This project will go in a bit of a different and smaller direction once the new DX11 update hits in full. I'll take a short break soon and will then get back into it with fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm.
However, the latest screenshots of the city I have shown are not from the primary Acythian project but from the class B sidethingie [ REDACTED ]. I think the game is very good visually, I have ironed out almost all "GG'ness"
but it doesn't hold up well gameplay wise.
Originally, the second Redacted games was supposed to have an intro video, 2 voice actors and be, despite its very simplistic nature, a solid shooter game. Running into a few issues with the AI and simply being
done with the project myself I will cut a lot of fat and release it in a very rudimentary state. It still aims to have fun shooter action and well performing and beautiful environments but the overall polish will be...well, non existant. As a developer I am personally done with that type of game and wish to do more personal things. I have been aiming to do so for quite some time but for that I need to properly archive and cut ties from all previous creative projects. That will be done during my break from things.
The Acythian Project will continue.
Redacted and games of its kind will conclude with the next game. If you follow my work you might have noticed that I have been trying to get away from my past approach to development and I think the DX11 update is the perfect event for me to really get down to doing that. In my life, I have released a good
6 Class-B games that I am not too proud of, despite the success of some and I'm older now so I want my hobby to be more engaging rather than tedious. An anology would be:
Quote: " "I am aware that my home-cooked games will never be finest cuisine but I am also done developing cotton candy. When I can find a healthy middleground and develop a decent hamburger with fries I'd enjoy this a lot more.""
So far I worked on Behemoth projects where I had no real chance to finish them and cobbled together little side games from scrapped work from these bigger projects. Here, something has to be changed drastically and scopes have to be narrowed and more focused. Enough rambling. here is my announcment:
[ REDACTED ]² : Bulletblues release : 20th September
Store Models and Media : Birth of Autumn Hyperdiscount : 22th September
Thanks for following my projects and for reading!