Actually I feel this is all spot on topic, I got into fpsc and most of my return was in the learning curve and then the challenge of making it do things it wasn't supposed to. If someone is REALLY serious about creating a game on par with studio releases they should understand that you need the skills and knowledge to do it. I have seen one-man games created by folks who worked for studios and if an Artist or a coder they fall short on some aspects, being an all round excellent game creator as an individual is a fairly rare breed even for those who work in industry.
Of course there is no harm and it is laudable if you shoot for the highest quality but it might be best to work on and improve your skills whilst learning any engine. I don't think that getting strung out on the lack of features is going to improve your game, getting in about it and working on your knowledge should be enough to keep you busy while you wait.
If a commercial studio were to pick up GameGuru and complain about lack of features I may take it on board but let's face it they would simply fix it up themselves rather than point it out. If you lack the skills to add what you need and want then you need to be patient and wait till someone who can comes along and does it, meantime enjoy the ride and get your hands dirty learning something else.
If you are good enough to design a comparable AAA game then you probably got the skill level to use a more complex game engine and wouldn't be hanging around here. There are a few really skilled folks that continue to be here and that's because they enjoy the challenge and the community, they get a kick out of contributing to the product development. You won't ever see a comparable to AAA game created in GameGuru for obvious reasons but a few around here will create awesome games just the same.
I think it was Wolf said you will never see an Indie game comparable to studio quality and that's probably true whatever engine is used so let's rein in the expectations a little and enjoy the ride for what it is, personal endeavor and self improvement.