Unfortunately, with usePBR=0, I still get the warning message, but the game works and looks fine.
My settings are:
global gameguruscale# = 17 // 17:Scale everything inside gameguru level.
global removeallanimationfromobjects = 0 // AGK 2.0.21 bug collision dont work on objects with bones. remove all bones and force mesh collision on objects. will remove ALL animations.
global usecollisionmesh = 1 // create a collision mesh from the objects LOD0 level. Take up more mem , but is needed in 2.0.21+ due to the default bone collision.
global createpointlights = 1 // create point lights from level. you must use the mobilepvl shader pack. pvl=point vertex light.
global usedecals = 1 // animated textures, only power of 2 images supported , if you get a wrong animation please resize the image.
global runonmobile = 1 // collect and use media on mobile, for broadcast. MUST be 0 until all ggmedia is collected. it also print load progress.
global postprocessshaders = 3 // post process quality 0=very low, l = low , 2 = middle , 3 = high
global useveg = 0 // 1 = include vegatation on level. not really mobile friendly takes around 20 sec on old mobile devices.
global usevegsway = 1 // 1 = sway vegatation.
global maxveg = 10000 // max number of vegatation objects to use.
global vegtexture$ = "veg-grass2.png" // "veg-grass4.png" - texture to use for vegatation objects.
global vegspreading = 10 // 1-10=normal: set spreading of vegatation , lower mean more vegatation.
global vegminsize# = 1.75 // 1.35 minimum size of vegatation , -1 = small , 0.0 normal , +3.0 large.
global mobileversion = 0 // 1=terrain textures / heightmap is reduced, 2=terrain get even less details/skybox use lower size textures.
global usemobiletextures = 0 // 1=use mobile lower size textures on all objects. 2= even lower size textures.
global usebillboards = 0 // use billboards.
global billboardtexturescale# = 1.00 //0.5 // 1.0 = 512x512 , 0.5 = 256x256 , 0.25 = 128x128
global usebillboardsections = 1 // use billboard sections.
global usebillboardfade = 1 // fade billboard to normal object
global usealphamask = 0 // use alpha mask on all transparent objects , workaround.
global loadcharaters = 1 // load in gameguru charaters and animate. some of the GG charaters will not work as they have scaling that AGK dont support.
global maxobjects = 4000 // max gameguru objects. lower this as mush as possible,
global maxuniquemedia = 180 // max gameguru .fpe object to prepare.
global uselodstages = 0 // use lod stages inside gameguru objects. not ready yet.
global includemovingsky = 0 // include a moving sky
global includeskybox = 1 // include a skybox
global includeagkskybox = 0 // include builtin agk skybox, save you some memory but is more slow so...
global skybox$ = "default" // default
global skySpeed# = 0.8 // how fast should the moving sky move.
global SkyboxRotateToFitSun# = -48.0 // rotate skybox so sun fit the shadows and light position
global WaterSpeed# = 0.000005 // how fast should the water move. 0.00010 = normal
global distclip# = 120 // set later.
global ggpathe$ = "/entitybank/" // path to gameguru media , objects and textures.
global ggpathe2$ = "/entitybank" // copy .fpe files from.
global ggmdiapath$ = "/media/ggmedia/" // media objects,textures destination folder, to collect media for use on mobile.
global ggmdiapath2$ = "/media/ggmedia" // used for .fpe files destination folder.
global ggdefaultground$ = "default" // terrain texture combinations, HOW terrain splatmap is combined, default should do in most cases.
global flevelpath$ = "gameguru" // path to first level to load.
global basemaponly = 0 // 1 = generate a basemap and use the basemap terrain shader, mush faster on mobiles.
global useterrainmesh = 0 // use one big mesh instead of terrain, fast for indoor scenes. No light on terrain as point light will never be close enoff
global disabledirectionallight = 0 // Disable sun light , good for indoor scenes.
global basemapsize = 1024 // texture size of basemap.
global lightmapsize = 2048 //4096 // combined light and shadow texture size.
global generatelightmap = 0 // generate and use shadow lightmaps yes=1
global realtimeshadow = 0 // enable realtime cascade shadows , must use shader pack 'desktop/'.
global shadowquality# = 9.0 // 1-18 , 1=fastest - 18=best quality.
global bias1# = 0.000020 // 0.000020: casecade 1 shadow bias
global bias2# = 0.000020 // 0.000020: casecade 2 shadow bias
global Shadow_Distance1#=35 // casecade 1 distance = 530/gameguruscale#
global Shadow_Distance2#=160 /// casecade 2 distance = 2300/gameguruscale#
global Shadow_Resolution=1024 // 1024 for mobile , 2048 + for desktop. , 4096 high quality shadows. MRF 10Jan18 : lower to 1024 if warnings show
global excludeterrainshadows = 1 //dont include terrain in shadow mapping
global uselightmaponstatic = 0 // use lightmap on static objects. if 0 only terrain get the lightmap
global terrainshader = 1 // default terrain shader.
global includenormalmap = 1 // include normal mapping and specular mapping
global objectsonlyusenormalspec = 0 // 1=terrain dont use normal and spec
global normalshaderpath$ = "mobile/" // "mobile/" , "mobilepvl/", "mobilepvlr/", "mobilepvlrs/", "desktop/" path to mobile friendly normal,specular mapping shaders. "mobilepvl" include dynamic light.
global terrainonlyusenormalspec = 0 // 1= only terrain and water gets normal and spec.
global terraindistancedetails = 1 // improve terrain distance quality.
global hideterrain = 0 // hide the terrain on startup.
global hidewater = 0 // hide water plane.
global usebloomshader = 1 // bloom shading only very bright colors.
global usecartoonshader = 0 // cartoon shading
global usedithershader = 0 // retro look
global useditherc64shader = 0 // retro look using c64 colors.
