Hey everyone!
@Bolt Action Gaming:
Quote: "So let me just say this to me, is what a proper game should look like. It looks exactly as it should. Lighting is on point. Clutter objects are purposefully and intelligently built.
Level design is clear and follows usual rules of level design for a AAA style game. "
Thank you!!
I really appreciate your comment. I'm working on a restauration and upload of my first release on the TGC Forums. Still missing a few DLL's to get it to run but I think it will really sow how much has happened and how far I have come since its also a cyberpunk-scifi style game.
I believe there is a lot more I can do with game guru and this project, but I'd rather get the core gameplay functional first before I get knee deep into designing things
Quote: "I can only say your lightmapping must take a long, LONG time to do. I know when I've attempted this many lights on largish maps it tends to choke pretty badly on my PC (3ghz quad core amd). It looks exceptional though. You've done a great job here and I'm impressed. I'd put your work on peer with other 'great works' of Game-Guru, specifically 'My little Apocalypse World'. "
Thanks! This means a lot. Dimoxinil has always been a few notches above me talent wise. It just always saddens me when he disappears after showing us a very interesting work in progress.
And yes! It does take a long time. Not as long as I'd sometimes expect it to though but still ages.
I always time it with household chores or work I have to do. When I come back, I can play my map
Quote: "I'm anxiously waiting for the cyberpunk kit, as you can imagine since that's basically the vein of what I'm working on myself (albeit with a space-based theme).
I don't mind saying your 'high pass filtering and rust' method seems spot on - it looks great and I wish they were the standard texture for sci-fi kit objects. I've been playing with retexturing myself and had ... mixed success. I'm just not a phenomenal artist, unfortunately."
Thats good to know!
It should still hit the store this summer
If there is a specific kind of object that you'd need and that is within my power to model I'd add it to the list too.
If you gather a bunch of rust and plaster textures from
textures.com and overlay them over your default textures, it goes a long way already.
Add some highpass and maybe a bit lowkey and you are there. Its what I did with the Scifi DLC from TGC which has pretty good and modable texture work.
Quote: "Anyways, I love it. I'm in the process of doing a detailed write up on more advanced lighting stuff (Per something interesting I learned from Lee) but I can see you're already using the technique. "
I am??
Which technique is that? Also looking forward to your tutorial.
Quote: "Are you running the reshade filters at all? I have those pretty much optimized myself and they make a huge difference on game guru's output quality."
No. I'm still not running the best rig and don't want to add framerate drowning stuff just yet. I'll play around with that and others like it once I get my better hardware back up and running...some day
Then I'll also show some videos of my levels.
@DVader: Quote: "Looks awesome and really shows GG off! I imagine you must have a decent PC setup to get this running well, it looks jam packed with stuff. Very cool."
Thank you!
I don't actually. I'm floating around 29 to 30 frames on the indoor levels currently as I run an ageing laptop. (I'll replace it soon though as this one will go into my office next year and serve as my professional rig...so no more game guru...maybe a little modeling when I'm on break
I'm just happy I can freely add this much detail which I couldn't with FPSCreator
However, while its rather packed, most objects I use are lowpoly and don't have a huge texture resolution. Working with FPSC for years makes you really mindful of that
@Honkeyboy:Quote: " looks really sweet Wolf kinda reminds me in places of Blade Runner, really really cool scenery"
Thats a great compliment. I really like that film visually.
@Bugsy: Quote: "I'm wondering how you're able to lightmap this level without your computer crashing! it must take 8 hours every time at least!"
Haha! Nah, not 8 hours but 3 to 4 occasionally.
"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"