Work In Progress / Anthropocene Epoch

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Posted: 20th Feb 2021 21:50 Edited at: 20th Feb 2021 21:56

Genre/ Scifi/Apocalyptic First Person Shooter


In the year 2042 we sent out a telescope that was used to send the most powerful broadcast deliberately sent into space
with the intention of contacting alien life. In 2044 we got a signal back, Scientist were astonished the signal was close
just on the edge of are solar system they pin pointed the exact location and realized that it was heading towards Earth.

Suddenly things changed the government shut down everything and began building underground bunkers that could hold
thousands of people.Then began the change to are environment, the planet was changing the once blue sky we enjoyed
turned a greenish colour 80% of the wild life went extinct.Soon enough the government couldn't hold there secrets anymore
once the planet heading towards us was visible we were being invaded by an alien race called the Mantis.

They are a planet destroying species only out to get rare ores and the planets energy which they use for power before
destroying everything else in there way. The government was prepared they had executed a secret project and built ships
on the other side of the moon were they wern't visible and these ships could only take half of the population of earth,
But you either had to be rich or be chipped to be able to get on. That's when the riots started, people were fighting for
survival and there wern't enough enforcement to fight back so the FTU (Federal,Tactical,Unit) locked us in these bunkers
and escaped earth to leave millions here to be enslaved by these alien creatures.

I guess we shouldnt have sent that broadcast..... Cause there here


Your name is Kastiel you were sent to Sonoma bunker prison, where you were chipped so the FTU could keep track of
all inmates in Sonoma but after the riots happened you decide to escape and fight to get off this planet. You will then
encounter Jade an A.I that was implanted in your head she is your mission brief officer and guild you threw missions.
You will encounter other characters you will need to speak with for new missions to help you.

Anthropocene Epoch is an alien shooter based in the Sonoma Region which is a semi open concept in a few levels to
explore and find items on your way, it is a mission based game with with 5-7 levels done so far.

levels are

- Sonoma bunker (tutorial level)

- The Dam

- Sewer/abandoned underground subway station

- Sonoma City

- Underground car tunnel

Heres some pics of Sonoma Bunker

Thank you for taking the time to view my new project and ill keep you updated



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Posted: 20th Feb 2021 23:05
Looks like its going to be a good one

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Posted: 26th Feb 2021 23:12
Hello everyone got another update for ya as I've been working away on this project, I'd like to show you the next level which is The Dam. this level is where the action takes place as Sonoma Bunker is a tutorial level showing you the basic's of the game but at the dam you have to get across to get to the Sewer killing Mantis Alien's occupying it using it as a base. I actually love this level as its not easy to get past aliens using rocket launchers, I'm also working on A.I so they move better and use cover zones.

There's also places to explore like the old house, Forest area, a barn you may find some stashes around its a pretty small map I may expand on it later on but for now here's some screen shot's of The Dam as seen in video

Thanks for viewing and I'll update you with more next week

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Posted: 5th Mar 2021 15:27
Hello everyone hope everyone had a good week. I had a busy week with this project as I reworked a few levels adding new assets. Now I'll give you a run down on what I'm planning. I've decided to change assets so there's more custom ones to look at exploring my game I myself have made quite a few models for this project as well so any assets you see or recognize in screen shots are just place holders for now.

I've also created custom characters, Custom audio created by me and weapons hopefully and a few other things I've got going on in the background eventually I'll be posting Vids soon as i have some sound tests to do. But i will end this off with some screen shots of another level The sewer/ abandoned subway station hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned.


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Posted: 7th Mar 2021 15:36
Very cool! You have a strong atmosphere going with all the grime and disrepair. Yet it somehow looks like it would be relaxing to explore.
I'll be looking forward to more.
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Posted: 12th Mar 2021 18:07
@Wolf thank you yea it took me a bit to get the look i wanted I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and plus it's a lot smaller in scale then my other project so its easier to manage

But this week i was gonna show you guys my city level but then i decided to change it up cause level's is just one part of the game, and show you guys some of the custom character's. I would also like to add a thank you to Duchenkuke as i will be making my own weapons for
this project as i mentioned last post. But now i can now rig them and get them into GG Thanks man, and also to Smallg for helping me on a few scripts. So i will leave you to check out these screenshots and i will update you next week.

