@Monkey Frog,
At the end of the day, I have no influence over what the developers here choose to do (or not do) with their own product, so I am not going to continue harping on the subject. So I'll say my last words;
I voiced my concerns because, in my eyes, I'm watching Max go down the same rabbit hole as Classic. Not sure if you've been around for that long, but several features that should have been in GameGuru Classic from the beginning were not, and then added to some "user poll" which prioritized things such as drivable vehicles and jetpacks or some other nonsense (I can't remember exactly, there were like 50 things on that list) over essential engine tech such as lightmapping improvements, crucial bug fixes, and other things that should have just been a priority from the very beginning that would have benefited every user despite what genera of game they were working on.
No plans on the roadmap" and "
maybe, you never know your luck" in the FPS-Creator/GameGuru metaverse basically translates to, "
not gonna happen.", or, if you're an old fart around here like I am now, something more classier, like,
"you need to install x mod to do that, cause we ain't givin' it to ya!". As
osiem80 pointed out, older members have been through this before (3 times, actually), which is why those responses don't make me feel any better; I know what they
really mean.
The graphics still look like a work in progress, at best, and you said they're going to move onto what next? Puzzle games, VR and multiplayer? Was that right?

It's jetpacks and airplanes all over again.
I brought up the age of the tech because it does not make sense for TGC to say they wanted to birth yet another rendition of FPS Creator (rather than just fulfill the promises they made for Classic), stating one of the main reasons in doing so to be to give us a better graphics renderer, but then exclude such an ancient technology so imperative to video game visuals that it somehow even ended up finding it's way into Classic (and is absolutely
NECESSARY, for the reasons
Sanguis explained and my thread title was implying).
Quote: "What if this reason is they actually have plans for something ... better?"
My guess was it slowed the engine down to a crawl, so they just planned on keeping it out altogether and mums was the word on it until someone brought it up. It never having been on the "roadmap" in the first place means there most likely wasn't anything "better" ever planned.

Well, so much not harping on it. Sorry, everyone.
I'll end with this; I would not still be here after 14 years, lurking quietly in the shadows, if I did not have faith in FPS Creator's legacy and Lee's ability to do it right. I am sharing my concerns because I want GGM to be successful, and everything we were supposed to get out of Classic.
I could just as easily have walked away (as others did) when Lee announced he wanted us to throw more money at him to create a new version of GameGuru instead of just implementing what we were promised into Classic.
I did not. I trusted Lee AGAIN, and gave him my money...AGAIN.
So my expectations are still high, despite the graphics still being
incomplete. (Yes, they are incomplete.) I really hope Lee does not let me down this time (like he really cares about disappointing some random guy on the internet
