Third Party Tools / Autowelder - last version (porting in complete FPSC FPM levels)

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Posted: 26th Mar 2021 07:02 Edited at: 26th Mar 2021 07:53
Here is link to the EntityWelder fix. All ok with multi-fpe select for both versions.
will paste link on first post also. simply download/unzip/copyandpaste over EXEs.
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Posted: 26th Mar 2021 20:04
Not doing too well, I forgot to enable some gadgets in HM2GG. Will update and send link to fixed version. Sorry about that.
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Posted: 27th Mar 2021 12:56
link to HM2GG which enables the gadgets that should have been enabled. Also added to first post.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2021 16:50
Thanks for the fixes m8
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Posted: 31st Mar 2021 18:11 Edited at: 31st Mar 2021 18:12
added another fix for both EntityWelder EXE's , added to first post also:

[update 31Mar21: EntityWelder v2.1-fix MESHTEXTURECOORDS for TreeIT type DBOs -]
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Posted: 12th Apr 2021 07:34
v2.2 of EntityWelder uploaded- see first post for info/download link.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2021 08:16 Edited at: 15th Apr 2021 08:18
v2.3 of EW uploaded which fixes issue again with the MESHTEXTURECOORDS code. reverted back to v0.29 of DBOFastReader code. Now works for PBR/EBE/TreeIT - tested on various store EBE models / FPSC doors / Medieval dragon PBR / Breaking barrels / FPSC / GG Multi material objects / levels + others. Loads in Fragmotion / UU3D fine , animated and static objects all working good so far. Let me know if you find issues.

see 1st post for the download link. the EXE's should be copied to the AW tools EW folder and pasted over the old ones. The EXE's will only correctly work with AW and not on their own as they are configured to AW only.

I will be adding a button to the AW app to directly convert any DBO to X/OBJ plus add in the other options e.g change handedness left to right or right to left which will only correctly work with static objects at this time.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2021 21:37 Edited at: 15th Apr 2021 21:43
Weapon Welder HINT:

If you find when right mouse clicking when holding a gun that has a scope and you see a horrible blocky texture showing instead of a proper scope, go into the gunspec.txt file and uncomment the zoomscope line. Modify to:

zoomscope =

and all should look correct,

sorry been a while since I worked on the WW tool.

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Posted: 1st May 2021 23:43 Edited at: 2nd May 2021 08:09
version 0.36 of DBOFastReader code now works with GGMax DBOs i.e. all models/characters(CC)/multi material/textures/animations. Had to fix a couple of issues with animation and missing meshes not being included.

This code will be applied to the Autowelder Entitywelder tool code when I get some more time. Works with All animated/static characters(CC) and non characters/PBR/EBE/legacy DBO's. Loads in Fragmotion / UU3D. NOTE: you cannot load DBOs into FM/UU3D in their current form if using latest DBO format e.g. for GG MAX. This converter is the only tool that works for the new DBO format used in GG MAX. OBJ is also possible for GG MAx/Classic/FPSC, but it's not configured for AW use yet.

Converts DBO format to .X faster than Fragmotion as it uses special technique (known only to me )
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Posted: 8th May 2021 22:31 Edited at: 10th May 2021 07:03
DBOFastReader code is now at version 0.38, this sees some fixes and major updates, which includes storing multiple UV texture coord sets (up to 8 sets). GGMax DBO's convert to X format perfectly along with animations (see 2 example GGMAX characters below):

The converted X files that have multiple uv sets only load into UU3D and not Fragmotion (unless I change an internal program flag). This is due to Framgtion not supporting multiple UVs. UU3D only seems to support 2 UVSets. Trying to find software that supports more than 2 uv sets.
Works with TreeIT, GGMax/GG Classic/legacy FPSC DBOs, PBR, EBE etc. Testing ongoing. If all ok, will be adding updated code to Autowelder i.e. DBOFastReader will be added as a separate tool (new GUI button) with some added internal options added to the GUI.
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Posted: 11th May 2021 14:56
awesome work BOTR.
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Posted: 11th May 2021 18:37
Thanks mk83 , .obj format is now working about 50% at the moment as I'm steeling some code from the hm2gg app as the dbo reader code works a bit different
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Posted: 14th May 2021 08:46
OBJ format now works , just need to add in the texture coords which is straightforward enough, I wanted to make sure that each mesh group in the DBO (if more than 1) were displaying correctly in FM/UU3D which they now do. I need to change e.g. mesh1,mesh2,mesh3 etc to the correct mesh names e.g. body,head,hair etc.

