Hi All,
Find today's broadcast recording here:
And all the questions we could not reach during our live chat:
Q> How far can we go with stealth with this?
A> Not too far, just the basics of being able to move without being heard, without being seen if stay outside of the cone and high damage attacks for instakills.
Q> Will see a crawl along the ground for the player?
A> We are only supporting first-person perspective for the EA version so the crouch is the lowest the player camera can get.
Q> Can we adjust the distance at which the ai sees/hears us? Can we adjust how long or how far they will follow you for?
A> Yes you can adjust the view range, view angle, hearing range, and how far and for how long they will chase you.
Q> Will we get Prefabs and/or segments back in GG Max?
A> There are no plans to add the old prefab segments from FPS Creator.
Q> Can we speed up the time from the AI seeing us, and attacking, as presently they seem to wait for a little before attacking?
A> You can flag the characters to skip the 'stare' step and go direct to alerted attack.
Q> Would it be hard to add a "Create Folder" in the left-level objects panel? To be more organized?
A> There are no plans to add folders to the left objects panel. If we get more requests for this feature in the issues board, we will take a closer look.
Q> Are we able to create walkthroughs and tutorials for YouTube. Or is it closed?
A> You are free to create any videos or tutorials for GameGuru MAX at any time, no restrictions from us
Q> Are you going to create a building tool as you did in GameGuru Classic?
A> We have the structure editor in the Developer Mode settings, but we are considering something new for the creation of 'structures'. No firm plans.
Q> I'm thinking about making a 2nd person platformer would I be able to do this?
A> GameGuru MAX is not designed to create 2nd person platformers, only first-person 3D shooter genre games at the moment.
Q> Will there be a HUD edit added?
A> You can customize your in-game screens for the standalone for the EA version, and after that release, we will be looking at an in-game HUD editor for things like health, weapon readouts, etc.
Q> I keep getting a black screen when I launch game guru max, anyway I can fix that?
A> The best thing is to create an issue on our board with enough information so we can reproduce it: https://github.com/TheGameCreators/GameGuruRepo/issues
Q> Will we be able to create scenes that can be sold on the market?
A> You can share and sell whatever you make with GameGuru MAX, including individual scenes. Entirely up to you
Q> Does GGM have an Ocean generator? Something with waves. If so, will there be a way to make something buoyant, like a boat?
A> There are no plans to create an ocean generator or boats in the EA version. The water system already has the ability to control wave size and speed.
Q> Tried the Structure editor, but all it does is crash Gameguru Max when I try it, Does it need fixing?
A> Yes as of today this is a known bug and exists as a report on our issues board.
Q> Are you stopping updates for gg classic and I keep getting a black screen when I launch gg max?
A> There are absolutely no plans to stop support for GameGuru Classic Fixer updates. For the black screen in MAX, see your previous question.
Q> How do I animate cutscenes and can I? Also, can I model my own character?
A> There are no plans to add a cutscene maker to GameGuru MAX, and you can use the built-in character creator to make your own characters for your game.
Q> After hearing you mention the particles, are the ones currently in Max, named? As I don't seem to see what they are called when trying to select them?
A> When you click Add New Particle in the particle game element properties, a large window wil show listing all available outr of the box particles. The names are underneath and correspond to the filenames of those particles.
Q> Will there be in the future an X-ray/Wireframe mode like from other modern game engines?
A> There are no plans to add XRAY or WIREFRAME rendering to GameGuru MAX. If you have a specific case, please let us know, perhaps as a feature request in the issues board.
Q> What's about particle LUA control system, as GG has? I mean some LUA commands to work with?
A> There are no plans to add control of the new particle system as LUA commands for the EA version. Most of the logic is built into the particle shader for performance reasons and all tweaks should be done in the Particle Editor. Let us know if you have specific needs.
Thanks for those, more answers for you next Wednesday at 4 PM GMT.
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.