Work In Progress / ======= The Valley ======

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Posted: 1st Nov 2021 20:37 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2021 20:18
The Valley

One Level only

Storyline :: The story line I think is going to change. For now you are a hired Gun , You have to explore the valley and get rid of the unwanted cave diggers and rebel soldiers witch are there to get rich from every thing the The Valley can offer.

Description :: For now === first person adventure / shooter

Models:. Bod , Lafette , Errant AI , Graphix , Wolf , Mav3r1ck1981 ( still checking models )
Scripts:. AmenMoses , Smallg , RoanDoom
Music:. Will follow

Ok so here we go again........

lets start.
Sorry for bad video quality. when the loading screen comes up in the video it takes for ever you can skip to 1:45

I have only just started with some small game play areas and GG takes very long to load, can just imagine how long its gone take if the hole map is full.

Some In game pics

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11


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Posted: 5th Nov 2021 19:38 Edited at: 5th Nov 2021 19:44
Not a lot has happened.
if been testing a small script to hide the weapons once picked up
I am Now using AmenMoses weapon.lua script witch allow you to pick up and swap weapons as needed.
I am also using Smalg's random item script witch i use together wit the weapons script witch now makes it possible to have random loot on the weapons. the script makes it possible to not always have the same entity on the same place in the game.
I have found a free to use text to speech website that generates mp3 files
i have tested it and for now its not to bad until i can afford a voice actor.
Here is a new video to test the intro1, with some of the text to voice files.

Video quality bad sorry.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
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Posted: 10th Nov 2021 20:59 Edited at: 10th Nov 2021 21:00

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11


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Posted: 19th Nov 2021 08:50 Edited at: 19th Nov 2021 11:51
Picture of the underground Lab

Stripts tested and used:
1. Used Smallg respawn after death script together with Roandoom's random follow spawn script.
2. Transport script from Roandoom that gives the player the ability to choose a fast travel point to travel to if needed.
Player can change the fast travel point at any time. will decide still if player will have the choice to fast travel to more than one saved fast travel point in game.

Ps:. Please leave a comment.
I need to know if something does not look ok, or maybe if I'm doing something ok.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
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Posted: 19th Nov 2021 17:26
Looks quite decent so far. I'd recommend lightmapping the interior levels
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Posted: 19th Nov 2021 17:46 Edited at: 19th Nov 2021 17:46
Quote: "Looks quite decent so far. I'd recommend lightmapping the interior levels "

Thanks wolf. the complete game is on one map, so i don't know how to only lightmap the area of the underground lab. ?
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
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Posted: 19th Nov 2021 18:40
Ah, pitty. thats not possible, its all or nothing in GG.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2021 20:16
Plasma injector becomes a teleport unit.

Thank you Wolf.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
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RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
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Posted: 5th Dec 2021 15:06
Testing huds

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Posted: 15th Dec 2021 16:29 Edited at: 15th Dec 2021 17:10
I have been testing now for a while a follow spawn script. The idea is to not clutter the hole map with entities
that you want the player to see or to inter act with. So the script will spawn entities randomly around the player
as the player walks thru the map. this means i only have to put down lets say one spider and one scorpion and
one or two rocks and some twigs / branches, they will then follow the player, and you and pick them up as well.
later i can increase the entities around the player that i will need in the game. I have tested it on a flat map, because
in the game map one can not see if everything is working correctly due to the contour of the map and the the grass is
quite long and also some fog in the map, and i don't want to run around to much to find them while testing.

Here is the video of the test. ( Again sorry for the poor video quality )

Don't think i would have done the test easily with this map.
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Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11


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Posted: 16th Dec 2021 15:31
Some interesting scripting going on here. Nice to see!
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Posted: 16th Dec 2021 15:48
Thank you Wolf.
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Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11

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