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Posted: 16th May 2021 19:03
Thanks for the updates and your continuous hard work Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 18th May 2021 09:00
thanks Super Clark

Have been working on next update of the DBOFastReader code, now at 0.40. This sees some additional maths added in to get the geometry transformation correct for the OBJ format, for directx format, this is already applied. In some cases where the object is made up of several meshes, the meshes were not being positioned,scaled,rotated correctly. This has now been fixed by applying the matrix4x4 transform formula to the mesh x/y/z data. Works perfectly now.
Still have to add the texture coords which I will do today at some point.

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Posted: 18th May 2021 13:41
Thank you again , Stirling work sir

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Posted: 18th May 2021 16:08 Edited at: 18th May 2021 16:08
@Granada, thanks, much appreciated.

Not had much chance today to add in the texture coords for OBJ (ie. vt rows)., but that won't take long. Am updating the left/right handedness code so you can choose which coordinate system you want to output. Again, as usual, once tested, I can update the code that exists in AW/EW tool(s). More testing after that as I need to to add some GUI options. some other math stuff to work out for animations, but I will do that in another version of DBOFastReader (v0.41)
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Posted: 21st May 2021 22:02
v0.41 of FastDBOReader now complete. This version sees texture coords added and for the OBJ format the .mtl file being generated with all materials/texture info. Still experimenting further with left handed system for both .X/OBJ, not quite 100% correct yet.

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Posted: 25th May 2021 21:07 Edited at: 25th May 2021 21:08
version of DBOFasterReader is now at v0.43, This sees a few tweaks , fixes, updates etc including:

1. option to remove EBE sphere
2. excluding animation data (x format)

plus internal fixes/improvements to code
Still to get lefthandedness to work 100% for both formats, a wee bit tricky.
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Posted: 1st Jun 2021 07:01
DBOFastReader code now at v0.44, more small fixes more to do with some GGMax DBO's having a fullstop in frame names which the directx Mesh viewer and other modelling packages don't like and wont load in the object so these have been replaced with the _ char. OBJ format is fine though. Will try and add this code / app to the main AW app as soon as possible, want to get the code more polished first and still more testing to do to iron out any other possible issues that might arise.
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2021 14:45 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2021 14:46
BOTR, Sir, you are like that little train that just keeps going. Thank you. (I know you can.)
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2021 19:58
Thanks mk83 for the kind words, very appreciated
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Posted: 16th Jun 2021 07:14 Edited at: 16th Jun 2021 07:50
I'm now starting to add the DBOFastReader tool v0.45 to AutoWelder 2.7. The tool allows to pick any DBO whether it be from legacy FPSC, GG CLassic or GG Max and you can convert them to X/OBJ (+MTL file). This includes both static and animated models (single/multi meshes; single/multi textures/materials).
So far button has been added (image may change). User options will be added to the GUI to access the various conversion options; format etc. The actual source code will also need to be applied to the Entity Welder tools also as the code has much been improved since. Once the next version of AW becomes available, I will post here and on 1st post with download link / info. thanks for all your continued support over the years.

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Posted: 16th Jun 2021 14:30
Quote: "thanks for all your continued support over the years."
Thank you for all your hard work.
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Posted: 21st Jun 2021 07:19 Edited at: 21st Jun 2021 07:20
after a few days away by the seaside, I've now completed the updates / implementation of the DBOFastReader code to the AW v2.7. I still have to add GUI options for the conversions but might release without for now with default settings for anyone who wants to try it out in it's current state ie. both OBJ(+mtl file)/.X are created. At the moment , if using the left / right arrow toolbar icon, the object files are created in the root tools / dbofastreader folder. If EW toolbar icon used, objects are saved to the Gameguru original entity location and the same for when exporting fpsc levels out. Again both OBJ/X formats are created as you could import the OBJ into GG Max to try out if you wish.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2021 07:57 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2021 08:11
the latest GG Classic bug fix (june 2021) has caused issue with AW2.7, so have to put off release till they fix it
I noticed character entities present in the ported FPSC->GG level but missing in test mode. How rubbish.
I reverted back to the xmas 2020 fix version of GG classic and all entities present in the level. what have TGC done?

So I can't upload any new version till I send a bug report and they fix it.

