Showcase / Running Around (Zone 9)

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Posted: 29th Jul 2016 09:57
Running Around (Zone 9)


It's the year 2064, and The Secret Peruvian International Cartel of Smuglers are at it again, harvesting resources and concocting their drug "SPANK" in the militarized "Zone 9" on the border of Russia, China, And North Korea. It's up to you to destroy all of the drug labs scattered about each map and make it to the helicopter for extraction. Good luck

Dowload the game here!

8.) Thanks to Lee Bamber for finally making the FPSC "migration" we all deserved, and anyone whos models are in mega pack 3, as well as the buildings pack, as they were used. also, thanks to wolf, as I wouldnt be the game designer I am without his constant support.

9.) my skype username is isaacpreston, and i can be emailed at wray2u(at)
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Posted: 9th Aug 2016 23:10
Alright kids! Now listen here... you think being a Black-Op Military Drug Cop is easy? But there is a lot more to the job than just running around.
You'll also have to violently machinegun a bunch of inapt imbeciles to death and blow up a bunch of bathtubs. They don't prepare you for this in basic...well they do actually but its a whole different animal if you gotta do it on the border of chiner.

I generally liked the op as in: I was entertained. A lot of the jokes in the super military tacticool briefing really caught me off guard and made me laugh. I won't spoil them here, simply because players gotta experience them themselves. Don't let yourselves be fooled by the supoptimal sound quality...Bugsy has got some decent jabs at shooter games and GG games in this!

Gameplay ...I mean my MO on this OP was a solid mix of shooting, running around, jumping and blowing up the drugs. S.P.A.N.K. supposed to be an unholy mixture of PCP and Meth... doesn't sound like the kind of drug I'd ever do, but hey! I gotta be on some pretty raging stuff if I'm jogging through cartel infested areas blowing up bathtubs..
The best part o waking up, is extasy in your cup! I've heard.

The leveldesign is a little manic depressive. We have horrible and ugly mixed with inspired and well designed. Bugsys models together with modelpack stuff that feels more like a carboard box than a building. I know that you, Bugs, had some frustrations with GG and it shows. Lots of legit attempts to do something breathtaking but they all feel like you halted development mid design.
The elements are all there but there is always something lacking. Kinda like the decoration in a brothel down in a poorer european country. ...I've heard.
Terrain could use some work too...but hey! Its one of the better designed games I played on here and you have working eyeballs yourself and know what you are doing so I'm going to spare you further nitpicking. Its just a little "meh" because I know that you have the potential to do,like,10 times better with ease.

What really jumped out at me where the guns. They felt really clunky.
Fighting people on a black op should feel more rewarding and kinetically pleasing than this!....I've heard
Very pleased with BSP's models... he did a great job on 'em. Not a fan of these tremendously stiff and boring animations. (except for that AK which is the coolest gun in this). gunspec setting makes them too awkward too...especially the pistol. Kinda weird to see this in a game from a person that can animate like other people can maintain a body temperature of over 37°C.
When I play a Bugsy game I kinda expect fast and fluid motion from everything....which leads me to my next point.

Falldamge is too high, jump height too low. Come on man! Gimme some airtime! We all love those dreams where we can either jump very high or downright fly.

I had some fun, had some laughs and give this game a thumbs up!

I'd rate "running around" a out of

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Posted: 10th Aug 2016 12:58

That review was an emotional roller-coaster! haha. Detailed, as always. I want to play Bugsy's game now, just to see for myself. Well, I need to find those jokes!

Bugsy's work has always been impressive; I remember the stuff you two used to work on together. Some of the best stuff on the old FPSC forums!

I look forward to trying this out.

I will leave a word or two about what I think (if that's cool?), but, don't expect War and Peace (not mentioning any names...........*cough* wolf *cough*)



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Posted: 12th Aug 2016 04:41
that'd be awesome!!
wolf and I will probably make something awesome together very soon
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2016 16:49
"Due to the Geneva convention and a different 3d arm model..." OMG I almost couldn't play after that due to the busted gut I was suffering from. LOL. However, aside from the great jokes, I did thoroughly enjoy the game. I did the slow and deadly Solid Snake - like approach and rarely ever was spotted. Very well thought out map as well; there truly were multiple ways to handle each enemy. Great work! and I hope to see more.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2016 22:20
thank you! I was hoping someone would notice that. it's a single player game, but I think it's fair to say that there's two or 3 replays worth of content. the first level was basically a tutorial, but the second one had a lot of latitude and different paths to take to get to the objectives (it was a circuit) and the third one had a few good ways around the enemies into the construction site, one involving simply staying as far to the right as you could as soon as you got down from the roofs and walking over the fence that goes into a not-steep hill. I've managed to speedrun level 3 with no combat in under 1:10 and level 2 in 2 minutes flat (with some combat)
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