the brick is the same as the last dungeon set, but i did a bit more uneven detail. i did this brick and all you see in most i9s with 3d crafter a cheap model prog with simple but effective ways to model as long as you know how, also use frag blend and truespace. been at it for 7 years now, i think i may try out either 3ds max or zbrush, as both seem to have great attributes, one for sculpt the other anims. but undecided yet.
as to why the brick is so much better is
1. a bit more brick sculpt
2. better textures
3. 4096 texture map, ( only used a small area of it but when i lay down the bricks on it they came out like this
so my belief is as i thought textures, none stretched, high detail and it shows. i have used 4 small squares on the map for brick and a small for the mud in rock slide. and so plenty for metal wood, and maybe special brick work with patterns. so i wont be using too many uv textures if it all fits on one. plus x11 has more memory space? not sure but all it takes is 4 1024 mapped items and that is the entire dungeon equivalent and lots of space for extras, so not a bad move, as dungeons look better and more defined and all the trimmings too, so i think going 4096 is a good move for the smart model
but it is up to the individual
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!