Scripts / EyeFly's FREE Scripts

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2022 06:07 Edited at: 14th Feb 2023 04:52
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Posted: 28th Jul 2022 21:54
Thanks! I'll check them out.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2022 17:34
@thatandplaygames- I have PM'd you.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2022 21:07 Edited at: 1st Aug 2022 21:22
I just posted 4 new flicker scripts. A complete overhaul of the flicker light and more!!

Links to the new scripts at the top of the thread. Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6.

I hope you find them useful!
Thanks for looking!
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Posted: 24th Sep 2022 09:12 Edited at: 25th Sep 2022 06:07
[FREE] Background Timer With Global Values - Script/Behavior

Yo Yo Yo!!!...
This script is a background timer that ticks up 1 second at a time and stores the seconds (g_secs), minutes (g_mins), and hours (g_hrs) as global values for use in other scripts. It will count up to 24 hours then reset. It can also be toggled to show the timer on screen if you need/want it to. Displays as "0h 0m 0s".

Thanks For Looking!

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Posted: 24th Sep 2022 11:19 Edited at: 25th Sep 2022 17:44
[FREE] Collection Count Switch - Script/Behavior

I uploaded the wrong file by mistake. I uploaded the correct file now!

I fixed the issue with the objectives always showing and conflicting with the collection_count script. They should work together properly now.

This is a script I put together for another user to help them. But I figured It's useful enough that others might want it. So I'm sharing it here.

It's a switch script that I added the core functionality of the collection_count script to. The switch you add this script to will act like a normal switch and an objective object. It should work with the original collection_count script too. You can toggle the prompt to be shown or not. Just set the number of objectives you want and then activate that many switches (or activate switches and gather other objectives). Each switch (and other objects with the collection_count script) need to have their objectives set to the same numbers. The switch will only activate once so the player can't complete all objectives on the same switch. It will work as an objective if you have it turn On or turn Off. Either way is fine. You can set the objectives higher than 6 too.

If you use the collection_count script with this one, make sure you ADD the OBJECTIVES TOTALS TOGETHER and put the SAME OBJECTIVES NUMBER in BOTH SCRIPTS. So if you have 3 switches that need activated and 1 golden goblet that needs collected, you need to set the objective number to 4 in both scripts (3 switches + 1 golden goblet = 4 objectives. Both scripts are adding to the same global value.

Thanks For Looking!

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Posted: 25th Sep 2022 05:59 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2022 06:24
[FREE] Get Player Distance Traveled - With Global Values - Script/Behavior

Eyefly's Back... Back again.... Eyefly's Back..... Tell A Friend...... Eyefly's Back, Eyefly's Back, Eyefly's Back. Duh nah nah....

First up, BIG THANKS to Smallg and 3com for helping me with this. I ended up using Smallg's script as a base for this script in the end. But they both deserve recognition for stepping up to help.

This script tracks the player's travel distance either from the starting point or the player's movement total (Togglable). You can also choose if you want to include or ignore vertical movement (Y axis) in the distance (like jumping or walking up and down hills). It stores the distance as a set of global values ranging from the ones position through the hundred thousand position ( g_ones_slot, g_tens_slot, g_hundreds_slot, g_thousands_slot, g_ten_thousands_slot, g_hundred_thousands_slot ) for use in other scripts/behaviors. It can be toggled to display the distance on screen if you need/want it to. The distance stops counting at 999999.

I added a count delay to the behavior. To adjust how fast the distance ticks up, change "Count Delay" to a bigger number to tick the count at a longer distance (slower count) or a lower number to tick the count at a shorter distance (faster count).

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Pink Panther
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Posted: 27th Sep 2022 15:31
Your scripts are awesome EyeFly! Thank you!
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Posted: 28th Sep 2022 06:32
Quote: "Your scripts are awesome EyeFly! Thank you!"

@Pink Panther
You're Welcome! I'm glad you like them.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2022 15:20
Thanks man some dope scripts here
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2022 04:08 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2022 04:45
[FREE] Background Delay Timer 5 Pack - Script/Behavior

YOOOOOOOO!!!!!!....What up??...

I always have trouble getting the StartTimer(e) and GetTimer(e) commands to work right (I don't know why. Maybe I'll get it one day). So I made this delay timer script. I hope others find it useful.

(The reason there's 5 timers is so you can have a different delay length and different global values to trigger stuff in different scripts. But more than one script can activate each timer and each timer can trigger more than one script.)

This script is a timer that gets activated then counts up to a set delay (in seconds) then resets. It can be activated from another script, then trigger something in that script or another script when it reaches the set delay. For example, I use it in my search object (loot) script to show the progress bar images (1 image each second) and to spawn the loot when the timer reaches 4 seconds. Clicking on the object starts the delay timer then after the delay, it triggers the item/items to spawn.

