Hi all, thanks to those have commented
@science boy - nice to have you back from time to time
- looking forward to seeing more of twin world dev. Re beta drops of Cogwheel, well this has led to discovery of another GG standalone bug that took 8 hours to fix (I'm once agaIn getting seriously narked with all the things to fix). This one might not bother most people but it did me. GG is supposed to run off compiled shader files (.blob). It does, but only if the .fx files are also present (even though it doesn't actually use them once compiled into a .blob). This means (meant) that all custom shader files had to reside alongside their compiled equivalents in a standalone. Which I didn't want, I've spent hundreds of hours on these shaders, they are just as important to me (to protect, for now anyway) as the custom models I've made. So another mod needed so that GG engine will run properly with only .blob files present.
@Avenging Eagle - yes the native LUT processing works well and can try different ones without restarting GG, just swap the LUT out and restart the game in editor rather than reload GG. I wish I had a better 'graphical eye' like you, Rolfy and Wolf have to make my own, so far just using those 'film stock' LUTs that Kodak and Fuji film released.
The main work has been on continuing to develop the PBR terrain shaders. I've done an almost forensic analysis on the differences between GG and Uni/UnR and have found dozens of optimizations required. Also interwebs research found these amazing sites that illustrate how to properly blend, lerp and treat terrain normals & triplanar mapping. It's astonishing the difference these techniques make to the terrain, but I guess hardly surprising, as Wolf keeps saying about visuals - "it's all about light" .
Created a lerp function for normals (to include AO in the alpha) after reading the above sites and also introduced different tri-planar mapping techniques - it's made another leap in the terrain visual impact.
float4 LerpNormal(float4 x, float4 y, float s)
float4 n;
n.xy = ((x.xy)*(1 - s)) + ((y.xy)*s);
n.z = ((x.z)*(1 - s)) * ((y.z)*s);
n.w = x.w*(1 - s) + y.w*s;
return n;
I also introduced color splat maps (GG variation maps) for the terrain, so there were four colors that could be chosen from the terrain palette and blended (R,G,B,Black) rather than the grey scale 2. I'm not entirely sure this really adds much more appeal, so might drop this.
EDIT: Forgot - I also rounded out the "Environment Probe" work so that a zone can be selected from editor and added to map. Once player enters this zone the diffuse and specular IBL cube map auto updates to the centre of the zone. When leave it fires up again to refresh the cube map to outdoors, or if it hits another indoor zone updates to that. This allows the specular PBR reflections to be consistent with the environment the player is in and adjusts the ambient light from the diffuse.