Quote: "You could try one more thing but it also needs \ Program files \ GameguruMax folder deleted
And the User \ Appdata \ local \ TGC \ folder deleted
But there is one more ...
\ AppData \ Local \ AGKApps \ TheGameCreators \ GameGuruMAXUpdater
If your going to try again at any time try that .. see if it clears the problem ?"
Ok I have done this, it still gave me an error.
Then I totally removed Max from my computer and redownload the tiny installer and start the installation from scratch
This is what I got with in 5 sec from starting the installer.
Now I cant even get Max Back on my Pc
Now I ask you what more must I do. ?
Even if it does restart to download after this, how am i going to be sure that there will not be corrupt files because off the first download error?
Current W.I.P
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6
DirectX Version: DirectX 11