Hi All,
Find a recording of our broadcast from today:
And here are your answers to the questions I could not get to during the live chat:
Q> Can I change the color of the screen to dark? Is there any chances for GameGuru Max runs in integrated graphics card?
A> You can change the color theme from the SETTINGS menu. No plans to support GPU less than a GTX960. If the integrated card is more powerful than that, then it would be supported.
Q> As a GameGuru Max owner, would you allow me to use screenshots of characters I make in the character for my commercial visual novel?
A> Please email me at lee@thegamecreators.com and I will pass it to my team for further consideration, thanks!
Q> Having the function of buttons displayed in text when you hover the mouse pointer over it is extremely helpful. Please do that as much as possible. Including shortcuts.
A> We have tooltips for all such areas, but do let us know if we have missed anything. Use the GitHub issues board as that way we can tag it and make sure it is not missed.
Q> When will you be starting on the terrain?
A> Terrain work starts soon, we are finishing off UI and model importing first, but we are very close!
Q> Will game guru max have HDR for huge levels? BTW will max have a maximum size of terrain map or not?!
A> GameGuru MAX has HDR for any size levels, even empty ones. It is built into the renderer. The final maximum size of terrains has not been determined but they will be much larger than the ones you could create in Classic.
Q> Will we have control of hand animations at some point? Like in the original demo with the Bioshock looking hand movement?
A> There is nothing in the design to allow you to control the hand animations, they will be pre-created as part of the weapons and player interaction system, and no custom animations can be added to these. You can of course create your own HUD weapons, and thus craft your own animations, but this is a more advanced skill.
Q> What's about water transparency?
A> The water will have transparency.
Q> When will you be finishing the GUI?
A> The GUI will likely be an ongoing process of minor tweaks, but the bulk of the design is now in place and will not drastically change from what you see now.
Q> Can you talk a bit, about the high ram usage?
A> This looks very much like a bug in how the resources associated with objects are loaded. It is likely resources are being duplicated unnecessarily and we have a bug report on the issues board to cover this fix down the road.
Q> What are the plans for "projects" ? multiple map linking etc?
A> You will be able to create a whole game project, not just a single level chained to another. With our new design, you can link levels together in any order, whether you want a linear progression or a non-linear flow, it will be your call.
Q> Is there any possibility of gameguru max reduce the minimum system requirements?
A> No, we are sticking with GTX960 for now and may increase this as we get closer to the final visual we are looking for. For lower specifications we recommend sticking with GameGuru Classic.
Q> Will you have the ability to setup VR Motion Controllers or will it be pre setup ?
A> They will mostly be pre-set as part of your existing VR setup, but you will be able to specify what controller buttons do in your game.
Q> How to realize shooting with vr?
A> You would collect a weapon, point it at an enemy and press the trigger button. The weapon will fire, and if you are accurate, you will hit the enemy.
Q> Any news on multiplayer?
A> No plans to add multiplayer for the first version of GameGuru MAX.
Q> After hearing you talking about doors, Will VR be able to open doors by grabbing handles and pushing door open?
A> You will certainly be able to push them open using your VR controller, but grabbing a handle and turning it has not been planned. When we get more emersed in the VR experience, we may well add this additional functionality to improve the game, depending on what other priorities we will have when it comes to the VR experience compared to the non-VR gameplay.
Thanks for all your questions, and I look forward to answering more next week on Wednesday 4 PM GMT.
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.