Product Chat / So after moonlander came ... asteroids!

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Posted: 1st Feb 2017 21:53
... Ok so space invaders may have got in between but I never really liked space invaders tbh.

btw, I'm at my limit on Vimeo for videos for the week, so no more for a while, I promise.

Actually this has given me an idea, how about a community effort this time, maybe some of our clever modelling peeps can create some realistic asteroids which can come apart when shot, maybe some of our clever weapons peeps can come up with some weapons to blast the asteroids, maybe a nice cockpit window, HUD components etc.

Come on guys and gals, lets have a community creation to show off Lee's hard work.

To try this out for yourself just attach the ateroid.lua script to some handy rocks (as many as you want) and the asteroids.lua to a crate. Mouse to direct E to accelerate, D to decelerate.

Have fun.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2017 22:16
Very nice,I wandered what you have been up to.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2017 22:20
Lovely script! Thanks very much, time to get cracking on some show off stuff
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Posted: 1st Feb 2017 22:23
Lol, I've been mucking around with tumbleweed but I noticed a post from smallg complaining about a 'bug' in freezeposition and whilst putting together a script to show it wasn't actually a bug I came up with this little idea.

GG is far more capable as a 3d engine than people realise.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2017 22:59
For those with the Sci Fi pack try this fpm file with the scripts.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 04:48
AmenMoses, I been working on a sci fi game for a long time now.(Almost 2000 hours) I'm always keeping my eye's on these forums for way's of adding spaceship Flight to my game. I'm not a scripter. Having flight physics is such an important part to making my game move forward. I thought flight physics would of been added by now? But after seeing stuff that you and Smallg have done. Things are starting to get a little bit better. Thanks
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 10:30
Very nice.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 21:13
The effect is spoiled after a while because the terrain, even though hidden, is still interacting with the rocks.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 16:33
Just a short taster.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 13:34 Edited at: 5th Feb 2017 13:39

Any volunteers amongst our modelling fraternity willing to make some proper asteroid models?

Sorted out the terrain problem by raising the player start point up to some ridiculous height and having the plasma torpedo thingies disappear if they hit the invisible terrain.

Hit detection is a bit off because the rocks aren't centred on the origin.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 20:24
Oh that looks sweet !!
Love the projectiles
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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 21:48 Edited at: 5th Feb 2017 21:53
Quote: "Any volunteers amongst our modelling fraternity willing to make some proper asteroid models?"

Here's one for you. Could be better, but texturing isn't my favourite pastime. I used a free rock texture for this, but can't see where I got it initially. Any texture should work okay though if you are worried about using the one provided. You may want to play around with the LOD settings as well, I've left them default.

Only a basic png texture, but I'm sure someone could update it to dds and add a normal and specular map.

Edit - Well I would, but for some reason the file will not attach ?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 23:47
Added a cockpit, just found it on't'internet.

The square hole is just so I can see the Prompt.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 00:06
Btw, any asteroid models need to be centred in the centre of mass if you get my meaning, so when they rotate it looks natural. Asteroids are absolutely coverer in craters btw, even under a microscope you can see them!

As a teenager I could put 10p in an asteroiids machine and spend all day playing, getting banned from all my local arcades was the reason I took up making and programming my own machines.

Also need a flying saucer model as I intend to make this as close to the original in game play as possible.

In the video I only have three different rock models (basically all the ones provided in the Sci-Fi pack that are roundish) and I think you'll agree the variation is fine given that they are all randomly spinning in different ways with different spin speeds. I need to somehow make the breaking up of the asteroids when you shoot them realistic, much harder in 3d, so I'll need 'whole' models and then 'broken' pieces, i.e. I'll show the whole model until you shoot it then replace it with 3 pieces that look like they fit together to make the whole one. They will repel each other so they move apart, the smaller they are the faster they will move apart and the faster they spin.

Instead of 'levels' like with the original I will generate another asteroid field as each is destroyed and the player will need to fly off to find the next one, my next job is to create a 3d radar display to show where the asteroids are in relation to the player.

Still waiting for Lee to come along and say "I didn't know you could do that!", Lol.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 01:54
I think Atlanta may win this ....

Anyhow, first stab at the radar:
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 03:26
Boy was I wrong, lol, that was some game!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 06:42
This is clever stuff,and very cool.should be a fun game when finished


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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 11:05
Do let me know if there are a few simple LUA commands or hacked in systems that you would like added/removed to move this cool idea further along. I had not dreamed GameGuru could be making space shooters in 2017, but why not indeed
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 15:29 Edited at: 6th Feb 2017 15:57
Attempt 2 to send the asteroid.