The timer can also be toggled to shown on screen for debug purposes.

How To Use:
(1) Simply add "g_activate_dtimer1 = 1" (without quotes) in your script to activate delay timer. (Change "g_activate_dtimer1" to the number that matches the timer you ae using (1-5)).
(2) Then add "if g_delay_trigger1 == g_set_delay_length1 then" (without quotes) to your script to trigger something when the delay gets to the set Delay Length Seconds. (Where the 1's are, use the number that matches the timer you ae using (1-5)).
(3) Remember to add the script to an always active object.
(This info is also in the scripts description with the correct numbers for each one)

I made 5 scripts for this pack. If you need more than 5, you can make more by looking at how the scripts are different. It's just numbers that need changed. Including the name of the script and the name of the functions inside.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 5th Oct 2022 00:40 Edited at: 10th Oct 2022 18:46
[FREE] Search Object and Search Object Delayed - Script/Behavior


I just fixed the Search Object Delayed script so it should work without the error now. Thanks to shivers for the heads up!!

I realized I forgot to add a few lines to the search object delayed script. It should only allow you to search 1 object at a time now. And I fixed the sound cut-off. It should stop the sound after the delay on sounds that are longer than the delay.

This. Is. GAMEGURU MAAAAAXXX (Kicks all other game dev software into pit)....

Today, I have for you, two search object scripts. Included are 2 different progress bar image sets and a 4 second search sound.
(1) Search Object :
* Instant spawning of loot items
* Can be set to "Empty" state to display "Empty" prompt after searched
* Can toggle to display "Found" prompt
* Customizable "Prompt"
* Customizable "Found" prompt
* Customizable "Empty" prompt
* Plays sound when searched
* Plays the animation in the objects Anim0 slot ( The animation will reset if there's more than 1 animation in the object.
* It's best to use an object with only 1 animation )

(2) Search Object Delayed :
* Delayed spawning of loot items ( up to 10 seconds )
* Displays progress bar on screen during delay ( up to 10 segments )
* Can be set to "Empty" state to display "Empty" prompt after searched
* Can toggle to display "Active" prompt
* Can toggle to display "Found" prompt
* Can toggle to display timer on screen
* Customizable "Prompt"
* Customizable "Active" prompt
* Customizable "Found" prompt
* Customizable "Empty" prompt
* Plays sound when searched
* Plays the animation in the objects Anim0 slot ( The animation will reset if there's more than 1 animation in the object.
* It's best to use an object with only 1 animation )

How to use :
(1) Add one of these scripts to the objects you want to be searched.
(2) In the loot item's "General tab", set it to "Physics on" or "Physics off" (not Static).
(3) In the loot item's "General tab", uncheck the "Show at start of level" box.
(4) Connect the object to the loot item with a logical connection.
(5) Set the sound to be payed when the object is searched ( the sound should be the same length as the delay, however, the sound will be stopped after the delay if the sound is longer )
* Now the loot item will spawn once the player searches the object.
* The object can only be searched once.

Other possible uses :
* The object can also use the logical connection to activate other things too (like a door opening after you search a container).
* The "Search Object Delayed" script could be used for other things besides searching a container (Like hacking a terminal or picking a locked door).

How to add custom progress bar images :
You need 1 more image than the number of seconds that the delay is set to. A 4 second delay will need 5 images ( 0-4 ), a 5 second delay need 6 images ( 0-5 ), etc.... The 0 image will be shown first when the object is clicked on, then each second that goes by, the next image will be shown ( 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5, and so on, until the timer reaches the set number. ) The new images MUST use the same names as the current images. The current images are set up for a 4 second delay. There are 11 images total ( 0-10 ). All images past 4 are the same as 4. But ALL IMAGES ARE REQUIRED ( 0-10 ) even if you only use half of them. Otherwise the script will crash. That's why the extra images are the same as 4. They could be blank or anything else (they won't be seen). As long as they're in the folder. Just replace the images you need to and leave the rest the same.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 6th Oct 2022 07:42
I just updated the Search Object Delayed script to V1.1.

I realized I forgot to add a few lines in the search object delayed script. It should only allow you to search 1 object at a time now. And I fixed the sound cut-off. It should stop the sound after the delay on sounds that are longer than the delay.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2022 13:31
eye: congratulations, you are giving life to the forum and with it to GGM... with these magnificent contributions. I love your enthusiasm both here and on YT! Really from the bottom of my heart: Congratulations... and I hope to see you full of badges! A BIg Big Big
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Posted: 7th Oct 2022 15:18
Quote: "eye: congratulations, you are giving life to the forum and with it to GGM... with these magnificent contributions. I love your enthusiasm both here and on YT! Really from the bottom of my heart: Congratulations... and I hope to see you full of badges! A BIg Big Big

Thank You!! I'm more than happy to contribute. I'm just glad people are happy with my stuff.
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Posted: 8th Oct 2022 00:24
[FREE] Delay Logical Connection Timer - Script/Behavior

People say nothing is impossible, but I do game development every day....

