@Crazy Programmer - Thank you!
@ Wolf -
Quote: "Cavorite... and no one among us is that old! Are you a vampire?"
Shh, I'm sick of those men with the pointy wooden sticks
@ ozziedave
Quote: "I could not believe it was a GG Project, It has given me new confidence, and anticipation of producing something worthwhile."
Thank you! I get a lot of inspiration/motivation from other WIP games here.
Quote: "May I ask how you managed to produce your own NPC's, and other models for GG (not in any detail though). "
I used 'Fuse' - longer version below:
Here is the outline of the workflow for Fuse characters to GG using Ultimate Unwrap Pro & Fragmotion (took me days to get this working and find a convertor that wasn't 3dsMax, that would successfully convert the animations).
This will seems like a lot of work, and it kind of is for the first pass through, but once done (and you have the animations converted) you can get the rigged character processed by Fuse into GG in under 15 minutes:
Download Fuse character creator, then use to create your NPC character in Fuse (the fun part!)
Click 'Animate' in Fuse (this uploads to Mixamo/Adobe site - register/login required)
The Mixamo site then auto rigs the character (takes about a minute).
Download the rigged model as FBX
Use Ultimate Unwrap Pro to open the downloaded FBX (can also use this to create the atlas texture if required - easy tutorial to follow on the Unwrap site - http://www.unwrap3d.com/u3d/tutorial_repaint.aspx - just follow it and it will convert the multiple textures into one atlas texture). Note - Sometimes the model poly counts creep up a bit too much for GG - Ultimate Unwrap can reduce these too.
Save to .x format in Ultimate Unwrap.
Open previous .x in Meshview and save (basically just adds a root bone at 0,0,0, but easiest way I've found to do it). Note - "Meshview" is a Microsoft progam that comes with the Directx9 SDK - it was free but I'm not sure where you would get it now. The process might work without this step. If you do get it just open the model and then save it again with a different name and use this version for next steps.
Open the .x in Fragmotion and scale all to 0.4 (0.4 seems to be about right - but can experiment to get different height NPCs):
Open Fragmotion and "import" the converted .x file into Fragmotion - you should see the model in the viewport.
From main menu choose Transform>Transform Options ...
In the window that opens select 'Scale' (make sure 'Rotate' and 'Position' unticked)
enter 0.4 in 'x' box and select/tick "Uniform".
Then press apply. This should scale mesh and skeleton down uniformly.
Merge in animations (see below)
Select the animations you want from Fuse website and download them as .FBX - convert to .X with Ultimate Unwrap (as above - but these are just animations, no mesh). Name them, say 'run', walk' etc so easier to remember later.
Then with your character model still open in Fragmotion, from menu click File>Merge Animation, choose the animation .x file, then select 'exact match', then OK. Do this for each animation you want (converted from fbx as above).
The animations need to be collated into singletrack (Fragmotion makes this really easy) and the start/end frames entered into the appropriate fpe slots. This can take a bit of time, but only needs to be done once then can reuse the (full set of) animations (& most of the fpe) for all characters.
To do this go into animation tab on the right of Fragmotion and double click one of the animations in the tree window. Then in the keyframe editor click edit "append animations" and sort them in the order you want then append together in one track - think you get a message asking if you want the frame references saved - click yes to this.
Check the animations work by clicking on the merged one in the tree view and clicking the play icon in status bar at bottom. If all OK, delete the individual animations (leaving the new combined single-track one of course) and then export to a new .x file. Then try importing this into GG - you'll need to use the saved animation frame references to put into the fpe file (create/adjust the fpe file and add the animation frames into the relevant 'csi_' slots).
Hope this helps. It can be done using 3dsMax too I believe.
Quote: "I'm buying this game when it is released for sure."
Thanks - you'll get a nice discount