here's my first energy pistol still very early wip but it looks good so far

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Posted: 26th Mar 2021 14:44 Edited at: 26th Mar 2021 14:45
Hey all So I've been doing a lot of work this last few week's on my maps and soon i will have them all complete as i have two levels left to finish so I'm a little behind on this thread as this project started 6 months after i started my other project Dietara. I rebuilt a few levels a few times before i got the look I wanted and am happy with it now. So the next level I'm showing is Sonoma City this map is the main mission's map so there is a few missions you need to do in order to get to the next level. I've also created a map/radar with objectives and when you complete one mission the next objective will become visible and so on thanks to the help of Smallg.

but without further ado here are shots of Sonoma City

Thank you for tuning in and ill get back to ya with another update soon

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Posted: 28th Mar 2021 03:29
Neato! This is improving rapidly.

Just a hint. LINK if you add a shader line to these props glowing here (like effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx) you will have them show as intended with proper ambient light.

Keep up the good work! GG needs more decent projects like this.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2021 13:30
I like the look of this. Bookmarking/watching
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Posted: 29th Mar 2021 16:54
Great story-line, and great environments also.
If you push that story to the player, they will stay to see what happens!
It lends to creating intriguing and immersive game play so maybe some
kind of quests/ puzzles would fit?
Also, good to see personalizers put into a GGjr game.

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2021 17:44

@Wolf- Thank you yes I will change the shader for those I noticed the door has that effect too

@BOTR- Thank you its was some hard work but its paying off

@GubbyBlips- Thank you yes the story is great I think so far I do have plans to do missions i dont wanna spoil it to much but the one mission is saving a hostage that was captured, or destroying an antenna to cut communication but not all levels will be like this some you will have to fight off enemies to cross areas to get to the next level. So at first this project was gonna be straight up shooter but then i got thinking about quests which are the missions and you will receive items on the way or after. I would say puzzles are a good idea I do have passwords for locked doors were you need to find the passwords in order to open them i may change that to interact better like a puzzle not sure yet. If you have any suggestions about what you would like to see in this game them message on here or dm me on Discord I d be happy to add whatever you can think of.

I 'd like to thank you guys for the support I appreciate it. Any who I have another update this week I just finished off my new huds for this project I'm still a little iffy on them myself but I'll show them off to see what you think. And also I can show you my underground car tunnel level I just finished

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Posted: 4th Apr 2021 17:08
Amazing screenshots
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Posted: 8th Apr 2021 15:01
Keeps getting better and better!

How is performance holding up?

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Posted: 8th Apr 2021 21:26 Edited at: 8th Apr 2021 21:26
Thats all looking pretty amazing.
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 10th Apr 2021 17:32
@cybernescence - Thank you, Yea the performance is pretty good I still need to optimize the levels but they never drop below 40 fps and a lot of these maps are small except the City level. Also a lot of the vegetation is background visual so no physics applied so I'm happy so far with that.

@synchromesh - Thank you man

Speaking of performance I'm uploading my dam level gameplay video as you can judge for yourself I think it runs great theirs about 20 enemy A.I on this map plus 8 custom scripts. I've also decided to change up the lighting in a few of my levels as they seemed washed out so here are the comparison pics as well.

here is the pics just give me a heads upon which you like better

original pic

redone pic

I do apologize if the video is to dark my hud seems to make it a little darker
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Posted: 16th Apr 2021 19:52
hello everyone just wanted to say I'm still working on my last two levels so I don't have much to show this week except a video of my third level the sewer/Abandoned subway its a walkthrough video. And hopefully next week I'll have my Mantis Base level complete and have more to show you guys. I hope everyone is well and in good spirits and I'll update next week thanks for tuning in.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2021 15:52
Nice, but it will be the age ... I see too dark! a little more light in my opinion, it would be perfect!

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Posted: 14th May 2021 16:18

@ Lotgd - Thank you and yes i will be brightening these levels up a bit once i finish off these levels then i overhaul the graphics and make it look better.

