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Posted: 3rd Apr 2017 21:36
Realy enjoy following this,just love the first screen shot (the rest are great to )

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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 05:42
This looks right up my alley - look forward to seeing how it develops. Amazing visuals.
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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 07:03
Keeps looking better and better. Hope you can keep the FPS reasonable with all this gorgeousness an detail.

The sewers look awesome , the reflections are cool - is that water deep or are you using the transparent water just above floor level that Preben suggested?

Love the citadel concept too with old juxtaposed with new.

Brilliant looking scenes. Hope you keep on track for release.

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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 13:53
Howdy Wolf, I'm unable to see the screenshots in your last thread. Seems like all the image urls are broken. Hope it's just me.... - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
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Posted: 4th Apr 2017 16:34
Hello gang!

@Granada & Gtox: Thank you! I hope the final game won't disappoint.

@Cybernescence: Thanks!

Quote: "Hope you can keep the FPS reasonable with all this gorgeousness an detail. "

Is decent at the moment, but how this will fare on different systems will be seen during the beta test

Quote: "The sewers look awesome , the reflections are cool - is that water deep or are you using the transparent water just above floor level that Preben suggested?"

Thank you! I'm particulary fond of them as well! What did Preben suggest?
What I did was just using the stock water and submerge the architecture after I've constructed it only a bit. Its shallow and players as well as enemies can wade through it.

Quote: "Brilliant looking scenes. Hope you keep on track for release."

Thank you! I appreciate it a lot! If all keeps going as it does now I'll make deadline due

@Landman: Huh!! :S Does it still persist? They all seem linked correctly to me.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2017 09:08
WOW wolf that is some serious eye candy you got there well done sir
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Posted: 6th Apr 2017 02:30
I like the looks of this. although slightly less intimately detailed than your previous offerings, I can tell it will likely offer a better framerate and a more interesting playable area. I believe I gave you my opinion on a few of these already! If not, the landscape in one of the interiors is eerily recognizable from redacted, so I hope it's tied in somehow.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2017 23:25
Im really impressed, Wolf you must have a visual ++ IQ , if you could choice one shader thing that would bring this a level up, what would that be ?
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 6th Apr 2017 23:44
I do love those scapes m8 kinda remind me in a way of Blade Runner, and im proper jealous cos they are soo cool lol looks sweet
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Posted: 16th Apr 2017 18:32
@Wolf, strange. Maybe there's a firewall at my work that blocks wordpress (where the images appear to be hosted).

I can finally see those screenshots.

Here are several GIFs which describe the astounding work you've done on the environments shown in the screenshots:

And I'm loving the texture work done on that sniper rifle and arms/hands! Well done man! Really well done! - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
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Posted: 17th Apr 2017 04:04
Hey all!! Thanks again for the wonderful feedback

@Graphix: Thank you!! I hope it will also be pleasing game play wise.

Quote: "although slightly less intimately detailed than your previous offerings, I can tell it will likely offer a better framerate and a more interesting playable area."

Well, it is still a work in progress I'm always trying to find the best balance between what I want to do visually and not making a really pretty slideshow. Game Guru is making it hard though. That map is also less detailed simply because its very bug, thus clustering it all up in polygons would just cause all kinds of problems. Collision, framerate, readability (ha!), memory, stability, loading. Less is more here.

Quote: "If not, the landscape in one of the interiors is eerily recognizable from redacted, so I hope it's tied in somehow."

Which one do you mean exactly? there are several that are at least similar

Quote: "Im really impressed, Wolf you must have a visual ++ IQ"

Thank you!!

Quote: "if you could choice one shader thing that would bring this a level up, what would that be ?"

The less "artifacty" our current standard normal mapping shader is, the better... but since you ask:
We used to have these herospec shaders by Bond1 in FPSCreator. Essentially, the specularity would follow the camera. I've first seen this effect conciously myself in "Hitman 4".
Link to a video with the effect.
These water effects...or any water effect! I have always been an enthusiast of water effects in games!

@Honkeyboy: Thank you!! Blade Runner is among my favourite films from a visual perspective so I'm sure there is some influence.
I also like its lesser, flawed but striking little brother "Natural City".

Quote: "Maybe there's a firewall at my work that blocks wordpress (where the images appear to be hosted)."