global usefxaashader = 1 // anti aliasing
global useVignette = 0 // Add Vignette effect to final render. you must also use fxaa for this to work.
global usewaterreflection = 1 // water has reflection , you must use "mobilepvlr/" or "desktop/" shaders.
global uselensflare = 1 // add a lens flare
global disablerallglass = 0 // 1=disable non alpha mask transparent objects like glass, there can be some depth problems.
global uselowpolyreflection = 0 // wip: Work best on flat terrains: lower polygons on reflection render.
global editon = 0 // not used yet.
global usebuildinshader = 0 // 1 = use agk built in shaders. AGK do not have a terrain shader , so it will only display using single color basemap.
global screensizex = 1366 //1920,1366 - use screen width
global screensizey = 768 //1080,768 - use screen height.
global fullscreen = 1 // 1 = use full screen.
global sceneflashlight# = 0.0 // Press 'f' to use flashlight.
global ContrastAll# = 1.05 // 1.20-Adjust contrast of all shaders.
global BrightnessAll# = 0.975 // 0.90-Adjust brightness of all shaders.
global usewaypoints = 1 // characters near a waypoint will follow the waypoint.
global addshooting = 1 // Add guns to chars and enable them to shoot.
global shootingrange = 1200 // Range before char can see and shoot player.
global shootingrate# = 1.0 // How fast can they shoot in sec.
global shootingPrecision = 0 // 0=always hit , 10=hits 1 out of 10 (random)
global addsound = 1 // add sound effects.
global bounceplayerwhenhit = 1 // bounce player a bit back when hit.
global desktopFPSmousecontrol = 1 // Start up using desktop mouse fps control.
global useanimatedcolt1911 = 0 // wip: Use the animatede colt hand-gun , use scaled bones so could give problems.
global useGunNormalmap = 1 // include normal map on gun.
global useautoreloadgun = 1 // Auto reload gun, good when on mobiles , and gives you that shooting delay to make it a bit harder.
global includetestgun = 1 // include the test gun object.
global useLasersight = 0 // use a laser sight instead of crosshair.
global vegdist# = 0 // set later.
global globalR# = 255 // global color R change colors on everything
global globalG# = 255 // global color G change colors on everything
global globalB# = 255 // global color B change colors on everything
global sunR# = 255 // sun color R , range 0 - 512. 255 is normal.
global sunG# = 255 // sun color G , range 0 - 512. 255 is normal.
global sunB# = 255 // sun color B , range 0 - 512. 255 is normal.
global fogR# = 100 // fog color R ( 103 fit gg sblue skybox )
global fogG# = 100 // fog color G ( 93 fit gg sblue skybox )
global fogB# = 100 // fog color B ( 72 fit gg sblue skybox )
global fogDist# = 0 // set later.
global fogDists# = 0 // set later.
global yfogimpact# = 0.25 // 0.25 = more ground fog, 1.0 = less ground fog.
global WaterTransparency = 120 // Set how mush transparancy water should have.
global underwaterfogdist# = 0 // set later.
global persyncobjectssplit = 15 // total objects/persyncobjectssplit objects will be checked on each sync , higher=less per sync.
global scenecolors$ = "day" //"showroom" // control them yourself , or use "morning" , "night" , "day" , "dayfog" ,nightbright,dayfog,dessert Remember to set fogDist#
global flashlight# = 0.0 //
global TPPcamera = 0 // Enable the TPP camera control. The TPP character .fpe should have "isthirdperson = 1" in it so we can find it.
global tppadjusty# = -3.21 // adjust your tpp character perfect to the terrain.
global debugbutton = 0 // add virtual buttons to change scene colors and change camera mode.
global loadwebglshaders = 0 // Set to 1 when you publish to WebGL (HTML5)
global convertToPowerOf2 = 1 // convert all images to PO2 , AGK have problems with some NPO2 images. 1=Round up , 2=Round down
global hugeobjectdistance = 6000 // 3900: if you use a VERY huge object on your level , you should increase this.
global maxSpecNormSizeX = 2048 // Width - Max size a baked PBR texture can use. albedo is still fullsize.
global maxSpecNormSizeY = 2048 // Height - Max size a baked PBR texture can use. albedo is still fullsize.
global fakefloorreflection = 0 // use water reflection as fake floor reflection.
global floorReflectionAlpha# = 0.125 // 0.125: how much reflection should it have. 0.01 - 1.0 (1.0 = full reflection,mirror)
global useVR = 0 // Enable VR doubble screen rendering.
global VR_eye_space# = 8.0 // Camera space between eyes, you can adjust the 3D effect here.
global VR_FOV# = 70.0 // 70 default.
global VR_Inverse_Eye_View = 0 // reversed eye camera space.
global VR_Offset_Center = 2 // 1=use a off-center projection matrix. 2=based on GetDeviceWidth
global VR_Crosshair_Mode = 2 // 0=center ch in 3d, 1=center crosshair on final render, 2=One eye crosshair sigth
global screenWidthCM as float = 11 // visible screen width in centimeters
global screenDistCM as float = 8 // distance from pupil to screen in centimeters
global pupilDistCM as float = 6.2 // user's pupil distance in centimeters, underestimate slightly to reduce eye strain
global usePBR = 0
global ProbeTexSize = 128 // size of each probe side, remember textures will be * 4 of this , so try to keep it as small as possible on mobiles.
global bloomTriggeR# = 0.96 // how bright should Red be before bloom trigger. >= 1.0 we need HDRimages first so this will disable bloom.
global bloomTriggeG# = 0.96 // how bright should Green be before bloom trigger.
global bloomTriggeB# = 0.96 // how bright should Blue be before bloom trigger.
global useHeadBobbing = 0
global displayloading = 1
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT