I have been testing now for a while a follow spawn script. The idea is to not clutter the hole map with entities
that you want the player to see or to inter act with. So the script will spawn entities randomly around the player
as the player walks thru the map. this means i only have to put down lets say one spider and one scorpion and
one or two rocks and some twigs / branches, they will then follow the player, and you and pick them up as well.
later i can increase the entities around the player that i will need in the game. I have tested it on a flat map, because
in the game map one can not see if everything is working correctly due to the contour of the map and the the grass is
quite long and also some fog in the map, and i don't want to run around to much to find them while testing.
Here is the video of the test. ( Again sorry for the poor video quality )
Don't think i would have done the test easily with this map.
Current W.I.P
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00GHz
RAM 16GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
DirectX Version: DirectX 11