@Belidos "There always has been". Well no, back in the day there was no gameplay.lua file at all, it was all hard coded. I'll admit is isn't a new addition, but I have been using GG since it's inception and often forget some of the newer changes. I agree though, editing that script can be a pain in the backside, as it is always updated and you lose edits quite easily. It is not advisable to edit at all in general. Backups are essential, but can be annoying if you have more than one project on the go. For this, having projects separate, with their own unique settings is for certain a plus.
@GubbyBlips. I can get a bit annoyed at peoples casual use of asset flip

It's been a bit of a thing for awhile and most people get it completely wrong. If they spot something they have seen before it's an "asset flip". In fact it's just a reused asset that the game dev has used for obvious reasons. I'm pretty sure if you wanted to, you could spot assets that are used in several games, even from top devs. Doesn't make them an asset flip, it just means they have purchased said assets without them being exclusive. Oh, to be in the position where you could get stuff made exclusively for your game would be wonderful

If however the game is just using an included demo with a few extra graphics tossed in, or not, generally, then yes it is an asset flip. No excuse for that sort of thing.
@Syncromesh. Movement details are something that can be adjusted easily to get right. But that's no excuse for not having the option to scale your player to whatever size you wish, within reason. I definitely don't have a formula in mind to suit any option that can be chosen, it could be incorporated as a default possibly, but movement speed should be configurable regardless of the players physics capsule size, no excuses. If you choose a silly size it's up to you to figure out why it breaks

But in general it shouldn't be an issue. For most things

There's always a caveat when it comes to making games.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.