Hi All,
It was meant to be a small tweak release, it turned into a monster. We have just released V1.131 which contains new features, fixes and tweaks to keep your game making universe alive and kicking, with a little something for everyone. Below is a full list of changes from the log.
V1.131 :
Fixed both (Peek) behavior character soldiers to now use ai_cover.lua
Added OBSTACLERADIUS to SETUP.INI to control the margin radius of static obstacles
Fixed issue of gun and entity animations freezing when DEBUG MODE shows AI markers
Added 'lightmappingexcludeterrain' to SETUP.INI which can switch off terrain shadows
Accelerated speed of the 'create smoothing normals' inside lightmapper
Improved the lighting levels of Asylum level and changed the sky to hide occlude flick
Changed initial default to DDS when selecting new texture in IMPORT MODEL feature
Modified INVISIBLE WALL entity to use default.lua (from old easter script)
Added support for better importing of FBX static meshes (skinning sidelined for now)
The IMPORT MODEL feature now remembers the last import folder location
Added [W][S] in IMPORT MODEL to move camera up and down to better view the target
Added MouseWheel in IMPORT MODEL to zoom camera in and out to better view the target
When using scaling slider, no longer interfers with object rotation if object large
Toggled Texture Loader so PNG is the preferred image type looked for (good for FBX import)
Added invisible wall script and fixed invisible wall entity
Updated the DOCS file on importing models to include a section on Shadow Management
Added new Geo Twizzle and Center Mesh options for finer control of FBX importing
Added CULLMODE to Import Model Panel for some entities which are cull inverted
Added new LUA command 'GetTerrainHeight(x,z)' which returns the terrain height at that point
Fixed a bug so that characters now report their true height via entity[e]['y'] in scripts
Fixed RADAR.LUA to allow objectives to disappear (including change to OBJECTIVE.LUA)
Now restored collision box markers when reload an FPE entity back into IMPORTER
Changed button highlight for IMPORTER panel buttons and renamed to 'Height Guide'
Added new showdebugcollisonboxes=1 in SETUP.INI to visualise collision box shapes
Fixed issue with collisionbox shapes shifting when scale and rotation applied to them
Fixed issue so g_PlayerAngX, g_PlayerAngY and g_PlayerAngZ now wrap angles to 0-360
Increased Sprite and Image maximums in LUA script system to 10,000 each
Removed the WIDTH, HEIGHT and DEPTH from SETUP.INI in Standalone as they don't do anything
When saving a standalone with multiple levels, the test game splash no longer appears in error
Changed prompt to correct text of "LOCKED - Hold SPACEBAR and click to unlock"
When making multi level standalone games, weapons collected in previous level carried over
Ensured [GAMEMENUOPTIONS] is copied to SETUP.INI in Standalone, and that it works fully
Added SAO (Scalable Ambient Obstruction) to Post Processor (needs DOF or MB > 0 to work)
Added 'invisible_wall.lua' to script bank so invisible wall entity no longer black when rendered
Fixed weight and friction so they now affect all objects in the game
Weight value now changes the weight of ragdolls when created from dying characters
Added sliders for SAO Radius and Intensity
Fixed issue of SAO effect bleeding through FOG layers
Added much asked for LOAD SOUND command (see bottom of global.lua for new command descriptions)
Added LoadGlobalSound,DeleteGlobalSound,PlayGlobalSound,LoopGlobalSound,StopGlobalSound
Added SetGlobalSoundSpeed,SetGlobalSoundVolume,GetGlobalSoundExist,GetGlobalSoundPlaying,GetGlobalSoundLooping
Fixed issue of SAO effect bleeding through FOG layers
Fixed issue of SAO not working on some cards that do not support 1920x1080
Character shader no longer switches out after 3000 units (now respects AlwaysActive)
Fixed SAO transparency on character shader revealed when adding trees to scene
Fixed major issue which caused larger levels to lose normal and specular textures (image vs texture resource)
Added code to correct flicker issue caused by low velocity issues in motion blur technique
Fixed issue of random noise generator in SAO linked to screen, now linked to world positions
Fixed issue where LOD2DISTANCE not specified and breaking entities that only have LOD1
Player camera (FPS) now stops instantly (no wobble fade) to prevent SAO swim artifacts
Added extra logging to .LOG file to show what LUA scripts loaded (and if any failed to load)
Added new link in IDE Help Menu to view the GameGuru user manual (previously alittle hidden)
Increased LUA config maximums to allow larger levels to run logic (improved scripting)
Recompiled LUA module to not use Optimization flags to improve stability (large LUA level crashes)
Simplified SAO to not generate a noise vector for the moment - clever but produces swimming effect
Added 'GetFogNearest' through 'GetPostDepthOfFieldIntensity' for getting current visual settings
Fixed issue of IDE crashing if you click outside of an entity icon
Increased velocity caps on motion blur to avoid distant flicker on some scenes
Fixed an issue where the forth bone of boned weapons was being ignored
Fixed issue of characters set to ISIMMOBILE from floating above the floor
Fixed SAO shimmer and was able to put noise function back in for much better SAO effect
Updated RADAR.LUA script to remove hard coded coordinates of radar image (thanks to RETROGAMEBLOKE)
Increased MUSICSYSTEM_MAXTRACKS from 4 to 32 to allow dynamic music system more freedom
Character entities using RAGDOLL=0 now works with third person so death/impact animations used
Added support back in for SETUP.INI fields xbox, xboxinvert and xboxcontrollertype (XBOX Controller)
Static entities in level set to "Spawn At Start = No" no longer get lightmapped during LM process
Fixed sound and music volume so they respect stored settings when start each new level
Dynamic music no longer stops when enter games menu, only instance sound effects
Added new POST-SAO.FX to free regular BLOOM shader pass for a much quicker non-SAO rendering
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM