Hey guys!
Part of why I named it [Experiment Release] is because I
halfassed the presentation and parts of the game suspected that it might behave very differently on different PC's. For example! I am very pleased to see that the last level loaded correctly for Bugsy and that he was able to play through it all the way! On my end, only
half of the final level would load. Lemme know if this happens to you too, dear reader!
@Granada: Thanks for playing and I'm very pleased to see that you like it enough to give it several chances.

A little request: Could you maybe make that video you uploaded a clickable link? The thumbnail shows a rather questionable character design and an untextured gun and I dont want players to get that kind of impression from it
before they play the game. (You can shorten the parcour sequence by climbing up the scaffolding on the right side of the map, near the enter-able building, if you like.
@Belidos: Thanks for giving it a second chance and playing through it!
Quote: "have you tried using a floor zone under them, and in the editor raising them slightly above floor level so they drop to the floor?"
I have tried raising them, yes but not used any floor zones. The existence of those completely slipped my mind while making this game.
Quote: "I was still hitting between 80 and 100 fps, lighting was just right, AI (once working) was just about right, the level design was really good."
Thank you!

Also excellent to hear people are getting good performance with my game. That was a real downer for me with the last release.
Quote: "The only things I could complain about are as bugsy said the parkour bit, if you're adding jumping puzzles to a game they need to be short bursts, not great long events that if you fall off make you spend forever getting back to where you were."
Hmm! Yes! I dont think the length made it frustrating but the unfairness of the last few jumps that have to be made. I realized that when I playtested it myself and fell down twice. Back in 2009 I released a nine level game that most people never got to play because in the first 5 minutes was a very frustrating jumping puzzle. You'd think I'd learn
@Bugsy: Ah! The man who was also the primary audience for most parts in level 1
Thanks for the detailed review!! I really enjoyed reading it, here are some replies:
Quote: "It opened to the most graphically overwhelming menu I had ever seen. Perhaps the buttons and background looked good separately in PhotoShop, but together they were kind of busy and vomit inducing. No matter, I could care less about the menu. I started the game. "
The entire presentation screams
let this project be over already and is certainly among the worst I have done so far (excluding the intro video for "GTFO" in 2008

But none of ya have seen
that dumpster fire

It is also part of the reason why I confine this game mostly to the TGC and GG scene. there will be a download on IndieDB but I wont advertise it any further. If a user wishes to do this, he is of course welcome.
Quote: "won't stay entertained past level 1."
You mean navigating through a 3d level and being able to center the screen at an animated puppet and shoot the gun is
not the newest hip thing? Darn it!! I bet I could have made a lot of quarters with this thing in 1996
Quote: " I fell a total of 8 times trying it the long way, finally getting to the scaffold near the last jump and realizing the scaffold itself was climbable. This was like a soft checkpoint and kept me playing when I was getting annoyed at having to do a 10-precision jump combo repeatedly only to fall through a stupid hole in a Cosmic Prophet pipe that should have had box collision anyways (or an invisible floor on it). You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about wolf."
Oh dear!

Yes I know

I found out about the scaffold myself after failing my own parcour twice as well. Well, you can't say that my games are too easy!

Its still very manageable I find. The reason for this is that I can run the game at around 50 fps on my system...but in test game it was more like 20ish so I did the whole parcour in slow motion and figured (hey, its almost too easy.)
I do however think that it was an interesting way to add meat to the level and to make backtracking fun.
Quote: "I was surprised to see that this level ran slower than the first amazing open outdoor extravaganza fiasco debacle. It was still entirely playable at highest settings, with reshade on however, so I still consider it a pass. No FPS rates below the 30's"
So was I. My main theories are A) The architecture has more polygons than it looks B ), all the pipes and fuseboxes lag due to the collision C) the culling does not work and it renders whatever is behind the architecture D) Random GG shenanigans or F) Its a very old map and this might have something to do with it. I also dislike the level personally with a few exceptions why I kept it in.
Quote: "The rest of them weren't exactly oscar winners though so I didn't figure it would be too important, and it wasn't."
I cringed at some of my own recordings and shortened a lot of it

They also have a bit of the
let this project be over undertones. Plus the voice change I made to make me sound like I use a voice modulator was more annoying than anything else. Most enemie shouts are also several years old and dont hold up at all.
Quote: "It was in this level I noticed that my FAMAS had no tactical reload???"
Yes! Since the MP9/10 guns dont have it either. The fact that the HK416 had it for you is a mistake. There is at least some consistency in this game beyond the visuals
The whole PDA thing was kinda "phoned in" to ease the pacing before the combat ramps up again. And to have the player see that level I made in 2015 xD
Quote: "One I would have expected for level 2, it seemed like 2 was harder than 3, so that should be looked at unless it was intentional."
I must admit I was surprised by this! Level 2 has sever enemies with more health and they are spread out in a larger, more confusing map where they strike from behind server-rigs and so forth. they also had deadlier weapons in higher frequency. I died several times in this level and only once in level 2.
I suppose it depends on a players style, yours being so very different from mine. The primary reason why I find level 2 easier is because you can always anticipate where the enemies are at! I will take your feedback into consideration for the more serious projects of the cold season and have you beta test my stuff, if you wanna.
Quote: " because I got to use another one of my guns (BSP's HK416) which seemed to have both reload anims. For some reason, the HUD had disappeared by this point. I considered it the game realizing I was a talented point-man and enabling hardcore mode"
Dude! As long as its just the HUD! On my rig, half of level 3 disappears!
I meant of course to say that, yes, the game has a very intricate adaptive difficulty!
Quote: " I felt the sense of satisfaction you feel when beating a non-GG game"
Thats even cooler!! I almost feared that the game might be a bit too somber and depressing in tone.
Quote: "The only real gripes I have are the general lack of polish. "
I agree!! Especially the interface and menue/loading screens could have been a lot less abysmal. But I realized that this is not going to get too far in the gaming world. Not with the anemic interactive elements and the AI stuck in the ground. My spidy sense also told me that its going to perform very different on various systems and I was right. And in the end, I just wanted this project to be done. ^^ I know that you know the feeling.
Quote: "
Too many guns, not enough ammo for any of them. I didn't even get to use this XIX that the screenshots advertise. "
I think this is more due to your breakneck speed approach to shooter games. I have dropped plenty of guns in the levels. Especially level 3 had tons of SMGs just lying around on ammo crates.
The XIX is hidden in level 1 on a large neon light during the parcour segment and on the roof of the building you can enter.
It is plain to get in level 3, its on the first story, if you go up the ramp where there is the computer terminal and the ancient roman painting.
I am very pleased that you dug my game!! Thanks for playing!