Here is a recording of the live broadcast that went out on Wednesday 1st July at 4PM BST, and below are all the answers to the questions posted during the live event using the YouTube Chat channel.
As always, feel free to post more questions on the YouTube video itself, or here, and I will eventually get around to answering them for you. I hope you enjoyed this broadcast and I look forward to bringing you more progress soon.
Q> The arms should be separate from the weapons?
A> Something I should have mentioned. The plan (though not set in concrete yet) is for the hand+arm to be separate from the weapon model, so that either can be swapped out so you can customise your game to your requirements. In Classic, some users wanted green scaley arms as the player was alien, or wanted to change an iron pole with a brass poker, etc. This separation will allow this.
Q> Is this a 'hands on' demo?
A> Nice attempt at funny
Yes this is at least 50% hands in.
Q> The price goes up every month. Best to get it now.
A> We wanted to reward those who helped us pay the bills as we developed the product, and a big juicy discount was a nice way to do this. As we get closer to release, expect the discount to shrink until the final product becomes full price. Of course, for those who are not pre-order fans, we will be releasing a free demo of the finished product so you can try before you buy.
Q> I would gladly pay $100.00 for it!
A> It is probably worth $100 when you consider the work that is going into it, but we also want to make it affordable and use a simple pricing model. $49.99 is about the price of a modern console game, which we felt was a good price. In terms of typical usage, the lastability of the purchase (if you get the game-making bug) presents extremely good value
Q> On behalf of AmenMoses. Will we have full access to the VR controllers from Lua?
A> We already have some VR commands buried in there, but yes we will expand to ensure all the major actions of the controller can be detected and acted upon in script. OpenXR uses controller abstraction to ensure you can use the same 'action events' mapped to different controller 'parts' which means you only really need to support one VR controller template when scripting, and instantly get access to all supported controller designs.
Q> There’s likely going to be a lot of assets for sale for it.
A> For release, we only intend to ship a few assets, just enough to showcase the various elements of the features. The idea is that with the help of better guides and templates, you can import your own assets from other stores and create your own for importing. We will be doing DLC down the road, but the general thrust is that MAX allows better support for importing rather than relying on TGC to create the art for your game. This should also reduce the instances of 'asset flipped games' which may dog the perceived flexibility of GameGuru MAX.
Q> How will we import materials and will it support .dae?
A> There are no plans to import materials as standalone imports. Material attributes will be contained in the model file you import, over which you can apply a chosen texture set. We may look at being able to modify material properties in the editor itself, but this is not currently on the roadmap right now.
Q> Will it be easier to import blender meshes?
A> There are o plans to support blender meshes specifically, but if they are exported in a format supported by MAX then you can import them fine. Check out the list of model formats supported by AssImp for a clue as to what we might be supporting.
Q> What kinds of game genres will you be able to make?
A> Primarily first-person games, and maybe very simple third-person games. Smart scripture could hack other genre's together, but other game types will not be possible out of the box, and if in any doubt, you should wait to September and try the free demo.
Q> Are the tab tab sliders changing in how they are displayed?
A> Yes, we will be looking to give them an overhaul and improve the management of the panels so they work better on smaller resolutions.
Q> Will I be able to JUMP SCARES?
A> Yes, you can use a Sound Zone marker and a very scary noise, and you have created your creepy corridor jump scare.
Q> I have a sneaking suspicion that EWP2 will release with max. Is this correct or can’t say?
A> The current plan is that EWP2 is designed to work with GameGuru Classic. There are no plans that this DLC will be tailored for MAX.
Q> Will we be able to customize armor?
A> There is no armor in GameGuru MAX, so no way to customize it. You can of course buy armor from an asset store and import it, or create your own in a 3D modeler, customize it there and import that.
Q> What about post-processing ?
A> We will be supporting the post effects you already get in Classic (bloom, depth of field, vignette) plus some improvements on our anti-aliasing including FXAA, MSAA, and temporal. Even though Wicked Engine supports more types of post effect, we are keeping the number for MAX small so we can focus on rounding off the product, though it seems clear we can expose Wicked post effects in the future.
Q> Post-processing should be customizable.
A> No plans to allow post effects to be customizable, except within the confines of settings exposed for the shader technique used. There are no plans to allow you to create your own post effect shaders for MAX.
Q> We need a MAC version. Please!
A> There are no plans to support MAC or any other platform, except Windows 10 and above.
Q> Any plans for weather?
A> Yes, we have a number of simple weather effects to offer when designing the setting of your level (currently light and heavy rain and snow).
Q> What type of fonts will we be using?
A> We will be using TrueType fonts and the UNICODE character standard, allowing full internationalization of your titles (about time right).
Q> Can you run quickly a test game for us right now?
A> The current internal build has no Test Game mode, we have barely got a Classic entity rendering. The next few weeks should see enough functionality restored that we can tentatively predict running around in 2-3 weeks if all goes well. Fingers crossed.
Q> Can we import the GG classic shaders to MAX?
A> There are no plans to allow the importing of GameGuru Classic (or any other) shaders into GameGuru MAX. All shaders are pre-compiled and fixed, and access to them is through settings in the editor. When it comes to high-quality shaders, it's best to leave them be.
Q> With the expandable terrain system, will there be improved performance for open worlds? (Streaming of models and textures, and unloading old ones)?
A> By implication, making the terrains 'bigger' does in no way imply improved performance! In fact, we will have to work very hard to make sure the performance is handled as we expand the size of terrains in your game levels. In designing the geometry and texture coding, we have performance as a chief concern, perhaps more so than visuals. Watch the terrain progress updates for news on how this battle goes!
Thanks again for all the questions, and it's always a pleasure to gather everyone into one time slot from around the world
I hope you enjoyed the broadcast and I look forward to presenting another one soon. I will answer follow-up questions in the thread below. Happy game making!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.