Quote: "Just an aside: There is a user who lifted all of morning mountain stroll for a level in his game, he did however place the start marker for the map to start in reverse (but neglected to rotate the enemies so they all spawn facing away from the player).
This same user proceeded to blame the engine about all the shortcomings of his game, even going as far as to imply that he could have made a far better game if he had access to the source code. Just thought you might get a chuckle out of it"
Actually not the first time my morning mountain stroll map was lifted and used.Couple years back it was used for a comp entry, but the guy got nailed after the map won the comp, way back with the farce that was game dev fort.
Can't help but laugh, when I hear and see things like that. That map took about 8 weeks +- minus to make, the terrain editing taking the longest period.I don't mind people, using and making a heavy edited version of the map.I my self is using the base terrain of the mountain stroll map for this. Pretty much stripped out every entity, marker ect. Smoothed out the terrain and edited quite a bit. But pretty standard and common to find people passing off others works as their own.
Any ways started with the next set of finer tweak and additional stuff. I do like the rocks, but they are a bit limited in their reuse, makes it a bit harder to use, but so far it has done a pretty good job. With mountain stroll I reused a lot of walls, to keep the AI within the bounds of the linear play area, trying to do the same with the rocks here. Hopefully it pays off, because honestly just the terrain wouldn't have done it justice.
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