get a lot of flak from the Steam community that the LUA script editor should have been included in the core product and I am an Evil Scammer, so alas, we are back at the beginning, with no script editor. Of course if a million users buy MAX then a script editor will not be a problem
3. The DynamicLUA is a very simply addition to the entity properties which allows you to change values that had previously been hard coded into a script. The script needs to be updated to use this new system, but once that is done, you can adjust data inside the script so the logic changes based on the choices you make inside the editor. It's a simple addition, but once you start using it you will find it pretty powerful and you will find it hard to go back to using hard coded scripts with only one logic path to follow. Not sure if it compares to ADDGUI, not my department
4. No plans to add a cutscene editor for September. Plenty of plans to work on a kick ass rendering engine!
5. You can already see entities animate inside in the editor, but if you mean importing models and importing animations, and seeing those animations then I am planning something along those lines but need to think about how best to approach it.

@cybernescence : Great optimization idea to pack the gloss, metalness and ao into a single texture! It looks similar to how the Unreal PBR texture set prefers to be used, and thanks too for the performance results from your own experiences. That argument is so good I have just added it as a feature of MAX, cheers!
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 05:49 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 05:51
Enough talk.
Lee put your money were your mouth is. Please make a small video of a scene to show everyone what the new GameGuru Max is capable off.
I am sure a lot of us would like to see a preview if possible. i think it would put a lot of the users at ease .
i am definitely going to buy as soon as funding is good, but would like it very much to see a small video of the capability of GameGuru Max
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 05:59
@PCS : Should I stop talking? It's not the first time I've been told to shut up
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 06:11 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 06:17
Lee no man, mayby it came out wrong . just make a small video, it would be awesome .
ps. ist always good to have you here and listen to what you have to say.

edit. maybe a video if possible can also answer a lot of questions.

did not meant any disrespect.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 07:45 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 09:02
Im gonna pre order this after I see the visual. Im always support TGC but I wanna see something different from visual aspect,so gonna wait and see first. Good job so far on GG MAX

Oh also does it release on Steam too or only in TGC? Thank you and have a good day
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 08:08 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 08:40
The comments on Steam about this are pretty savage, but I think they highlight the problem TGC has created for themselves here. By marketing this mega update as a new product, it not only introduces expectations that said new product will be the all-singing, all-dancing engine we've all been waiting for (despite all of us wanting totally different things out of it), it also introduces anxiety into the customer base to do with legacy support. That's why we've now got loads of questions asking if this 'new product' will support old maps, existing DLC, store purchases and so on.

Game Guru Max is not a new product, it's an old product with some enhancements.

Hopefully, very pretty and very welcome enhancements, but the underlying architecture will remain the same.

It's easy for me to say sat here behind my keyboard, but if it were me, I'd have done the programme of bug fixes first, then started to think about a new/enhanced product. Had Game Guru classic already been brought up to the level of stability and quality that was hinted, it would have bought TGC time to really invest in a new product, be that an extensively enhanced version, or a ground-up redesign. Instead, now there's loads of users wondering if all that 'bug fixing' really is going to make its way into Game Guru classic or if these fixes will effectively be locked behind a paywall in GGM. This isn't how I see it personally, I just get why others are saying it.

Getting back to features, I'm in total agreement with cybernescence about texture packing. Game Guru should be able to take my _metalness, _AO and _gloss maps and pack them into a _MAG .dds file.

EDIT: Let's make that _MAGD (R = _metalness, B = _AO, G = _gloss, A = _displacement )

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 08:15
Quote: " To the point of GameGuru currently not able to do an inventory system I will leave you to debate that with the community, especially those who have already managed it. The smartest thing I can do is provide more powerful LUA commands to make this process even easier for scripters as then you get many inventory systems out there instead of the one I chose as a default. Best I remain focused on engine stuff up to September."