[update-now reported on Github-I guess if no fix done by TGC @ anytime soon, I'm done with GG Classic and this tool-shame ]
[update2-works with previous version march fixes 2021-this needs fixing asap-could be a while - ]
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2021 10:42
reverted back to march 2021 fixes version for now, hoping TGC get the bug between march and june version as soon as possible.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2021 12:59
Come on TGC, it ain't like your busy. lol
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2021 14:27
Ha, they need to check their work before they release fixes .
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2021 20:54
uploaded version 2.7 of Autowelder to my google drive. Please request access so I can add you to the list.
Please avoid using latest version of GameGuru (June 2021 fixes) until bug is fixed e.g. Mar 2021 fixes version.

link added to 1st post.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2021 21:57
well it's been great working on apps for GG, but I have decided to move on and away from GG / GG Max and to concentrate on c+ / agk and xbox projects , I am also starting new work contract next week and home life is getting and going to get more busy.

thanks to everyone that has supported me over the years, it's been fun but time to move on now.

all the best and thanks.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2021 20:32
It’s been fun following you work , see you on the Max side

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2021 00:33
Quote: "I am also starting new work contract next week and home life is getting and going to get more busy."

Good luck mate.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2021 00:59
"concentrate on c+ / agk and xbox projects"
Sounds pretty exciting. I hope happy days ahead for you.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2021 10:54
Dam missed the final update due to covid. been offline for some time, If you could let us have a link in pm BOTR to get
the final update that would be good, Hope your future plans go well thanks for all your work over the years you did
a grand job for us all wanting classic FPSC models in GG.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 14:41
here is the link again:

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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 17:04
to add, this is only v2.7 of AW and not v2.9 as it needs a little more work. I'm also working on an AGK specific version which will be totally enhanced with new look and super suped up
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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 04:05
Quote: "to add, this is only v2.7 of AW and not v2.9 as it needs a little more work. "

It's something magical.
I only felt exactly the same way when I got my hands on the first version of Maya!
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 07:05 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2021 07:07
Autowelder 3.0 will be released soon. This has new GUI (not IMGUI like I had first planned), experimenting still so most likely will make changes here and there. I have done similar thing to the upcoming AGK Welder which is a take off of AW but only AGK specific. The external tools at the moment will still look the same. Additional feature will be a software updater as I have been a bit lazy on that side of things.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 09:02
Looking good, well done, looks clean and straight forward
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 11:36 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2021 11:37
ugh , dbl post, sorry
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 11:36
thanks GraPhix , although I'm not sure about the button images yet, I preferred my AGKWelder ones, will have a play around with images.
but yes, it looks better and cleaner.

auto updater on the way, I'm soooo lazy sometimes.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 14:23
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2021 15:26 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2021 15:27
@MK83- thank you-hope you could access the last version ok in the end. I might have to remove the DBO->X/OBJ converter as DBO format is now a closed format but not sure. I need to contact TGC still. We might be ok for FPSC/GG Classic.

Xbox / c++ projects also coming on nicely.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2021 18:21 Edited at: 4th Dec 2021 18:22
@Bored of the Rings, Yeah, Version 2.9, I got it to work just fine,
Thanks again.
AMD Phenom x4 9850 2.70 Ghz , 6 Gb ram, 2GB EVGA Geforce GTX 750, Win 10 x64 Passmark score: 3091

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Posted: 7th Dec 2021 07:26
@MK83-glad you got it ok, AW 3.0 with GUI + software update is getting there. You can now access my server that will contain the software EXE update. I will let people know when there is a new version available for download, but you can just press the button and see if there is a new version. added an update and exit button to the GUI toolbar

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Posted: 7th Dec 2021 14:16
Quote: "You can now access my server that will contain the software EXE update. "
Great idea.
AMD Phenom x4 9850 2.70 Ghz , 6 Gb ram, 2GB EVGA Geforce GTX 750, Win 10 x64 Passmark score: 3091

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Posted: 7th Dec 2021 14:50

I'm looking for a "guinea pig" to test they can download from my server. Please PM or post here. It will be just to see if you can download a test ASCII (.txt) file.

Any takers?

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Posted: 7th Dec 2021 16:06
@BTOR, I'll do it.
AMD Phenom x4 9850 2.70 Ghz , 6 Gb ram, 2GB EVGA Geforce GTX 750, Win 10 x64 Passmark score: 3091

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Posted: 7th Dec 2021 16:24
many thanks MK83-Once I do a little testing, I will PM you a link to 3.0 and all you need to do is select the update button and hope it connects to my server and downloads the .txt file. cheers BOTR
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++ VS2019, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, others
Hardware: ULTRA FAST Quad Core Gaming PC Tower WIFI & 16GB 1TB HDD & Win 10 (x64), Geforce GTX1060(3GB). Dell Mixed Reality VR headset, Aerodrums 3D

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