Work In Progress / Fallout 4 GameGuru style

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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 11:15 Edited at: 4th Dec 2015 16:38
Following on from this thread this is my progress thread for trying recreate the Fallout screenshot posted in the above link.

This is a scene recreation only and I'm not trying to remake Fallout 4, that would be insane.

What I'm trying achieve from doing this?

1. To see what is achievable in GG graphic wise.
2. To learn from the experience, it's all good practice.

I would like lots of comments & suggestion please, good or bad.

Original scene.

Current progress:
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 11:30 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2015 14:06
Started blocking out one of the houses this will be broken down in separate models so that I can build the other houses without having model each one.

Other scene assets.

More detail to be added to the road texture.
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 13:11
Looking great!
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 15:04
Great little project!
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 15:38
Definitely a good way to 'learn the way they did it' - imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all.
I'd be curious to see what lessons you learn, if you don't mind sharing.
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Posted: 20th Nov 2015 21:53
i will keep an eye open on this indeed
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Posted: 21st Nov 2015 02:54
Awesome! Great way to showcase what GG can do!

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2015 16:45
your screenshot looks good! fallout4 also looks good
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2015 18:48 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2015 19:09
Jerry Tremble wrote: "Looking great! "

KeithC wrote: "Great little project! "

Thanks guys

Bolt Action Gaming wrote: "Definitely a good way to 'learn the way they did it' - imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all.
I'd be curious to see what lessons you learn, if you don't mind sharing."

Yeah, no problem. So far making textures and getting single plane to work is my main focus for the moment. I will post more details as I go.

SB wrote: "i will keep an eye open on this indeed "

Thanks SB, this will be something different for me to try as you know I'm all about the fantasy games.

Disturbing 13 wrote: "Awesome! Great way to showcase what GG can do! "

There have already been some great project showing off GG but if I can add to it in anyway that will be great.

nuncio wrote: "your screenshot looks good! fallout4 also looks good"

Thanks nuncio, Fallout 4 does look very good I'm trying not to buy it for the moment as I know it take over my free time


I haven't done a great deal this weekend other than trying to get the roof right, do you think I'm on the right lines?

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2015 23:18

You are very productive!

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2015 00:48
Quote: "You are very productive!"

he is indeed i was thinking the same.
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Posted: 24th Nov 2015 16:02
Awesome stuff!

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Posted: 25th Nov 2015 12:12
Thanks all, I wish I could be more productive

I've been playing around with the scene bit more trying to get the scale right, should be able to post updated GG screenshot in the next few days.

Quick update on the house, it's coming along, still a few textures to add and adjust yet.
PC - Windows 7 64bit, Intel i5, 12Gb Ram, 1TB WD Black, Evga Geforce 760gtx 2GB
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Posted: 25th Nov 2015 15:20
really awesome to see the progress.

Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 25th Nov 2015 15:36
Don't forget the rad roaches!
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Posted: 26th Nov 2015 11:12
This is turning out to be better than I thought
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 26th Nov 2015 18:08
Very nice! Looks on the money so far.

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Posted: 26th Nov 2015 22:14
Im instrested in seeing more looks good
Bryant (AKA-LoneWolf/SpinFire97)
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Posted: 27th Nov 2015 16:35 Edited at: 27th Nov 2015 16:37
Quick update, I can't believe how much more work I have to do yet !

Basic textures and scene laid out, overall progress about 15% done. Still to come :-

Better textures
lots of props
Road detail
Less fog
Better scaling

Anyway this is where I'm at currently (Don't forget this is all WIP).

C&C always welcome
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Posted: 27th Nov 2015 17:19
Knowing full well that GG is running on Dx9 this is a fantastic work
I wander how good it will be when Lee do the switch to DX11

Grate work can't wait for the final product.
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Posted: 28th Nov 2015 10:24
Looks great already
life\'s one big game

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Posted: 28th Nov 2015 17:04
amazing work there, i like it
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Posted: 28th Nov 2015 22:50
Impressive . Don't forget to implement V.A.T.S,..........................
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Posted: 29th Nov 2015 02:40
This looks so awesome, you are very talented! I'll be following this project for sure! Would love to see more detailed rubble and clutter on the road
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Posted: 29th Nov 2015 13:16
Work in progress or not, that's amazing.
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Posted: 30th Nov 2015 14:49
That's impressive as all get out.
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Posted: 30th Nov 2015 15:44 Edited at: 24th Feb 2016 19:20
Gervais wrote: "Knowing full well that GG is running on Dx9 this is a fantastic work
I wander how good it will be when Lee do the switch to DX11

Grate work can't wait for the final product."

Thanks Gervais, I can't wait for DX11, it will take our games to whole new level.

smallg wrote: "Looks great already"

Tarkus1971 wrote: "amazing work there, i like it"

cybernescence wrote: "Work in progress or not, that's amazing."

Bolt Action Gaming wrote: "That's impressive as all get out. "

Thanks guys

Shadow man wrote: "Impressive . Don't forget to implement V.A.T.S,.........................."

lol I wish, my scripting skills are rubbish !

teamhalo wrote: "This looks so awesome, you are very talented! I'll be following this project for sure! Would love to see more detailed rubble and clutter on the road "

Thanks Tony, I'm working on the road detail and rubble at the moment.


I've been working on a few more models and should have a new update Wednesday evening.
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Posted: 1st Dec 2015 21:05 Edited at: 1st Dec 2015 21:06
Mini update:-

More detail / textures added to the house.