And with that I have another update I finally just finished my second last level the Mantis Base I had a lot of issues with this level when I started making it so I'm now happy to get it done and working right. This level in my opinion is a bit hard but there is secret stashes that will help you on your way as there are a few missions to do and although this level is small I've packed it full of enemy and some area's to explore I hope you guy's enjoy the pic's and ill be back soon with my next level which will be the last.

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Posted: 14th May 2021 20:05
I like this project VERY much ! Looking forward to playing it !!
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Posted: 15th May 2021 10:38
Great stuff! love the art style.
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 19:08
@Wolf - Thank you man means alot

New Update:

Hey everyone hope your all doing well I'd like to tell you I went back and added cutscene's to my level's as shown in video above and finishing off small task's in each level like lighting it was very dark in some cases so i brightened it up a bit. I've also added a few more custom character's this week, as well as a few scifi guns for the arsenal and added and updating PDA for your mission's .

I'm quite happy with how this project is coming along and it wont be long before i can get a demo out. This weekend I'll be working
on voice acting so ill keep you posted

whats been done so far

- 5 lvls complete out of 7
- sound track's for each level (custom)
- Mission's
- New Pda update's mission's once complete
- new Gun's/ Alien weapon's shoot plasma projectile's
- New custom asset's and character's
- Cutscene's added via Cine Guru

here's a pic of one of my new alien character's there a slave worker to the Mantis and are fast and lethal.

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Posted: 22nd May 2021 19:15
Watched the trailer right after it went live.

This Game is one of my biggest Hopes for Gameguru in 2021.
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Posted: 22nd May 2021 19:21
This looks absolutely great! Loving it!
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Posted: 4th Jun 2021 17:03
@ Duchenkuke Thank you for your kind words and support I didn't think this game would get much hype but it has, so I'm gonna make it the best I can.

@ Solar thank you I appreciate that

So anyway the last two weeks has been dedicated to character creation for this project as i needed a lot of them and optimizing the first few levels to get it ready for a small demo, and this weekend I will get some vocals done for some of the character's as I wanted to do this last weekend but got busy with something else but no worries I'm still working away at it.

Also I dropped a video on discord of a new level I introduced called the F.T.U Stronghold Its more or less a neutral zone were you can pick up ammo, secret guns you can get into this level from the city level and go back to the city once you've explored it. So if you haven't seen it or not on discord ill post it here and with that some screenshots of the F.T.U soldiers so hope you guys have a good weekend and I'll get back to you with more.

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Posted: 4th Jun 2021 17:12
awesome, i like the characters a lot!
Nice Colours in your project, looking forward to that demo !!
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Posted: 11th Jun 2021 18:52
@Duchenkuke thank you

Hey everyone got another update for you this week I've been doing a lot of back ground work for this project so first was I decided I needed a hit marker for enemies so when you shoot them it well show that you did I did this using a particle thanks to Smallg I used his script blood for enemies particles to create it. Also this week I changed my UI hud to seem more mask like and put my hud's on an angle to look more like a helmet or goggles.

Finally in the video I'm showing this week my new scifi Alien shotgun that fires a plasma projectile's these weapons are found or given to you in the game. I will also show you my drawing skills with a few before and after pics of my PDA hud you will also see in the video so stay tuned for more soon.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2021 00:33
Okay now this is getting really interesting. I really like the angled hud and PDA, and the plasma projectiles looks super cool! Nice level layout also. Great stuff, c4ever08!
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Posted: 13th Jun 2021 15:47
Great setting, nice atmosphere, and a quality look and feel to most of it. I like that it requires some kind of tactics to take down some of the enemies. Also the scope and enemies visible at range and different elevations add both depth and immersion to the game.

That breathing gets real old real fast, though.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 04:07
@ Solar- thank you it took some time to get those hud's right but I wanted something a bit different and came up with that layout and I'm happy you like it

@ Loktofeit - Ha Thank you for you kind words and yes I've lowered the sound of breathing so its not in your face so to speak

So I haven't posted in a while other then some screenshots on discord But I have done a lot in the background on this game first off I
changed out the Mantis base level as the original level broke so I decided to separate the level in two the one level is the entrance to the base and the main base level which i have now completed. Now both these levels are a lot harder to get threw but pretty fun at the same time I've made a game play video of both levels now the caverns are a bit dark in the video but a few levels will be but I added a better nightvision now located on hud for these dark levels.

