Thanks for the reports so far! Looks like the only menaces are with fighting the OS to get enough user control to install this beast. Some feedback:
1. ANTI-VIRUS CAPERS - I think there is a formal way to get most top anti-virus tools to white-list MAX when we are closer to release. Something about submitting our binary patterns so they are not seen as hostile. For now, switching them off, installing, and switching on again seems to do the trick but of course, TGC takes no responsibility for this action. I myself use NOD32 (now ESET Internet Security) which works great for a developer and does not interfere with my many binary buildings.
2. TGC SERVER ACCESS - All dev builds (and the install phase of the release version) will require an internet connection to our servers, so we may need some additional gubbins in the installer/updater to detect when we cannot reach the server and provide some extra information so you can get around it (including switching it off and on again; thanks Shadow_Master).
3. SPEED OF INITIAL DOWNLOAD - I agree downloading 3500 separate files from a 5GB collection is slower than one 5GB file. I am sure there are ways to speed this up, but our goal was to get up and running with an update system that was flexible and stable for the start of the 2021. I am sure my geniuses in residence can help me figure out how to speed up the initial transfer of these files, perhaps some kind of batch/compress block of files and so fewer files are transmitted, and expanded at the local end (only for large updates and the initial install). It would need to be automated though as right now it is pretty easy for me to put up new builds quickly, and I don't want to add red tape to my life in 2021
4. MAX vs CLASSIC VISUALS - This is something the whole team is taking pretty seriously in 2021. To be fair, every time we got a scathing view on Steam related to graphics (some even comparing them to 1990's graphics which is original DOOM territory), we had a feeling there were always kernels of truth there. Anyhoo, we want to make sure MAX delivers correct lighting, shadows, balance, and what other magic techniques required to bring even empty default levels up to the standard of modern games. We also want to do this early so we know we will hit the required mark, and we are very fortunate that we are using the Wicked Engine and not Lee's cobbled together graphics engine that harks back to the days when 8-bit was cool. More on this in the weeks to come!
Again, thanks everyone for bashing through the issues of the first build of 2021, and reporting what you find. Hopefully, we will get the installation and update procedure as smooth as the PC will allow, so anyone who has even the mildest interest in making games can have a go with no obstacles in their way
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.