Thanks for checking out my game on the job! I used to have some kind of mini-game that had a button that would pop up a fake excel sheet if your boss happened to walk in on you playing. If I'd only remember what game that was.
I'm glad that is sorted! I'd not know a reason to blog wordpress though, odd

Quote: "Here are several GIFs which describe the astounding work you've done on the environments shown in the screenshots:"

Thank you!!
I'm happy to say that they look a lot better in motion. I should have a little teaser video up in a couple weeks.
I also have a soft spot for these hyperactive Terry Crews - Old Spice commercials

Quote: "And I'm loving the texture work done on that sniper rifle and arms/hands! Well done man! Really well done!"

I can't take credit for that, thats just me blending stuff from Errant AI and CGTextures together and playing with a filter or two


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Posted: 17th Apr 2017 11:50
Now that's just incredible wolf, the lighting, level design, truly amazing, this is the game by which GameGuru will be thought of as a truly serious engine. It looks like a AAA game, Nice work.
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Posted: 18th Apr 2017 15:36
Wolf: herospec added to shaders, , let me know if it need some tweaks but looks exactly like in the video. great effect
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 21st Apr 2017 21:39 Edited at: 21st Apr 2017 21:48
@Tarkus: Thank you!! I hope you'll also think as highly of the final product.

@Preben: That was fast!! Awesome work.

God knows you're lonely souls

I believe there's a time when the cord of life
Should be cut, my friends
I believe there's a time when the cord can be cut
And this vision ends
But I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name

Hey fellas!!

Its that time again. Update time! I wish I could tell ya all that I have been winning all day and progressing this project all eve but this is not the case.
In fact, I barely had time to get serious work done on this project and didn't accomplish too much otherwise either.
Not the best few weeks but hey! I got to catch up on a couple of movies and met some old friends again so there is that!
You could say that what I show you today is "more of the same" and you'd be right. I've only gotten around to work on some map design and thats really it. Its enough for an update though. Welcome to the update!

Aah! But playing some other titles gave me a few fresh ideas that I'll incorporate into this.

You see, in the first level you might meet a hermit that can sell you some hardware before you infiltrate the citadel. I wanted to add a system where you could find valuables on the island to finance this and reward exploration. I figured why not have a few more of these shops throughout the game to reward thorough players? So! Now you'll run into dissident acolytes that are gonna sell you special weapons and upgrades if you managed to collect the (very hidden) credits!

Its a rather standart concept but I think it works well in this game and I can throw in a few witty dialogues to forward the lore.

I've gotten around to do some design work on one of the 2 garden levels. These are semi-outdoor levels that will feature a lot of variety in gameplay and maybe even a boss battle. They also really drive home the whole "post cyberpunk" aesthetic I'm going for. So without much chit chat: Here is what I did:

Courtyard areas with plants and benches where sermons would be held! I did, of course, run into several issues regarding scaling models (especially the statues and polygonal displacment. But those are issues for another day.)

Levels tend to be much larger than my former FPSC shooters and labyrinthian in nature.

These interiors are all part of a simple puzzle. It gives me some breathing room to fit in some extra narration.

Snuck in a few more from a previous level. Just because I'm excited because of the woodland vibe the coast has

All thanks to wizard of id for his scifi hallway sets.

Some more indoor scenery. This is also a likely final postprocessing setting.

And that concludes the update for this time!! I hope to hear from you guys and read your thoughts

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Posted: 21st Apr 2017 21:58
HAHA!!!!!! never give in Dude!!! bout time we saw some more of this
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Posted: 21st Apr 2017 22:24
Haha!! Thanks!!

Not until I'm dead and them some. And as for this a really good feeling about how it progresses and plays. Most of tat is owed to the community. I'm just remixing and stitching the stuff together.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2017 23:14
On the phone ,will look on comp tomorow.always look forward to updates on this.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 01:35
Thank you Dave! Looking forward to see what you think
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 02:23
some of those last few screens are really truly fantastic. I just cant wait to play this game!!
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Posted: 26th Apr 2017 00:50
Thanks Bugsy! You'll be the first to get a playable version!
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Posted: 4th May 2017 05:30
Pedal to the metal. You got this! Great updates, I can not wait to see the final product. If you ever need someone to test things out on multiple machines, send me an email.

I have a wide rang of computer builds here. 6 to be exact, they are used for Friday night Lan's, they have different specs and operating systems (mostly Windows 7 Pro 64)

Me = noob

and i love The TGC : )
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Posted: 7th May 2017 18:20
Thank you pain!! That would be really useful during Beta phase
I'll get back to you once that time comes around.

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Posted: 19th May 2017 21:27

I'd like to announce a temporary hiatus from my active projects.