Also I am currently working on my last level which should be done this next week and after that I'll just need to get vocals for the last mission characters and some testing then I will release this project by the end of August so not to far now anyway hope you guys enjoy the video and I'll keep you updated.

also here's some screenshots of the entrance level

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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 15:07
Looking good! The nightvision really is well done, the atmospheric sounds is quite fitting, and I liked the way the ammo counter only displays for a while when you're shooting. Also great level layout.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 13:28
Looks cool, it has a real oppressive atmosphere to it!
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2021 19:37
@Solar - Thank you The night vision took a bit to do but I'm happy that it looks good now

@Wolf - Thank you means a lot I hope when playing it, It will be a good experience

Alright So this week I managed to finish my last level The Mantis Ship along with some new additions to other levels and can now focus on optimizing and sound and a few other small details. I will be making an official Trailer for the game in the next few weeks as I want this game out the end of August so not to long left.

I would like to give a big thank you To those who did the voice acting for my characters my Daughter, My Wife, Duchenkuke, Wolf, and Maverick1981 I have one more character to add a voice to but it should be done soon I also narrate as the main character Kastiel.
And thanks again to Duchenkuke for adding the A.I effect to Jade awesome work. And to the scriptwriter's Amen Moses and Smallg for there
awesome scripts.

There will be credits at the end of my game so ill make sure I have everybody in it that helped out even if they didn't know it lol. So I have screenshots of my last level for you to look at I will keep you posted till the game is released of what I am doing till then hope everyone is
well and I will post soon.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2021 20:24
Your style always makes me think of the cover for bioforge. (Anyone remember that game?)

Really cool stuff... if I where to put out a spec of criticism, it'd be that some meshes like that window on the last and that display on previous screenshots are a bit visually stretched but I am sure that in game at least, most people won't notice.
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Posted: 5th Sep 2021 02:39


Hello and hope you guys are doing well. Its been awhile since the last time I posted and I've been gradually finishing off this Project.
This game is now in test mode as I have a few from the community testing it. I'd like to thank those that have tested it so far and for the
feedback I received from you guys. With that said I decided to sit back and recollect myself and change a lot of things from the first test build so

Change log

- What has been worked on:

- I have now split up level one Sonoma Bunker into 3 levels as there were issues with stuttering, and to much going on in one level seemed to confuse you in what direction to take or finding areas of interest.

- I've also adjusted how much ammo was in level one so now there is more around, this includes turret firing rate and strength as they seemed to fire and kill you once.

- Lighting seemed to be another issue as you couldn't see, So I lightened up my U.I hud and changed the brightness and contrast this may still need adjusting.

- The media folder in effectbank/reloaded would not carry over to standalone I have manually carried them over should look better now. I have also added player invisible zone behind walls, barricades etc. added mission music ambience too.

- Other Changes:

- Enemies are now spawned in once close to them.

- Added regeneration on health.

- Added new notes to read in level one.

- Added fair ground to Sonoma City maybe secret mission.

- Also added glow to pickup items.

As you can see a lot has been done and I'll keep working on it to improve and make it better. If anyone wants to test my game give me a shout here or on discord. Now I will show you a video of a bit of my standalone version of level one with the cut scene I narrated. You will also hear the sounds of my levels and Jade with the big help of Duchenkuke for making her sound like an A.I.

Here is also a few screenshots of new brightened hud's

And a new added area in Sonoma City called the Fairgrounds here is some screenshots of it.

So stay tuned with more updates coming soon.

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Posted: 5th Sep 2021 02:53
Looks great! I love the ingenuity when it comes to locations. Its not easy to make complex locations like an overgrown amusement park look good but you managed to do that here!!
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Posted: 5th Sep 2021 21:40
Okay this is cool good work!
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Posted: 11th Oct 2021 17:48
Thank you @ Wolf

And thank you @ Cobbs

Since I haven't updated in a few weeks here I am this may be the last post as I am finally finished with this project other then some minor issues I have to fix before final release. Lots of things have been worked on since the last time I updated this thread to improve my game. I'm still debating on a secret mission in the Sonoma City level but I haven't had any good ideas of late. so heres a list of whats been done since.