Fence added.

& lamp post type thing.

More to follow.....
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 15:41
Quick pylon model done today to add to the scene this evening.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 18:05
real awesome Emrys.

nice project to follow

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 21:27
Yours wont look exact because there using per pixel lighting, but other then that its a pretty close clone. GG Really needs per pixel lighting. Hope it will be added in the future.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2015 21:50 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2015 14:03
Harry wrote: "real awesome Emrys.

nice project to follow"

Thanks Harry

JackalHead wrote: "Yours wont look exact because there using per pixel lighting, but other then that its a pretty close clone. GG Really needs per pixel lighting. Hope it will be added in the future."

Yeah, there are a lot of lighting issues / features we still need, they will come in time, but I think overall GG is doing a pretty good job

First image : Pylon model in GG

Second Image : Current version, a few bits added / tweaked & started playing with the road, still lots of work to do
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Posted: 4th Dec 2015 16:38
A bit more detail added to today, next on the list, props and change the house so they all look a bit different.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2015 03:11
This is looking pretty awesome
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Posted: 7th Dec 2015 10:27
Thanks Teabone

Not much of an update, Christmas shopping took over this weekend !

I've modified one of the houses to look more destroyed.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2015 12:12
this is a nerds orgy convention, with much plaudits to this awesome keep up with bethesda work, they will be employing you soon. emrys you are a very good modeler and have shown the world what good textures, lighting and modelling can do, its easy to say crap graphics 1980s etc on steam, but this shows them up as not really interested in game making but you are. this shows what can be done, and rather than lee and co desperately trying to change negatives to positives to moronic steam spoilt brats, should get you and the like to put a game out to show what really can be done. i think there is far too much energy and focus on the steam community and aiming for the thumb up than cracking on and showing them what is being done. the faster things happen the more will come and give a thumbs up. the more they tender to un tendering steamies the longer this will go on.

product sells itself, if it is good it will show. like your screen shots, it will gain a lot of interest, and have many wanting your game bought as soon as it is finished, i am already sold. again amazing work
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Posted: 7th Dec 2015 21:18
Bloomin heck, that's impressive!

Haven't done anything with GameGuru for ages, think this is inspiring me to get off my arse and do something lol
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Posted: 8th Dec 2015 15:00 Edited at: 8th Dec 2015 15:04
@SB - Wow, thanks SB, working for Bethesda Softworks would be a dream come true, I'll wait for that call

Yeah the bad graphics comments do my head in, people need to learn GG before giving a bad rating, this was another reason for doing this project, yes we agree it still needs work but you get out what you put in !

@snowdog - Many thanks, if my project has inspired you to start another project in GG then I couldn't be more pleased

Todays prop, hopefully I'll get these models in to GG tonight.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2015 22:14
Tricycle & destroyed house in GG. (Don't worry Dogmeat will be back !)

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Posted: 9th Dec 2015 05:37
Tricycle looks great, but I notice the scale isn't right.
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Posted: 9th Dec 2015 07:54
Thanks WoI, yeah you're right, I rushed it in to the scene last night then realised how big it was, but not to worry the dog will be back and the tricycle is going in the brambles like in the original scene.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2015 10:29
emrys, your stuff is most impressing! wow!
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 03:41
This is coming along great! I love threads like this as they inspire me. Who needs DX11? Just kidding, any upgrade offers more possibilities. You said it best with," you get out what you put in !" to the naysayers out there, especially on Steam. What most people don't realize is that they (most) are not artists. They think the engine is going to do all the "pretty" work for them, and when they realize it doesn't, they knock it. I hope the rest of their pursuits aren't approached the same way. Too much blaming already in the world. I realized long ago that I was not an artist, yet I continue to learn and I get a little better with each passing year. Again, I find your thread inspiring. Thank you!
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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 14:56 Edited at: 10th Dec 2015 16:03
Many thanks Jerry, your comments mean a lot and I'm so glad you're inspired to learn more.

I still don't consider myself a proper 3d artist yet as I also have so much to learn, but if you keep at it, it will come it's just practice. When I joined this forum on 4th Nov 2013 I couldn't model a thing.
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Posted: 13th Dec 2015 11:44 Edited at: 13th Dec 2015 11:45
having played fallout 4 on my friends PC this is very very close to it, superb work emrys. looking amazing.
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Posted: 14th Dec 2015 07:45 Edited at: 14th Dec 2015 07:46
Thanks Tarkus, I've not played it yet, I'm hoping to get it over Christmas.

I've added a lot more to the scene but I'm having a bit of trouble getting the roofs to look right after the latest GG update. I'm sure it's something to do with tweaking the new lightmapping settings Lee has added to the setup.ini
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Posted: 14th Dec 2015 14:04
You could easily get into this professionally, you know! Great work!
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Posted: 14th Dec 2015 16:00
Simply amazing

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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 13:32 Edited at: 15th Dec 2015 13:33
Mr Wolf wrote: "You could easily get into this professionally, you know! Great work! "

Really? How would I get started? I still feel a bit amateur hour to be honest.

3com wrote: "Simply amazing"

Many thanks 3com
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Posted: 15th Dec 2015 13:51
next year we will see "fallout 5" created by emrys
great work!
The software I use? ... Autocad, sketchup, Spazio3D, pconplanner, Kerkythea, wings3d,, torque3d, AxixGameFactory, PD particles.......maybe blender

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