@smallg. Thanks for the confirmation! It's been driving me potty!
I've also found if you play or loop a sound on first loading the volume seems to jump back up to full regardless until GG is fully loaded in.
If I put this little bit of code in the sound stays at 0 (still audible of course :/ )
if testrun<40 then
for i=5,10,1 do
LoopGlobalSound ( i )
If I try to just run it once or anywhere towards 40, the sound blares at top volume.
At the minute there is still a minor audio blip when it starts up, which is also annoying but not as bad as the incessant whispering lol. I would have thought setting the volume should be a one off thing not a constant update as it seems to need at the beginning. Something seems to override the volume settings until things have settled :/ Weird.
Edit- A small alteration to the above code so it waits then runs once, gets rid of the blip, definitely caused buy playing a sound too quickly after loading; but not the low sound issue. That for certain seems like a bug.
@3com. Thanks! Until I noticed the low sound problem, I was thinking it was pretty neat myself
it's not quite the GTA radio, but it has several hours of stuff in which isn't too bad for GG.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.