@OldFlak-are you sure? - thank you so much
Here is a mirror of what I put on first post about 5.2:
New features for v5.2:
-> added radio buttons for terrain export LOD 0-2 levels
-> added YT links to tutorial videos
-> added File->Exit menu option
-> FIXED: if convert to greyscale drop list selected and fuse 4 images, old image still gets processed.
-> FIXED: update app version
-> FIXED: fix issue where LOD level not specified correctly/consistently in export code
-> FIXED: change dummy object for export from sphere to a plane which was causing issue with # of verts correctly being stored.
-> FIXED-path not found issue line 1028 , gameguru mapbank heightmap_imports cannot be found error. User may need to check .ini file. I got this error due to me not having GG installed again on my laptop due to a fresh install being required.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro, Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.