Quote: "And you can paint the exact same details using a normal which look exactly the same and does the same there is more then one way to skin a cat."
No, not the same thing. You simply cannot obtain the same level of depth/height with normal mapping alone that you can with parallax occlusion mapping. You do know that you use normal mapping WITH parallax occlusion mapping, right? It's not one or the other.
Quote: "Yes can you use more then one material sure, what ever floats your boat, do you have to, no, can you get the same result with other methods yes."
Actually, yes, you have to in some situations. And, actually, no, you cannot get the same results with other methods. One of the main reasons to use multiple materials in modern games is TRIM SHEETS. Trim sheets save you a ton of resources because they are used over and over again across many objects. In order for this to be done, the objects they are on will need multiple materials applied - one for the trim sheet part they use and one (or at least one) for the rest of the model. You cannot do trim sheets without multiple materials.
Quote: "Parallax Occlusion isn't cheap to render like multitextures it is special use case."
Like any effect, you have to use it wisely. It's a trade-off between saving geometry or the minor hit you take with parallax occlusion mapping. Old hat or not, it's still used in many modern games. Your example of using normals is not at all the same in that you can get a heck of a lot more depth with parallax occlusion mapping than you ever could with normals alone. You use normals along with parallax occlusion mapping, not instead of.
Quote: "Should max support it? No it won't, the target system requirements is far too weak for some thing like this."
No. Not the case at all. Even so, parallax occlusion mapping was a simple example where, yes, you'd need a separate material for it to do what I showed in the example (and while you can't see it properly in the screen shot, the depth there could NEVER be achieved via normal maps). But regardless of whether MAX ever supports parallax occlusion mapping, that has nothing to do with whether it should properly support multiple materials per entity. Which is why I gave the example of trim sheets. Say what you want about trim sheets. Call them "old" if you like or whatever, but trim sheets are used consistently in modern games of every kind - sci-fi, fantasy (medieval), modern settings, etc. They are essential to having great detail while saving resources.
In any case, I don't know why you are so opposed to MAX properly supporting multiple materials. It already does on import. That's not by accident. The Wicked Engine does, which MAX uses. There's a reason The Wicked Engine supports multiple materials. There's a reason Unreal, Unity, S2, and virtually ever other modern game engine on the planet does. It's needed for a variety of reasons and is used in modern game making. There is no reason for MAX to not properly support it.
Intel i9-10900K 5.10GHz, 64 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 1080 ti 11GB, Windows 10 64-bit, dual monitor display