I'm not able to code because i lack the skills to do so and i think many hobbyists will have the same problem.
But i have seen the power of Lua through the fantastic scripts lybraries which Amenmoses has made which brings the entities to live, allows us to be picking up stuff, pushing stuff, throwing stuff, hinges, driving, it has added so much value to GG for me and obviously many other users because we can do so much more when this kind of potential which resides within GG is brought out and made available to us.
Of course your priority is the engine itself, but why not ask Amenmoses for the Lua side of the engine in order to bring out that residing potential?
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 09:07

great work mate.. but is it a dynamic invnentory system or a static one( the icon images for items are static and will dispalyed only at the same stop?)

and did you tried it between levels and is working ??
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 09:11

With regards to transparency:

Quote: "it should always work out the box. "

This has never been the case, we have always had issues with transparency in objects, especially when you have a transparent part on a model, there has always been random occlusion issues, white lined edges and other issues. We've complained about it so much that we just gave up on it, to this day there's only a coupe of people who even bother with transparency in models now.

With regards to terrain:

Quote: "M1. We are still at the research stages of the new terrain system. The primary goal is to allow terrain creation that is more realistic, both controlling geometry and how textures are applied for a realistic visual."

This is awesome news, one of the big issues i've always had with GameGuru is the way it handles textures on terrain, the stretch and scaling is just horrible. I have a request, i've been doing a lot of learning about creating realistic terrain in Blender lately, and one of the things that always comes up is that terrain is never perfectly flat, it always has little bumps and dips, even on a tiny scale, in Blender to make terrain look better we use a displacement modifire and a cloud alpha texture to generate random bumps and dips, I was thinking would we be able to get an alpha brush for the terrain editor, that way we can use alpha noise/cloud textures to achieve this effect in Max?

With regards to FPE's:

Quote: "The parent settings of an FPE are not designed to be edited while the software is running, that is what Entity Properties are for. We can add more properties to this panel if we get requests for it, and many of them can now be hidden in an Advanced tab so less used values are hidden from the main editing experience. "

Please, please, please, add ALL of the potential FPE settings to the properties panel, it's the only logical thing to do, i never understood why you never did that in the first place.

With regards to classic compatibility:

I see on the web page that you will have an improved entity bank search built in, which is great. But what would be even better is if in the new entity bank there would be a separate tab that links to the classic gameguru entity bank folder so we can easily use models directly from there instead of having to rummage around, find them etc.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 09:46
Quote: "The parent settings of an FPE are not designed to be edited while the software is running, that is what Entity Properties are for. We can add more properties to this panel if we get requests for it, and many of them can now be hidden in an Advanced tab so less used values are hidden from the main editing experience. "

sure all entities proprieties need to be exposed into the editor itself like old fpsc ( for shader and so on) and please find a ways we dont need to restart GG every time we apply edit to ous fpe files like now..

plus if you can add a complete particle editor exposed into the gui it will be great too...
there are many great devs og GG forum like Amen Moses. Smallg, BotR and many others that could really help and give hints in this development phase to add new missing gg features with quality of life improvements.. myabe you could asj to them and hire some of them to help with Max development .. this could be the last chance to have the GG we always wanted... please dont waste it...
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 09:47 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 12:16
@LeeBamber - thanks for the reply

Quote: "@OldFlak : I think the 'drop in another object and transparency messes up' might be a bug. Is there any way you can create a simple FPM with stock media and post in the GitHub issues tracker? All transparent entities are sorted back to front, and then rendered over solid geometry, it should always work out the box. By the way the video you shared looked great!"

Probably not, pretty much all my models are custom, in the Naelurec, Racha station is all custom media.
But as Belidos said above Transparency seldom works properly, usually its just a fluke if it does. (at least for me) I no longer even try to make models that include semi-transparent parts like windows or even completely transparent parts like a floor grate or something.

I guess one way you can replicate it with stock media is to put decals in front of other decals, especially ones that explode, or even put one in front of water...

Also, please have another look at that video again and take particular notice of the orbiting moon as it passes the monitors hanging from the ceiling - it shows the models behind the monitor as it passes.