This script was made with ease of use in mind. NO SCRIPTING REQUIRED! It's beginner friendly for people that don't want to /don't know how to script.

Features :
* The timer can be looped
* Up 20 minutes delay time
* Togglable delay text
* Up to 20 minute delay for delay text ( Delay Text will not show longer than the Delay Seconds even if the Delay Text Seconds is set for longer than the Delay Seconds )
* Can play sound when delay ends
* Can toggle timer to show on screen for debug purposes
* Uses logical connections and no scripting

How To USE :
(1) Add this script to an object and use logical connections to connect it between two objects, like a switch and a light or an item that gets picked up and an enemy that you want to spawn or anything that activates something and the thing being activated.
(2) Set the delay length (seconds)
(3) Once the script gets activated, the timer will start, then the script will trigger the logical connection after the delay

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Posted: 10th Oct 2022 18:50
I just updated and fixed the Search Object Delayed script so it should work without the error now. Thanks to shivers for the heads up!!

If anyone else is having trouble with my scripts, please let me know. I'm happy to try to fix it. Thanks!!
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2022 21:07
[FREE] Door Script Close Sound Fix Script/Behavior

This is just a simple sound fix for the standard door script. The original plays the close sound AFTER the animation. So I moved the sound to the correct spot in the script. It will work correctly now. Remember to look for the new door script in the USER directory when adding the behavior to a door.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2022 00:10
[FREE] Hide Player Hud - Script/Behavior

Here's a simple script to hide the player HUD. Just add it to a non static object and set it to always active. And just like that, no more HUD. I hope this helps someone.

Thanks For Looking!!
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2022 06:21 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2022 08:25
[FREE] Destroy Object Logical Connection - Script/Behavior

We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the games began to take hold. I remember saying something like “I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should play....

Hello again!! I had a fellow member request a script to activate a logical connection when you shoot a barrel and it runs out of health. So I made this script to accomplish that.
This script can be added to an object like an explosive barrel and it will activate the logical connection after the barrel blows up. The script waits for the object to be set to hidden, like when a barrel blows up, then it activates the logical connection. So you can use it on any object set to explode or be hidden. Being hidden (not "shown") is what activates the script.

You MUST set the object you put this script on to be ALWAYS ACTIVE to make the script work.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2022 12:27
Just tried the Destroy object logical connection script and it works perfectly. Will definitely get some use.
Thank you so much !
Pink Panther
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2022 17:17
@EyeFly, thanks for the excellent destroy object logical connection script!
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2022 17:20
No problem! I'm glad you guys like it!
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Posted: 26th Nov 2022 05:27 Edited at: 26th Nov 2022 05:41
[FREE] Count Activated - Script/Behavior

I write all my own scripts, but NEVER intentionally...

Todays script is a simple one. You set the number of activations required to trigger a logical connection. Then you connect that number of objects (like switches or whatever has a logical connection) to the object with this script. Then connect the object with this script to the object you want activated. Then after the objects (switches or whatever) are activated, this script will trigger it's logical connection.

Example : Add this script to an object. Set Activated Count to 3. Then connect 3 switches to the object with this script. Connect the objects logical connection to the object that you want to be activated after the 3 switches are used (like a toggle light). Then, after all 3 of the switches are activated, this script will trigger it's logical connection to the other object.

PS: I realized that switches can be activated more than once, witch will activate the script again each time. So I will make a modified switch script that can be toggled to only be used once. I'll upload it as soon as I'm done, as a standalone download.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 26th Nov 2022 06:45
[FREE] Switch Script With Single Or Multi Use Option - Script/Behavior

This is a switch script that I added a toggle to be only used once. For times when you don't want the player to be able to activate the same switch more than once. But it can still be used as a regular switch script too. Instead of making a script that was just a single use switch, I figured I'd Just make a full replacement script. It's just the standard switch script with a toggle for single use and a check for the toggle added. I added "new" to the name just so it's different from the default one.

This is inspired by my previous script (Count Activated) needing a switch (object) that can't be activated more than once. Otherwise it would defeat the purpose of needing more than one switch (object) to be activated.

Remember to look for the new switch script in the USER FOLDER under EyeFly.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 12th Dec 2022 01:12 Edited at: 6th Jan 2023 01:17
[FREE] Frame Finder Max v2.0 - Script/Behavior

The paid version of Frame Finder can be found here :
The paid version is the same as the free version but the paid version has a "Quick Find" option that can search 100X faster.

Updated TO 2.0!!!!!! New feature(s) added!! The interface also got a new look AND a new animation. Twinkling Lights!!!
The new feature(s) : You can now check a box to run Frame Finder Max at start. If unchecked, you will need to activate it with a logic connection (like a switch or a zone) to run it. Frame Finder Max now looks for the animation speed and if it's above 100%, it will adjust the speed to be 100%. I noticed that if I used an animation speed that was above 100%, the wrong start frames can be found. Always a few frames past the actual start frame. So I made the script fix the issue (if it exists) so you don't have to worry about it.

Thanks Once Again For Looking!!

(Kind of, sort of, MAJOR UPDATED TO v1.3!!!
Added a "animated" background to make reading the text easier. And Lots of work on the "UI"!!)

(UPDATED TO v1.2.08!!!
Prevents animation from playing and prevents the frame counting unless the name is correct.)

WARNING! - Type in the FULL ANIMATION NAME or the wrong frames may be displayed. Single letters or partial names will still allow the animation to play. But the frames for the correct animation will not be counted correctly. A wrong name WILL NOT PLAY. But an incomplete name WILL PLAY. Just make sure you type the full, correct name in the box.

Yo Yo Yo!!!

This is just a quick one today. I made a companion script to go along with my upcoming "Max Object Animation Player" script that's coming out soon.

This script is more of a utility than a behavior. "Frame Finder Max v2.0" can find the Start and End frames of a specified animation based on the animation name. It will make finding those frames easy. Just add the script to an object with animations and enter the name of the animation that you want to know the frames of, then run the test level. The script will run the specified animation and find the start and end frames then display them on screen.

SIDE NOTE : A Pro version of this script will also be included with my "Max Object Animation Player" script when it goes up on the store. I'll be posting the free version of the animation player here then too.

Thanks For Looking!!

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Posted: 13th Dec 2022 09:58
I got the OK to upload my Object Animation Player Max script to the tgc store. I'll be uploading the free version here when I do!
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Posted: 5th Jan 2023 22:25 Edited at: 6th Jan 2023 01:16
[FREE] Object Animation Player - Free Version - Script/Behavior


Here's the free version of my object animation player. It can play animations based on frame numbers. You just need to type in the start and end frame numbers. It can be toggled to play the animation at start or be activated by a switch or zone.

See the video below for more details!

If you need to find the frame numbers, my frame finder utility is right above this post. It can find the start and end frames using the animation name, quick and easy.

The paid version of Object Animation Player can be found here :
The paid version has lots more features. Including playing a sound and starting or stopping the animation. And MORE!
It also comes with "Object Animation Player - Basic" and "Frame Finder - Pro", as a bonus!

The paid version of Frame Finder can be found here :
The paid version is the same as the free version but the paid version has a "Quick Find" option that can search 100X faster.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2023 12:02
Como siempre... Muy ingenioso! Te felicito... eres uno de los pocos que mantiene con vida al foro. Ultimamente está muy triste pasear por aquí... Hubo tiempos que era muy activo, lo que lo hacía entretenido de visitar. No culpo a nadie, son gente excelente, se deben hallar muy ocupados ahora.

As always... Very clever! I congratulate you... you are one of the few that keeps the forum alive. Lately it is very sad to walk around here... There were times when it was very active, which made it fun to visit. I don't blame anyone, they are excellent people, they must be very busy right now.

The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)
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Posted: 8th Jan 2023 06:41
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2023 14:27
EYE: It has nothing to do with GGM... But I always worry about the way the weather treats them... How are the people of Ohio doing? We are experiencing extreme climates... here in the south we have a very important drought... We all know the causes, but we do nothing... Don't you think? See you soon, I wish you the best!
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Posted: 9th Jan 2023 15:36
I'm not sure about Ohio. But here in Oregon, we've had decent weather. Some rain, as always, but nothing too bad.
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Posted: 9th Jan 2023 15:43
I don't know how I did it, but I somehow didn't upload the Object Animation Player files. I just uploaded them. Sorry about not noticing until now.

Here's the link to the files above :
[FREE] Object Animation Player - Free Version - Script/Behavior
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Pink Panther
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2023 20:24
EyeFly, your scripts are absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for the Frame Finder and Object Animation Player! They are awesome!
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Posted: 5th Feb 2023 19:30
amazing scripts thanks alot
but i have a question

on the script
[FREE] Collection Count Switch - Script/Behavior

how can i hide the object after switch on? is possible?
also, how to change the message "game complete" to an other?

thanks, sorry my english, not my main language
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Posted: 14th Feb 2023 04:49 Edited at: 4th Apr 2023 21:07
Temporarily deleted due to Max engine changes.
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Pink Panther
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Posted: 14th Feb 2023 16:44
Thanks EyeFly! Very useful script! Fantastic!
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Posted: 24th Mar 2023 01:29
You're welcome!
Keep Making Stuff You Enjoy.

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