- Added missions to last level Mantis ship

- Fixed spelling mistakes and had help from Wolf fix up my P.D.A so it made sense to read

- Also changed monster location in Dam level as they were getting stuck

- Cutscenes now have the huds hidden thanks to Amen moses for the help doing this

- also changed all buttons to custom ones at start screen

I also have a lot of new screenshots from my standalone version I will show off today although you have seen many I took newer ones for the final build I will include these with the release as well as the soundtrack to the game. So this week I plan on fixing my issues and releasing this project. And me and a few others have helped test this game Thank you for your help and from my test I can play this game straight threw with minor issues sometimes saving the game then loading into it causes the stamina to get stuck but in recent tests I haven't run into it again yet, and the Mantis base level sometimes when an enemy kicks you the game crashes but this is rare and I haven't figured out why this happens.

with all that being said here are the new screen shots of Anthropocene Epoch.

Sonoma Bunker

The Dam Level

Sewer/Underground Subway

Sonoma City

I will show off the rest the next update which will be the last one I hope you guys enjoy the eye candy and Ill be back soon.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2021 11:28 Edited at: 4th Nov 2021 11:28
I am currently making a playthrough of this game. Check it out
At the moment I have 3 episodes, more will come.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2021 16:44
Hello guys As you can see from above Duchenkuke has made a few play through videos of my game. Id like to thank you Duchenkuke
for taking the time to test it out. And with that after watching him play I decided to change up how the player interacts
with missions as I could see how confusing it is especially when you don't know the next steps to take. Although levels are
complete my struggle was the game play so being able to see what was going on while Duchenkuke played it really helped, as well
as his awesome commentary.

As soon as I saw the first three videos I decided to fix up the issues as I knew there would be many lol. So I have a list of
issues that I have now fixed.

Whats been done:

- Fixed ladder script { no going threw roof anymore }

- Fixed a few doors in bunker level as they were popping out of walls

- Added sound to doors in bunker level

- Lowered the distance to read notes { PDA } as it would pop up when talking to character

- Changed friendly npcs to mobile so when shot they now run away

- turned off occlusion in Sonoma city

- Added signs to Resupply level as it was an issue loading into a level not knowing whats going on,
and how to return to city level

- Added Map sign when you first start Sonoma city this will then let open map With M it is only for this
level as it seems I wasn't direct on instructions for that map now it feels much better

- Also added a new win zone for those secret missions so you have the option to enter or not { Thanks to Duchenkuke }

- Added new radio music in sewer level as the other one was copyrighted { Thanks to Duchenkuke for that track }

- Changed material on hydro poles in the Dam level as they were shiny for some reason

- made my UI hud more transparent so you can see better

- Added metal noises in the Fairgrounds

And that concludes my list of fixes there are three levels left to test out I hope Duchenkuke can play them although
they are more straight forward missions I just like the feedback on what I can do to make it better. If anyone wants to test
out my game just message me here or on discord. I hope to release this game finally this month or middle of next month but
no exact date yet. Anyway I be back soon with more update's.

Here is a video of two new levels from the Clowning around mission hope you enjoy

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Posted: 8th Nov 2021 21:25
Gotta say once again: Excellent stuff on here!
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Posted: 26th Nov 2021 17:55 Edited at: 26th Nov 2021 17:58
Ok guys new Update on my game. I have now completed all secret mission levels and in December Ill be releasing this game. Also I've done a lot of background work as in game play making it easier to navigate especially in the city as it was confusing. I've also added a few new props
as I felt some levels needed more props.

I am now happy with the end results so from now till December I will be testing and polishing levels and getting it ready I have also changed my logo intro as it was made in blender I'm happy with that as well I will show you a new trailer with it in. And of course my new title screen which is just the old one revamped. I think this ends my updates for now I will let you guys know exactly in December when I release it thanks for the support.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2022 16:49
Hello everyone today I finally released Anthropocene Epoch on Steam. I'd like to thank everyone here for there support and help with this project. The reason why I put it on steam is not for money it was honestly for recognition to put up a decent game made with game guru. And I know this could be an up and down climb but I'll get threw it.

So now I'm deciding to take a break but will be updating my game for bugs and may add new levels will see how it goes so thanks for being apart of my game making journey and ill see you later although I'm always on discord.

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