Also the monitors hanging from the ceiling initially were just glass panels, but they showed everything behind the world globes so I had to put them in cases.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 10:17
@Lee - I will pre-order soon, just mainly because of the 64 bit and new lighting and now you have reassured that the new terrain and lighting system will be new and not the GG Classic ones.

Great news that old maps and all the 111Gb of stuff I purchased from the store and free stuff too from the community will by and large still work, good news indeed.

Couple of questions, what sort of system of terrain will it be Voxel and will it be able to import heightmaps...... ?

Thanks for all the info and positive vibes going on here. I think GameGuru MAX could be a great success if you can get everything in from the outset, or most things anyways.

Good lighting, shadows, inventory system with editable GUI elements, more options in the Properties panels and not the FPE editing like now, better terrain painting and sculpting tools with polygon shaped raise and lower tools, not just the round one we have now.

Thank you Lee and the team.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 10:54
I have one question, will GG Max support better open world maps. ?
( bigger maps)
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 11:16 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 11:17
Quote: "I have one question, will GG Max support better open world maps. ?
( bigger maps)"

He's already mentioned that the terrain won't be any bigger when it's released, but will keep an eye on it for possible future changes.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 11:25
Wow, that was one long read. Pre-ordered to support TGC. For Terrain, it would be ideal for users to select an initial size of terrain and also the option not to have terrain, let's face it not everyone wants to build an outdoor game. Terrain is such a drain on FPS in GameGuru (classic).
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 11:32
Quote: "great work mate.. but is it a dynamic invnentory system or a static one( the icon images for items are static and will dispalyed only at the same stop?)"

It doesn't matter what object the player takes, nor the order in which he does it, what you take is what you see.
Since there will come a time when your inventory is full, I also added a secure bank to store items for later use, so the player gets free space in the inventory to take other things.

I believe that an inventory system should be integrated in the editor, with a window to configure your settings, maybe some sort of templates recreates in different themes / game style, and so on.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 12:01
Yeah, Lee said (over on Discord I think) that we can indeed have no terrain at all.

aka Reliquia
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 12:06
Quote: "So no pressure then You will get your 64-Bit massive system memory storage and dynamic shadows in MAX. If this is all you want, you will be an easy person to please in September!"

Excellent! Perhaps I can build then fast enough to make the release around the 7th anniversary of that little video here:

I guess not many of you still remember that
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 12:13 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 12:51
Quote: "@Mrs Baird : If you can put your Audio-Engine ideas in a GitHub report and send me a link, that would be great! For Skyboxes, I understand they are not too tricky to make, perhaps a small video tutorial would be better than writing a whole sky maker inside the product?"

Thanx, for taking time to answer everyone here, Lee.

Ok, I will try to pin down what I (and others) think the audio-engine needs to be capable of and post it at GitHub. Big promise. Personally I guess it will come towards you anyway when you will be adjusting the VR-editor-part, where localisation of sound-sources is key, so maybe we ll get it anyway?

About "Skyboxes": Hmm, I am getting a bit nervous when people here talk about the weather system to be based on only our "conventional" earth-moon-scenario. Personally I am all for otherworldy and fantastic exotic worlds and I start counting moons at the amount of "2". I mean, you KNOW you are on a strange planet when you see a couple of moons or planets on the sky. And if we get lighting including moonbeams (in the weather system) then I would vote for having the possibility to define more moons and suns then what we have on our little planet.
Just think about the moment in "Pitch Black" where they discover what happens every 22 years when all three stars are absent from the sky.... - But maybe I am just really bad at making SkyCubes as of yet...

Weather and realistic sky-scenarios would be a fantastic add-on, but I understand it would be quite demanding and time-consuming to define. If I have to choose, I'd rather have normal SkyCubes, dynamic lighting AND a good audio-engine with a per-object-asignable sound-sources / "emitters"...
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 12:25
Will Gameguru Max still load classic version maps?
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 12:28 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 12:31
Quote: "Problem is, I will then get a lot of flak from the Steam community that the LUA script editor should have been included in the core product and I am an Evil Scammer, so alas, we are back at the beginning, with no script editor."

