Product Chat / GameGuru MAX Live - Broadcast #42 Answers

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Posted: 5th May 2021 16:33
Hi All,

Here is a recording of today's live broadcast from our YouTube channel:

And here are the answers to the questions I could not get to in the live chat session:

Q> Can I add cutscenes?
A> There are no plans to add a cutscene editor to the first version of GameGuru MAX.

Q> Will you be able to have real bullets that you can actually see firing through the air?
A> I assume you mean the tracer fire effect so you know the direction of the character firing at you. This has not been added to the plan, but if we see it as essential to help the gameplay we will add it.

Q> ​Will there be support for other OS besides windows? I have a lot of different machines that I’d like to make games for like Mac, Linux, and quest 2?
A> There are no plans to port GameGuru MAX to any other platform or device, it will only run on Windows 10 and above.

Q> ​Can you import standard game guru assets in?
A> Yes, you can manually copy over your GameGuru Classic entities and most of them should work out of the box. Some assets and some scripts however will not function exactly as they did in Classic, so it will not be 100% backwards compatible in this respect.

Q> ​What's the extent of the multi-threading support in GG max?
A> Extensive. The entire Wicked graphics engine uses as many cores as your system has to spread out the work and produce some excellent performance figures for rendering the game graphics. We are also using CPU threading to run tasks in parallel to reduce launch and wait times, such as the character creator which has all the character parts ready the moment you run the tool. We will continue to use this technique to ensure GameGuru MAX taps the full capabilities of your system.

Q> Are we going to have control of these settings (weather, ai, sky, and so on) via LUA?
A> You will have control over weather and sky very similar to how the UI allows this now. The AI control will be via a new visual logic system which should be very intuitive to use and allow you to craft your own game logic. We will also be providing character AI in the form of Dynamic LUA behaviors which have sliders and properties you can change to quickly get different behaviors from an out-of-the-box script.

Thanks for all your questions, and I look forward to answering more next week!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.

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Posted: 5th May 2021 17:21
Looks good, although I'm a little concerned that minimum spec has suddenly changed to unconfirmed... Used to be a 960 GTX is that likely to change now?
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.
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Posted: 5th May 2021 17:25
@ Lee
Quote: "Q> Are we going to have control of these settings (weather, ai, sky, and so on) via LUA?
A> You will have control over weather and sky very similar to how the UI allows this now. The AI control will be via a new visual logic system which should be very intuitive to use and allow you to craft your own game logic. We will also be providing character AI in the form of Dynamic LUA behaviors which have sliders and properties you can change to quickly get different behaviors from an out-of-the-box script."

Great! Thanks for the reply.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
2d graphics mark: 947.9
3d graphics mark: 8310.9
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Disk mark: 1146.3
Passmark rating: 3662.4

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Posted: 5th May 2021 17:26
I believe min spec is 970, 1060 is therefore close to min spec.
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Posted: 5th May 2021 17:43
Still says 960 on Steam page.

I know a 1060 is still near min spec, but it was the" we've not confirmed final minimum specs" that got my attention. Its at about 9.50 in the vid. Many people will have pre-ordered based on those min specs. Now is not the time for upgrading your video card, it's a total shambles at present, with no stock anywhere and prices being hiked up to frankly crazy prices.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.
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Posted: 5th May 2021 18:02
Yeah, they've always mentioned 960 as minimum, but Lee has always said that it is only the minimum for now and might change depending on how the software develops.
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Posted: 5th May 2021 18:23
should let the camera settle a bit if you're trying to show off details, the compression takes time to update and doesn't really show anything off in a good light if you're moving it around while talking about how "great" everything looks
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Posted: 5th May 2021 20:09
4gb ram really?maybe just to start it up, i would recommend atleast 8gb
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Posted: 6th May 2021 11:45
The specs are my concern as well... Buy $29 software, just to upgrade to a $1000 laptop/pc to run it...

I bought my laptop a while back just when I bought the alpha GGM .... and now it's running minimum specs... if 1060 is minimum
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Posted: 6th May 2021 12:13
Quote: "The specs are my concern as well... Buy $29 software, just to upgrade to a $1000 laptop/pc to run it...

I bought my laptop a while back just when I bought the alpha GGM .... and now it's running minimum specs... if 1060 is minimum"

No you don't buy a 1k laptop just for one piece of software, you are going to use it for other purposes as well, 1k laptops isn't exactly suited to development, as mobile GPU run slower then their desktop counter parts. I would never recommend a laptop as a development environment unless you have a few grand, as a proper desktop replacement laptop for development isn't cheap.

