Hey all!! Thanks again for the wonderful feedback
@Graphix: Thank you!! I hope it will also be pleasing game play wise.
Quote: "although slightly less intimately detailed than your previous offerings, I can tell it will likely offer a better framerate and a more interesting playable area."
Well, it
is still a work in progress

I'm always trying to find the best balance between what I want to do visually and not making a really pretty slideshow. Game Guru is making it hard though. That map is also less detailed simply because its very bug, thus clustering it all up in polygons would just cause all kinds of problems. Collision, framerate, readability (ha!), memory, stability, loading. Less is more here.
Quote: "If not, the landscape in one of the interiors is eerily recognizable from redacted, so I hope it's tied in somehow."
Which one do you mean exactly? there are several that are at least similar
@Preben: Quote: "Im really impressed, Wolf you must have a visual ++ IQ"
Thank you!!
Quote: "if you could choice one shader thing that would bring this a level up, what would that be ?"
The less "artifacty" our current standard normal mapping shader is, the better... but since you ask:
We used to have these
herospec shaders by Bond1 in FPSCreator. Essentially, the specularity would follow the camera. I've first seen this effect conciously myself in "Hitman 4".
Link to a video with the effect.
These water effects...or any water effect! I have always been an enthusiast of water effects in games!
@Honkeyboy: Thank you!! Blade Runner is among my favourite films from a visual perspective so I'm sure there is some influence.
I also like its lesser, flawed but striking little brother "
Natural City".
Quote: "Maybe there's a firewall at my work that blocks wordpress (where the images appear to be hosted)."
Thanks for checking out my game on the job!

I used to have some kind of mini-game that had a button that would pop up a fake excel sheet if your boss happened to walk in on you playing. If I'd only remember what game that was.
I'm glad that is sorted! I'd not know a reason to blog wordpress though, odd
Quote: "Here are several GIFs which describe the astounding work you've done on the environments shown in the screenshots:"

Thank you!!
I'm happy to say that they look a lot better in motion. I should have a little teaser video up in a couple weeks.

I also have a soft spot for these hyperactive Terry Crews - Old Spice commercials
Quote: "And I'm loving the texture work done on that sniper rifle and arms/hands! Well done man! Really well done!"
I can't take credit for that, thats just me blending stuff from Errant AI and CGTextures together and playing with a filter or two