Cine|Guru is now available on the TGC Store!
Cine|Guru is a revolutionary new pack for Game Guru that gives you the tools to create your own in-game cinematics and scripted sequences for Game Guru games. From fully-controllable cameras to actors that move, perform, and speak according to your instructions, Cine|Guru gives you the power to create stunning story sequences, and all without touching barely any code.
What can I make with it?
Here's an example of what you can make using Cine|Guru:
Cameras that:

Pan, tilt, and roll

Move in any direction

Smoothly fly along complex nodal paths you create

Zoom in or out

Utilise Perlin noise-based camera shake, available on command, helping you simulate handheld moves or emphasise big impacts

Track any entity in your level

Change your camera's subject during a shot (up to 30 times per shot!)
Actors that:

Move to their marks and hit them every time!

Animate, and talk according to text files you create

Teleport or vanish on command

Switch back into NPCs and enemies after your cinematic is done*
Triggers that:

Trigger a cinematic from a zone

Trigger a cinematic from an entity e.g. a switch

Display static sprites on screen

Loop image sequences on screen

Play or loop a sound effect right on cue

Trigger any entity based on what camera is activated

Brand new vector library to enable smooth
Bezier-style Catmull-Rom spline camera movements

Music volume commands to raise and lower music when actors are speaking

Subtitles, which can be called in line by line as your actors speak

Rolling credits

Fade in and fade out to black

A comprehensive 49-page instruction manual packed with examples and detailed explanations on every function

Example fpm so you can see how various system work firsthand (TBC)
* some super basic lua scripting required for this
Cine|Guru is a collaboration between coding genius and font of math knowledge
AmenMoses, and award-winning filmmaker and game developer
Avenging Eagle. We set out to create a pack crammed with features that was simple enough anyone could use, from seasoned filmmakers looking to direct engaging machinima cinematics, to beginners simply wanting to place a security camera in their level. Behind the frankly mind-boggling maths was a desire to create a set of tools to enable anyone, of any skill level, to create and do as much of that creation right in the editor as possible.
Cine|Guru is currently undergoing testing but is scheduled to hit the TGC store in late January/early February 2021. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
How much will it cost?
Normally Cine|Guru will cost $19.50 but during its first week of release, we'll be selling it for the discounted price of $15.60 (20% off)
When will Cine|Guru be available?
We're currently aiming for it to hit the TGC store in late January/early February 2021.
What do you actually get in the pack?
15 x brand new lua scripts
11 x Marker entities covering cameras, focal points, triggers, and actors marks
1 x Custom shader
1 x 49-page instruction manual
1 x Demonstration fpm map (TBC)
(Accurate at time of writing, we might add more stuff as testing progresses

Will it work in Game Guru MAX?
Some aspects of Cine|Guru have been tested in Game Guru MAX and do work but, as MAX is still deep in development, we're currently saying it isn't supported by MAX. Actors in particular probably won't work as we've yet to get our hands on controls for the animation and lip-syncing systems. Our hope is to release a MAX version of Cine|Guru sometime after V1 of Game Guru MAX releases to the public. Hopefully it will allow for lip-syncing characters
Will it work in FPSC/Unity/UE4/Godot/any other engine?
No. Not yet, at least
Does it really need such a big manual?
Yes! Cine|Guru has so many features and the manual breaks down each one and explains how it works in a detailed but accessible way, with plenty of pictures and example diagrams to get you started. There will also be an official Discord where you can get help, and share your creations with other
We hope you're just as excited about this pack as we are. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below