Lol - Steamers!!!
Just double the price of MAX and include the DLC for free

To be honest MAX is already too cheap imo...
I be happy to pay the pledge again....

aka Reliquia
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:02
@LeeBamber Thanks for the honest Lee I keep my pre order cause its the best tool for me even without full TPP support, I will happy if the TPP will get the same actions like the first person, as I remember the missing things is weapons switch, duck and muzzle flash effect but any way it still a great creation tool
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:13 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 13:14
Well, just pre-ordered my Steam key.

I hope MAX will be programmed to completion and doesn't fall into the trap of "that's just enough to get a game going and now we're struggling so let's move onto something else to get more money" as all the other FPS products seemed to have.

I also hope MAX has an in-depth and comprehensive user manual with EVERYTHING you need to create a great game, rather than scrabbling around various forums and communities to piece together what you can.

Good Luck.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:13
Quote: "@LeeBamber Thanks for the honest Lee I keep my pre order cause its the best tool for me even without full TPP support, I will happy if the TPP will get the same actions like the first person, as I remember the missing things is weapons switch, duck and muzzle flash effect but any way it still a great creation tool "

\also missing from TTP is forward firing weapons. The way GameGuru shoots is by using the cross hair in the middle of the screen (even when there isn't one visible) to tell it were the bullet goes, this works fine in FPS but when you get into third person it's just plain janky.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:16 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 18:30
Quote: "Can you send me a link where I promised to add dynamic shadows that had a direct influence on your decision to purchase GameGuru (or pledge to the Reloaded campaign)"

Not nessecarily, but Nomad Soul (Moderator) said, that FPS Creator Reloaded had dynamic shadows in response, that they are broken in FPS Creator.

Quote: "Now sure what you mean by "How much quality of live improvements will be made"."

The slippery slope between bug and enhancement (see issue 555 or 574, for example), what would be implemented in Classic and what will be only in MAX.

Quote: "There will still be a delay when you click Test Game to calclate the pre-baked data from any edits that happened in the editor, such as working out the new AI obstacles for the pathfinder"

I'm rising this concern as in the promo screenshot "New UI", water looks like Gothic III water with Shader Model 1.4 selected. In "New character creation and behaviour" chief doesn't cast shadow. Also the lack of any post-processing. So you will get full quality only in test game?

Quote: "We have moved the SETUP.INI changes into a new Launcher app with gadget controls. No need to open notepad again."

That didn't answer the question, as you might still need to restart the engine to apply those changes.
Quote: "Will you have to restart over and over again to change basic settings in setup.ini or .fpe files"

Quote: "There are no plans to substantially change the functionality of the standalone game menus, only minor things such as customizing the icon and splash screen."

That doesn't sound very good.
The main problem in GameGuru is that settings in the TAB TAB menu are stored in the map .fpm file. To change those, you have to edit visuals.ini file here. This has to be done for each and every single level in the standalone game.
You should really download Crysis SP Demo, install it, go to Game\Config\CVarGroups and here you will find, how to do proper graphic settings. For example, if you look at sys_spec_Shadows.cfg, you will see, what variables are enabled or disabled. Then when you select Shadow Quality in game, those changes will be affected by that file

Quote: "As we are increasing our minimum specification to something like a GTX 960"

At what resoluion and FPS (1920x1080 / 60 FPS?)? If no resolution options provided for 3D rendering, those that bought MAX and have this card, but have 4K screen, will not be able to use it (not without lowering their desktop resolution, making 4K screen redundant). Not to metion that GTX 960 was made with either 2GB or 4GB of memory, and I can see the 2GB version struggling greatly in high resolutions.

Quote: "There are no plans to add an in-game console to control the underbelly of the game. It's a neat idea, like a CLI you can bring up and make hard edits to the game settings, but I am pretty happy with the TAB TAB panels right now and it seems to cater for most needs."