Sure you keep the requirements of the software in mind but also other software as well. It has been stated over and over and over and over, in the videos and forum posts that the system requirements are provisional and might change a little.Considering the laptop you got as is GPU is going to run a little slower, because of being a mobile version. Sure you get desktop GPU's in laptops but definitely not in the 1k bracket. A little unfair to blame the software for your choice in computing hardware.
Win10 Pro 64bit----iCore5 4590 @ 3.7GHZ----AMD RX460 2gb----16gig ram
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Posted: 6th May 2021 16:12
I hear ya DannyD. Boy those cards are being held hostage for HUGE ransom!
@wizard of id
"A little unfair to blame the software for your choice in computing hardware. " While this is true, what would instead be the proper course of action under these circumstances? Software specs ASIDE (NIL), what choices do people have? A non- sequitur spin as you already mentioned an acceptable laptop would cost "a few grand" and "isn't cheap".
While a biological virus rages, we are also in a technological (GPU) pandemic. Flexibility is always positive. People close to me have become alarmingly different, polarized and paranoid during these "trying times." They have become unrecognizable. I'm not saying you are, I'm saying these two pandemics could be an allegorical comparison that sometimes limits peoples choices.

I was GIVEN/ GIFTED a new desktop system with a 1650 -- what are your remarks about mine?
Here's just the card:
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Posted: 6th May 2021 16:48 Edited at: 6th May 2021 16:52
Thing is pandemic isn't too blame, well not entirely memory and other parts used in the construction of GPUs have been under constrains for quite a while now, a few natural disasters, Bitcoin and manufacturing processes hasn't made things easier, overall costs has increases as the overall yields with die shrinkages has actually decreased in some instances. Market related changes with companies like samsung.

It has actually been a few factors leading up to the massive increases in GPU prices, that is not even excluding normal inflation costs, product development, shipping and manufacturing all increased a fair bit. However there is a fledging secondhand market on eBay and places like Gumtree and what not selling refurbished and private GPUs.I can get a GTX 1070 for about $400.00, which pretty decent.

However if the complaint is the average user is under age ect, they cant afford it, well this a hobbyist tool and who ever said a hobbies are cheap. Max isn't targeted as a low cost low requirement product anyways, normal price is after all $49.99.Future proofing a computer is at best a joke, with a desktop you can at least upgrade the system to some extend not so much with a laptop, sure you can buy a external GPU hardware and connect that to the laptop but setup like that isn't exactly cheap either.

While there is min requirements, it is still going to limit your overall capabilities in the software, you can still only do so much with the hardware, and unlike classic there isnt going to a graphical off switch on some things like the realtime lighting system, still open to discussion whether shading will have quality settings, max isnt so much a replacement for classic as a standalone product intended for users with higher end or newer systems as classic has not been trashed at all as there is very much still a market for it for lower end users.

Every thing was made pretty clear from the start that it is going to require a beefy system, so IDK choices made before the official release of the software is a little reckless, considering you neem the requirements and can upgrade the system if you have expansion slots you are better off then a users that buys just about the min requirements, considering the GTX 960 is almost older then time it self at this point. lol
Win10 Pro 64bit----iCore5 4590 @ 3.7GHZ----AMD RX460 2gb----16gig ram
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Posted: 7th May 2021 00:29
@wizard of id

Not going into an argument here about what is what. There is a reason behind all of these, and If you follow some posts in the appgamekit forum you will know ... and what my end goal is.

Believe me... money to spend is the last thing I need to worry about... but this is not about me.. and goes much further than this...

I love GG/GGM and AGK, and bought all DLC or whatever they have to sell, but...

it's much more than just buying a laptop or desktop ...

I don't need to explain myself here about why and what.. but if you really want to know whats going on, PM me

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Posted: 7th May 2021 07:26
Quote: "I don't need to explain myself here about why and what.. but if you really want to know whats going on, PM me"
Just remember it is a two way street, you openly posted in a forum, sharing, discussing and adding critique about a post or users is pretty much a given, it is after all what the platform was designed for.

If you have issues and concerns that are either personal, private that is your business and no one really cares. If you have issues with software then it's neither personal or private for a PM to be honest.Remember I said two way street, well just so happens people don't have to reply, engage or explain, share ideas or discuss anything with you as well. . In other words I don't have to entertain the notion either, or care enough if it can't be said in public, you did post in a public forum after all and I have the freedom without prejudice to share my thoughts and opinions, whether good, bad or indifferent.You posted with regards to software requirements and I replied.

Thanks for the kind offer to PM, unfortunately I decline the offer to do so, should you wish to post in public I can lend a ear, but can't promise I wont reply.

Win10 Pro 64bit----iCore5 4590 @ 3.7GHZ----AMD RX460 2gb----16gig ram
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Posted: 8th May 2021 13:38 Edited at: 8th May 2021 13:40
Just tried to update MAX and failed to get the files. So I thought I would uninstall it completely and start over. Still same error, are the servers overloaded at the min? Anyone else struggling to connect to dl the file list?
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.


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Posted: 8th May 2021 13:54
Getting the same here.
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Posted: 8th May 2021 14:01
Had same, rebooted pc and all was ok.
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Posted: 8th May 2021 14:36
Will give it a bit of time and try again after a reboot then
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.
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Posted: 8th May 2021 15:34
I have to try 3 times and rebooting as well.
I thought it was just me because my internet connection is failing lately.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
2d graphics mark: 947.9
3d graphics mark: 8310.9
memory mark 2584.8
Disk mark: 1146.3
Passmark rating: 3662.4


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