Seems I can't attach media on this board? Unsure, but certainly won't attach.
Okay, different tack.
Here's a picture. I notice that hiding the terrain for some reason seems to go wire frame rather than hide completely now. Not seen that before a new bug perhaps?

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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 19:17
@Lee: Ability to completely turn off terrain would help a lot. More mouse control would also be nice, maybe a MouseCentre command to stick it in the middle of the screen or an X,Y setting so you can specify the position used when first Activated.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 19:44
@DVader, big rock that.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 19:50
LOL Dvader got big rocks

AmenMoses that is really really cool well done sir
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Posted: 7th Feb 2017 21:07 Edited at: 7th Feb 2017 21:07
How does that look?
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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 00:52
3d radar almost there, left hand display is supposed to show top down view of asteroid positions, i.e. top of display is straight ahead, right hand display shows vertical position of each asteroid with the leftmost bar being the closest to the player. Doesn't quite work right yet but seems workable.
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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 19:56
@Amenmoses, this extremely impressive! Is that hud a 3d model by any chance? It would look great to have the lighting react to the cockpit. - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 21:02
Nope, just a sprite I found online, can't even remember where I got it from.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 21:59
Not an impressive looking update but I now have the 3d radar fully working, the left display shows a top-down view of the asteroids location wrt the player and the right hand display gives an indication of how far above or below the player the asteroid is. The colours link the two displays and on the right hand display the leftmost entry is always the closest asteroid to the player (and it is always red).

This test picture was taken in 1360x768 screen resolution and I think it looks pretty good.

Now I'm off to learn 3d modelling so I can make a 3d cockpit to go with this, wish me luck.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 23:29
Ok so I'm back from another attempt at learning to model ... Grrr, just can't get my old brain cells around it at all. How come I can juggle quaternions in my sleep but can't get any 3d modelling program to do what I want it to!

Anyhow, back on topic, made a standalone with the intention of stickling it somewhere you could all try it out. 1.8 Gbytes!! Really! 21 rocks a couple of sprites and some scripts ... 1.8 Gbytes.

Ok so it has zipped down to just under 500Mbytes but really this is bloody ridiculous. If I add up all the executable sizes in the Air traffic control system I develop for a living I wouldn't get anywhere near 1.8 Gbytes, the main flight data server is only 6.8 Mbytes and that supports the entire uk airspace.

Right, rant over can anyone suggest where I can stick this, without being rude, so you can all enjoy its awesomness. Is there a favoured, free, simple to use (for an old fogey like me) solution for this?

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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 01:06
Ime sure someone will host it go you.

Quote: "How come I can juggle quaternions in my sleep but can't get any 3d modelling program to do what I want it to!"

I do a lot of building work,many customers look on in wander.i can't code a single line,like looking at Japanese writing to me.(each to there own)

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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 05:10
How did you make the cut scene in the first video?
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 11:34
Wot cutscene? That's just game play.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 12:25
So I took a look in the standalone and discovered that the reason it is 1.8Gb is that it has copied over lots of things that I'm not even using, for example EBE stuff and sounds, terrain stuff, grass (in space?) and editor related stuff as well (player start marker?).

Deleting all that brings the size down to a few hundred megs (still way too much but going in the right direction) but now of course it won't actually run!

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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 13:51 Edited at: 10th Feb 2017 14:44

If this works the link is to a standalone version.

To get it as small as possible whilst still working I deleted all the ebe related files, the result is that it still works but for some reason takes ages to start up, probably trying to find the files I deleted.

Controls are a bit awkward, A & S are for yaw, mouse controls pitch and roll, LMB fires plasma doodads, RMB fires a um thing that looks like a dandelion seed, E & D control thrust. Flight model is a bit simple at present, movement is simply in the direction you are facing, makes it easier to fly.

Press C to activate the mouse and press it again to deactivate (might need this when you start to get dizzy).

Shift E to change radar range.

