Hi All,
Here is a recording of today's broadcast:
And here are the answers I did not reach in the live chat (and very sorry to Superconfidentman, totally missed your on-time question):
Q> Can structure editor SEGMENT files be edited within the app in 3D WYSISYG?
A> There are no plans to expand on the Structure Editor for 2021, though we will be keeping it in Developer Mode for those who still use it. We do have an idea to improve the idea of making structures but not sure what form it might take if we decide to go that way.
Q> How hard is it going to be to get custom NPC in gameguru max working. because it was a pain in classic until graphix tool came out?
A> It should be relatively simple. You can create a character in the built-in character creator, then assign it in your level as a Neutral character and they will follow the behavior you select for them.
Q> Can the standalone executable be run from a USB 3.0 drive?
A> I see no reason why not, though depending on the hardware of the drive, you might find file system activity quite slow. Once all the media is loaded, however, it should be as fast as if you ran from an SSD. We cannot confirm this however until we have finished the software and run our tests for this scenario.
Q> Will max support Fidelityfx?
A> There are no plans to support Fidelityfx at this time. Most of our efforts will be vendor-neutral until we have a top product that makes game creation easy. We can then look at raising the bar for powerful GPUs.
Q> Will there be any option to enable developer mode indefinitely rather than every time it opens we have to activate it??
A> This is currently by design as the Developer Mode has some experimental features in place that are not reliable enough to inflict on you full time
If you post it on our issues board as a feature request, and it gets plenty of attention, we can perhaps add a SETUP.INI mode to keep the mode active for those who live dangerously.
Q> When will we be able to pick up health to heal ourselves?
A> This will be coming soon as part of the current 'small logic' work currently being worked on, in addition to the player settings for health regeneration which is pretty common in modern games these days.
Q> Can I multiplay with my friend without gameguru now ??
A> There are no plans to release a multiplayer component for GameGuru MAX on the initial release. We are currently focusing on good single-player first-person shooter genres, and only when we feel we have exceeded expectations in this area will we look at expanding our reach into other segments.
Q> What kind of terrain tools GGMax is going to have?
A> We of course have the procedural system to start your massive terrains off, but then you will get sculpting modes such as raise, lower, flatten and blend so you can shape the terrain into something specific to your game level. In addition, the ability to paint the terrain with realistic textures, add vegetation, and a new addition, the editing of specific tree placements. We understand you do not want to place 400,000 trees manually, but we also know you will want to remove a few to clear a forest for your secret military base
Q> How far off is water as a placeable item ie: water at the top of a mountain or a lake up high or fountain?? cheers
A> There are no plans for secondary water bodies for the first release, only the water table which can be adjusted during terrain generation and later on as an editable preference when designing your game levels. 'Water Volumes' is a great idea and will allow mountain lakes, streams, and other water features, but these will not make it into the first version.
Thanks for all your questions, and I will be happy to answer more next Wednesday at 4 PM BST.
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.