Will the TAB TAB menu be enabled, even as a developer option, in a standalone?

Quote: "There are no plans for Linux support in any way"


Quote: "don't sell to Russians"

I never said that. I said that MAX shouldn't cost less in Russia, because of regional pricing. If you will just put MAX for 49.99$ without any pricing change, it will cost just about 15-20$ there. This has to be done before MAX Steam launch.

I also agree with Belidos on this:
Quote: "Please, please, please, add ALL of the potential FPE settings to the properties panel, it's the only logical thing to do, i never understood why you never did that in the first place."

More questions about MAX
Will it have the ability to merge third person characters in first person?
Will it have separate/separateable guns from hands
For performance scalability, will it use ratios (again Crysis SP Demo)? If you don't know, what ratios are, they are way to scale (in this case rendering) down or up. For example:
- Developer sets it's intended Vegetation Density to 50
- Ratio 0.5 will lower this value to 25 for better performance, while 2 will incerease to 100
This could be usable as a graphic setting and it will go together with issue 590
Speaking of which, will you will be able to control in editor draw distances for objects in detail, similiar to LODs?
Will it have procedural sky with sun as the light and shadow caster, instead of fake sun (issue 485)
For optimization, will it render distant grass at less density (this could be also a ratio), This could go well with
For graphic improvement will 598 and 664 be implemented?
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:18
It might be an idea to put an FAQ in the first post so people aren't asking the same questions (not everyone is going to read through all the posts!). For example:

Q: Can you use the model packs from GG Classic in MAX?
A: Yes.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 13:44 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 13:44
Quote: "The comments on Steam about this are pretty savage"

Really ? I was expecting worse but the votes up are higher than the comments ..
Puppy's really if I keep my cool and they don't get to rowdy ..Then I wont be so nice
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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 14:13 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 14:43
Here ya go Lee , VR references....


Quote: "Lee Bamber [DEV] [Entwickler] 22. Juni 2016 um 16:07 Uhr
GameGuru does not currently support the HTC Vive VR headset at this time, though we are looking at VR hardware at the moment and support could come in the future"

Quote: "game in the VR area would be cool.

Lee Bamber [DEV] [Entwickler] 23. Juni 2016 um 15:53 Uhr
I must confess, I do have the Oculus and the Avast, and the Vive is on it's way to me I'm a VR nut if I had any spare time, but I'm nine parts professional and I know I would get lynched if I stopped adding core features and started adding cool VR features right now Maybe it's an item we should put on the Voting Board?"

Quote: "Lee Bamber [DEV] [Entwickler] 24. Juni 2016 um 9:53 Uhr
I have added 'VR Support' to the Voting Board so we can gauge the interest for what will be a huge indulgence for me personally "


Quote: "Into the Rift
Another great addition to FPSC Reloaded this month is Oculus Rift integration. This is the latest in Virtual Reality technology, putting you well and truly into the middle of the action. Taking VR further than ever before, it will ultimately be a consumer-level device with a true 3D window into your game, where the motion of your head will control the camera. Hopefully it won't be long before the prototype devices become a little more elegant. In the meantime, you can see us testing it for the first time in the office."

Quote: "Posted: 25th Oct 2019 11:26Link
Is there anything new updates re: VR in GameGuru ? Is it actually going to happen?

Posted: 20th Nov 2019 19:10Link
Yep on its way .."

Posted: 29th Dec 2017 19:37 Edited at: 29th Dec 2017 19:40Link

Quote: "Quote: "there are new in game '3D' prompts for VR use in the preview."

Where are those at? I tried it with the Rift CV1, but no luck. I just launched from the editor, not a standalone. Also, when I launch GG, I get an error, "NO VR920 iwrdriver support." I have no idea what that is. Maybe this weekend I'll try it with a standalone. Just curious.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the "PromptLocalForVR" in the global.lua"

Let\'s actually make something happen with this one !

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