There are several reasons for that, the primary one being that I'm currently in between hardware and that I'm also rather bound to what the geeks call "real life drama". In all honesty, I've had a depressive episode for a few weeks thus a lot of work and things have piled up that I, now that I snapped out of it, have to take care off.

I can't say how long I won't be actively developing my games but I foresee that it can be a couple months
I just figured that I'd let y'all know so everyone following my work knows what to expect.

I'm still very open to criticisms and opinions to my current work. I also have several ideas to "dumb down" Shavra a little...or at least make something playable out of the work I've done in the past. But for now, I'll be less active for a little while.

Thanks for all the support in the past and happy developing..

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Posted: 19th May 2017 21:42
I have no doubt we will all be waiting here,see you back here soon I hope .

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Posted: 20th May 2017 09:24
Take all the time you need. The real life can get very complicated sometimes.
You've got the talent you know it. I'm not just saying this to make you feel better, It's just what I believe. GG needs more developers like you. I hope to see more of ACYTHIAN or any other project in the future.

P.S Wolf, let me give you a tip, try to be less ambitious with all your future game proyects. Make smaller games can be very rewarding.

I wish you the best


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Posted: 20th May 2017 17:21
Great work so far, take care
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Posted: 22nd May 2017 22:50
Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Quote: "You've got the talent you know it."

Thank you! It means a lot coming from you!

Quote: "P.S Wolf, let me give you a tip, try to be less ambitious with all your future game proyects. Make smaller games can be very rewarding. "

This game was an attempt at doing that...(I suppose I failed ) but I think I might have to seriously reconsider the scale of my projects in the future.
That includes the theme of my projects, I relied on it as its simply easy to do and to get working but I'm growing increasingly tired of games where everything revolves around killing people. What I'll end up doing or not doing we'll see when I get back to some developing. Plus I hope that then we are having a more evolved version of GG... I mean c'me on! A man can dream

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Posted: 29th May 2017 08:21 Edited at: 29th May 2017 08:22
The important thing is to keep, to keep trying, over and over again. You learnt a lot in the process and you're a step closer to your goal.
Much courage and perseverance.. A man always should always dream!


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Posted: 30th May 2017 22:32
Thanks Dimoxinil! I agree. What frustrates me is that all my playable releases so far have been B-Products or Demos. I have never released a real project of mine Oh well!! Maybe in the future.

Speaking of frustrations: As I have mentioned before, I'm updating my rig and I also had to reinstall my OS due to major issues I've had with WIn10. Now, I lost a map I was pretty fond of in the process. the whole thing, custom media included. I don't really want to think about how many hours of me tinkering on it have gone to waste..but oh well! I've been watching a few episodes of firefly while doing it so I guess it was not all a waste

The reason I have screenshots of it is that I have sent these to some friends on skype and managed to pull them from the chat history.
Well, this way I can at least show you my work and who knows, maybe something about it gives someone a good idea for his own work

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Posted: 17th Jun 2017 22:26
If game guru can make this I have chosen the right software, very professional looking game.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2017 20:32
Thank you!

While I'm happy with my visual style you can rest assured that you can make games looking far better than mine with the software.
I'm kinda set in my ways of how I approach designing things and married to my model collection I amassed throughout a decade. A lot of that shows its age now. If you have a more up to date workflow and more recent asset packs you can easily make something that looks twice as good.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2017 03:52
These are beyond awesome. I love to see a sweet cyberpunk city scene. I can tell someone has been playing deus ex human revolution
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Posted: 26th Jun 2017 11:09
Wolf you are really the best action shooter game maker in this forum. But be sure to check your characters there face has some problems. I can't wait to play this game when will be it releasing?
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Posted: 27th Jun 2017 13:36
Hey Techco!

Thank you!

Quote: "But be sure to check your characters there face has some problems."

Yes, some of the faces still need aligning with the mesh.

Quote: "I can't wait to play this game when will be it releasing? "

Oh dear! I really can't say yet. I initially wanted it out on christmas but I really don't know at this point.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2017 17:48 Edited at: 27th Jun 2017 17:51
[/quote"Thank you!" ]
You are welcome.
[quote= "Yes, some of the faces still need aligning with the mesh." ]
If you can make those faces good than it will be awesome.
[quote= "Oh dear! I really can't say yet. I initially wanted it out on christmas but I really don't know at this point." ]
No problem about that.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2017 16:20
@ Wolf

Keeping a high quality like yours must be stressful, but also gratifying, you stay with this last one.
Personally I love your awesome work, new and old one.
A creative work should not have a delivery date, only so you can enjoy throughout the process. ihmo.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2017 10:23
@Wolf - Truly awesome, you got that grungy, dirty feeling of the game down so well, great stuff.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 23:44
@3com: Thanks for the huge compliment!! Its not stressful to me, I mostly tinker in this hobby to relax and maybe even forget about some things every now and then. If it'd start stressing me out I'd probably quit instantly.

