ah there were so many factors that came into play when getting my PC VR ready. I bought a Dell Windows Mixed Reality headset off ebay which is great. Firstly, I had to upgrade / install myself an upgraded PSU as I needed an extra lead that was missing (think it was a 8 pin GFX card connector to my upgraded GFX card GTX 1060), then I realised I didn't have any USB 3.0 ports only 2.0 and then no bluetooth dongle. Along with this, the terrible motherboard I have hides the PCI slot I needed to slot in the USB 3.0 card expansion when slotting in the upgraded GFX card etc etc. So make sure your PC has all that's needed.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++ VS2019, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, others
Hardware: ULTRA FAST Quad Core Gaming PC Tower WIFI & 8GB 1TB HDD & Win 10 (x64) + 2GB , Geforce GTX1060(3GB). Dell Mixed Reality VR headset, Aerodrums 3D