snowdog thanks, but they were not properly lined up. i have been attempting to get characters to go down them it is sort of working, so i may have a sewer full of lurking monsters whoooaaaaaa
0alerm0 thanks its them little appreciations that keep me going
notayeti i am always busy making stuff, i just keep trying to improve and further improve.
as it has been a while i will give you a showcase of my ultimate town kit.
the first showing is a huge inn/hotel
3 floors 7 rooms for rent and 2 huge downstairs areas a huge upstairs area etc very big indeed, taken 2 days to suss it out, although i lost the first one due to bad file, then updated the windows on this beast. so without further ado
this one is a more work needed on the texture. version is a run down inn but i will correct it later there is still work to do on the first one, then the extras like post supports, fires, shutters, overhangs, porchways etc etc. i will be making them attachable to make use of at least various differences to make unique inns
as i say, this is the first, there are shops and houses, mills, forge works, blacksmith and many other town like buildings. this is a rework from what i was attempting the other month.
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!