I didn't mean to offend you, so if I have, I apologise. It's just that your previous post was all about how you would have liked to reduce the poly count further. From what I could see, the obvious place is in the little details...like those side panels with handles.
Quote: "Side panel with handles is 230 polygons"
All I was saying was you could, if you wanted, economise a bit on the parts of the model that will only ever occupy a few pixels of screen space. You wouldn't put a 4K texture on something the size of a cigarette packet in-game, so why devote 230 polygons x 8 to something that will be practically indistinguishable from something lower poly.
Or, to put it another way, yes it is nitpicking to agonise over the polycount on such a small bit of the model, you might only save 50 polygons, but every poly you save could then be spent making those cylinders look less like
Smartie tubes
Didn't realise you work in DBO directly, I now understand why LOD is not an option for you. I think the jury is still out on the merits of LOD. I like using it, I've only just learned how to, but what you gain in performance due to drawing fewer polygons you lose in memory having to load the LODs in the first place. I'm still experimenting.
Anyway, like I said, no offence intended, it's just one artist's subjective view of another (highly-respected) artist's work.