If this works the link is to a standalone version.
To get it as small as possible whilst still working I deleted all the ebe related files, the result is that it still works but for some reason takes ages to start up, probably trying to find the files I deleted.
Controls are a bit awkward, A & S are for yaw, mouse controls pitch and roll, LMB fires plasma doodads, RMB fires a um thing that looks like a dandelion seed, E & D control thrust. Flight model is a bit simple at present, movement is simply in the direction you are facing, makes it easier to fly.
Press C to activate the mouse and press it again to deactivate (might need this when you start to get dizzy).
Shift E to change radar range.
Still to do, add more asteroid types and have big ones break up into smaller ones, add collision between player and asteroids, alien spaceships?, add explosion effects, 3d cockpit and add some sort of game element, i.e. come up with some point behind it all, defending the earth from rock throwing aliens or something.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!