Still to do, add more asteroid types and have big ones break up into smaller ones, add collision between player and asteroids, alien spaceships?, add explosion effects, 3d cockpit and add some sort of game element, i.e. come up with some point behind it all, defending the earth from rock throwing aliens or something.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 16:34
Yay, it worked. I downloaded from the link on my laptop and the standalone worked fine. 40 FPS with intel GFX, full FPS with the 960m, who says GG is a slowpoke.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 17:29
Will give this a try when I get on my comp later,looking forward to it.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 21:46 Edited at: 10th Feb 2017 22:15
Here you go m8 My Titan Mech HUD should serve nicely as a spaceship HUD script included works but might need some tweaking just drop the folder into Scripts>images and the scripts in the script folder i drop the script on a trigger works sweet on space maps hope it helps if you want me to edit out the Mech pic in the HUD to a spacecraft one just let me know. Edit: edited to more suit a space craft the HUD sequence goes from green through to red so it can be scripted for damage.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 22:35 Edited at: 10th Feb 2017 22:40
Certainly given me some ideas, still going to go with a 3d cockpit when I figure out how to do it but I do like the layout.

Added a better script btw, works in any screen resolution.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2017 23:21 Edited at: 10th Feb 2017 23:27

Methinks way too busy looking!
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 00:31 Edited at: 11th Feb 2017 00:46
Hmm yeah, tbh its not suposed to flash like that, was just for testing the idea was as you take damage it gradually goes from green to red then you pop lol but never quite did the scripting bit,i have a ton more of them m8 if you want to try em, but yeah agreed the flashing is kinda omg who's spiked my drink lol. hmm i do have the one i did for galaxy's with arms. P.S if anyone else wants to use these feel free they were created with mostly GG assests and so you can use them as you wish oh and @ Lee we want space games!!!!!!! pmsl P.s M8 you can always chop and change these in to suit. p.p.s i actally like that vidits proper cool lol
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 00:57 Edited at: 11th Feb 2017 01:01
Chop and change?

Um, like this you mean?

Need to play with the radar sprites to make it all blend in, add a 3d windscreen and make some working velocity vector displays for the right hand screen.

I'll check out that hud tomorrow.

Have you downloaded it and had a play?
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 09:35
AmenMoses, I tried out your game. "AWESOME!" Is there suppose to be sound for the ship and weapons? I didn't hear any. I was getting 60 fps steady. No drops at all. I'm running a amd 8350cpu, amd hd7950 graphics card, 8 gigs of ram, on windows 10 64 bit.
Honkeyboy, I like them huds! Good work! And thanks for sharing.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 11:12
No sounds yet, I'll do that last.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 20:15
Lee needs to clean his tie fighter window!
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 20:24
Yes m8 downloaded it but down at my gaff till Monday so will give it a whirl when back on my main machine, the second HUD set was taken from dropzone , smallg did the scripting and it was pretty cool as you could move your head about and look around ,sadly that's not working now, there again it wasn't a HUD but a model inside a model and just positioned correctly, ido still have the model its cosmic's dropship with my cockpit inside. I keep pressing for the player to be more adaptive as I think all games start and end there, GG easily could have space genres, 3rd person, vehicles and I do keep seeing people offering to add this, so common Lee accept this help give GG a boost the player itself is the most important part of any game!... oh eck I'm ranting now lol
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 20:59 Edited at: 11th Feb 2017 21:06
I'm not finding it that difficult to do it! Once I got my head around how to properly take control of the camera and wrote a math library in Lua to handle all the angular stuff the scripts are surprisingly simple.

At the moment I'm playing around with trying to get a canopy effect, after far too much fun I decided to use the carrot tub thing from the Sci-Fi pack, the attached image is what it looks like if you put the camera inside the carrot tub looking out.

(added one showing it from inside the tomato pod thingy)
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 00:20
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 01:28
Well I folded and added some music and sound effects for the weapons but now I can't make a stand-alone! I'll have another go tomorrow with my laptop which I haven't upgraded to 1.141 yet.

Ditched the canopy idea for the present while I figure out how to make glass entities more see-through.

One thing I'm missing is some decent explosion decals, anyone know how to make them? The standard ones all have flames and smoke, neither of which you would get in space, need more of a flash and debris sort of effect for space games.

Oh and an engine sound, it would be more of a deep humming noise in reality, might have to resort to my Mac and make my own sound effects for that one unless someone has something suitable I can use.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 07:10
I have some sounds for ya. I don't know how good they are? It's all about experimenting any way. Good Luck
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 18:39
I don't know if you have these are not? You might find something there for the explosions?
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 18:55
I have loads of transparent glass segments etc if u still need any I can dig some out.
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