Hi All,
Find today's broadcast recording below:
Also here are the answers to the questions I did not have time to answer in the live chat:
Q> Will there be weather effects like leaves blowing, wind effects, maybe like a sand wind, and stuff like that for a cool scene on a bad weather time?
A> There will be some weather effects, and I can confirm wind, but cannot confirm other forms such as sandstorms, leaves, etc.
Q> The player can open doors and windows?
A> Yes the doors and windows can be opened, as well as other objects that can be operated by the player as required by modern game logic.
Q> You said this was the final installer in a stream.. does it stop working when users get steam keys?
A> There will be two ways to get GameGuru MAX. Direct from TheGameCreators which uses our installer, and Steam Key which will use the Steam installation system and their update system.
Q> What's the easiest programming language to get started with?
A> It has to be BASIC, but there are not many around these days. You can try AppGameKit, that's pretty neat
Q> Any chance to bring back some sort of alt_texture?
A> This has been added to our 'nice to have' list and I agree there will be a need for this. It may reside within the LUA scripting world only, but I would like to think this is a feature that will be shipped with V1.
Thanks for all your questions, see you again next week!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.