@Tarkus: Ha! Thanks Some time in 2008 my art and levelstyle started to deviate in that direction and I stood the course with it. Its very present in my paintings as well.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 18:31
Quote: " I initially wanted it out on christmas "

Heh . That's what I said in 2014 for my effort

Your visuals always have and continue to pop - very nice.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2017 23:23
Thanks cyber!
A full acythian game will likely not be out anytime soon but I will get a shorter game out based on some earlier levels seen in here. It will be a bit like the redacted game.
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Posted: 17th Aug 2017 09:05 Edited at: 17th Aug 2017 09:07
Nothing much on the update front but I took this screenshot in my recent test build and thought it had a special atmosphere to it thus I wanted to share it:

I remade the lost map


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Posted: 17th Aug 2017 11:30
Wolf, that looks amazing, that's exactly the kind of lighting I've been trying to get for my apartment scene, but I just can't get the levels right, it either looks falsely bright, or too dark to see. Any tips you can give me to get that kind of lighting effect would be awesome.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2017 14:06
oooooooh that looks good. I need to turn down the specularity on my airconditioners I see
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Posted: 20th Aug 2017 20:54 Edited at: 20th Aug 2017 20:55
@Belidos: Thanks a lot!

Quote: "Any tips you can give me to get that kind of lighting effect would be awesome."

Sure! I used muddy colors for the static lights, a high surface level value and a low ambience level value ( approximately 1/5 of ambience 4/5 of surface level.) Would you like to see my exact settings for the scene?

@Bugsy: Thanks! ....and naaah! They are fine Really useful throughout this entire map.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2017 22:48
Quote: "Would you like to see my exact settings for the scene?"

That would be immensely helpful, I don't want to copy you exactly, but I just can't get the levels right between the dark and light, it just looks either too dark or too bright.

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Posted: 25th Aug 2017 21:22
@Belidos: Lemme know if you nailed it


A little release is imminent I have gotten myself to remake the map. At first it was rather dull to redo everything but I feel like, in the end, the map turned out even better than before
I baked the level and would like to drop a whole bunch of screenshot. Coming up next will be something playable.

The map has quite a lot of chokepoints, in and outdoor areas as well as some parcour! I feel like I've gotten the sense of being in a dangerous backyard area of a dystopian futuristic city down.

It has several stores, run down factories and nightclubs.

A lot of pics, I know

Please drop me a line if you checked out my work

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Posted: 25th Aug 2017 22:13
Looking cool Wolf .

By the way the link for SPYRAALPHA you put up on
Discord needs a password to unzip it.i think it was that one (on my phone again)

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Posted: 27th Aug 2017 10:20 Edited at: 27th Aug 2017 10:33
Looks great, really high level of design!, I waiting to see more .

I must to ask how much time you working on every scene?, and the light from the buildings windows its just a light or texture? .

Cheers Peri.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2017 15:19
Wolfie some thing I noticed, while it isn't entirely dark, the illumination maps needs to be tweaked they need to be far darker to match up with the ambient light, additionally while it's the least easiest thing to do in gameguru none the less, have different shades of illumination on a building, it would require uvmapping the building to accommodate that .

Just some thing I noticed.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2017 06:33

Quote: "By the way the link for SPYRAALPHA you put up on Discord needs a password to unzip it"

Oh! I'll have to find that password then because I really don't remember that. :S

@Peri: Thanks a lot mate!

Quote: "I must to ask how much time you working on every scene?, and the light from the buildings windows its just a light or texture? ."

I really don't know. I've recently clocked in exactly 555 hours into game guru though
If I where to guess I'd say between 10 to 15 hours for a full level including a few custom entities. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter simply because it really depends on the complexity of the level. That city level took me ages because I had to make it twice :/

The light from the windows is usually just built into the texture (the emissive maps which are a _I texture) however, I added a lightsource to some of them to get the scene look a bit more natural.

@wizard of id: What? You mean they don't aim spotlights directly out their windows where you are from?
You are, of course, correct. I think Errant AI pointed that out to me as well. However its beyond the quality scope of this project and way too much work for lazy old me just now


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