Work In Progress / DIETARA W.I.P

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Posted: 31st Jul 2020 11:42
Its interesting! When do you think we can try it?
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Posted: 31st Jul 2020 16:20
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2020 03:32
Really awesome work here
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Posted: 28th Aug 2020 21:07 Edited at: 28th Aug 2020 21:59
@ Wolf - as my progress was halted once again i had to rebuild and think outside the box per say and shrink a few of my levels once again I was hoping to have this complete by September as i've mentioned before. I'm hoping to have a demo very soon.

So here I am with another update to Dietara Id like to take this time to thank some of you that have been following my work lately its been slow going but a lot of work has been put in to this project. I have now 9 levels complete which is half my game finally and i will be moving on to the next half to complete. I've been doing a lot of standalone test making sure levels load in and out and optimizing which has been successful and im happy with the results so if things keep going an a straight path i may bring out a demo ill upload to my website for people to test.

I've also been on the task of making new huds. Id like to thank Maverick1981 for the use of some of his models he let me have which you will see in my dungeon pics very good models. And also to Teabone for the player shield ( Armour ) script which was something i was looking for, for some time. so to conclude this update i may not post so much until i got new levels to show but till then here's some new pics of the first half of my game.

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 29th Aug 2020 07:31
Nice screenshots
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Posted: 19th Sep 2020 23:52 Edited at: 19th Sep 2020 23:55
Thank you @ BOTR

Hello everyone hope everyone's doing well. I've completed more work on Dietara these last few weeks on my desert levels lucky i had back ups of my old village and city which relieves some work all i really needed rebuilt was the open map i just finished. I'm actually pretty close to having all levels finished i have 6 to go woo hoo then i ll be on to optimizing. the desert took me a bit longer to get done as i was not satisfied with having not much variety of desert rock's and i didn't want a lot of the same rocks in every level so i did create my own arid rocks, pillers and cliff sides as you will see in pics now not all rocks are mine but a few as I've been dabbling into blenders rock brushes.

Now I also got into creating magic as it opens up in the desert maps I've added EAI spellbooks with new decals for new spells I gotta give thanks again to Maverick1981 for the sprite sheets now I can make a few new spells and magic I also need to get working on my Power Sword models as they are a key feature. but other then that things are going smoothly so far so here's some screenshots of what I've done

here's the magic spell just been testing but looks good

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Posted: 18th Oct 2020 00:34
Ok guys a bit of a small update I'm still working on a few levels to complete them all finally and hopefully have these done by next week so I can move on to minor fixes. I do however have a Game play video for you i will also mention you will notice my small fixes as the ammo hud shows 99999 when using a melee weapon and hud on ai boss character drops from 500 health to 100 there may be a few more but these will be fixed before release.

But i still got a lot of work to go before i can give a definite release yet but its getting close as I will still need to optimize levels better and hopefully not have any issues pop up later on. Alright well here is the video and ill keep you posted soon.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2020 06:45
Alright I've got another video to show the second part of my game although I'm not going to show everything but a taste of the viking era.
I got a little side tracked today playing GG MP with a few peeps so i would have updated earlier but hey you gotta have some fun right. Also
I have pics of the Egyptian temple and Rasta City i will show off and as i said before i have a few levels to complete of my winter maps including Waerlden Castle and the last boss level temple I thought id have them done by now but I'm still working on them I hope to have them done soon. So anyway i hope you enjoy the video and pics and ill keep you guys posted.

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Posted: 13th Nov 2020 18:35
Hello everyone hope you guys are doing well I got an update for ya. As I said last post I had two levels left to complete well I'm done that now although their is still some prop filling to do I'm happy to have finally got this far. But its not done yet i have a list of stuff i still need to complete in the background there is also some new stuff i will be adding hopefully like side quest, Achievements for example finding all Easter eggs in game not sure how i will incorporate this yet but its worth a shot now my list of things i need done is

- Voice acting ( for Npc characters and story narrating )
- Cut scenes ( maybe have quester's talk to you via cut scenes )
- making hub worlds so your not loading back into the same spot and since it doesn't save what you did on levels

May have forgot some things but the one thing i mainly want to do soon is an actual game trailer as i said before i was gonna make a demo but now i may not as the game is further along id say 60% of my project is complete the biggest thing was level design. So i want to get a trailer out with a planned date of release next year was hoping for a Christmas release its still on the table but not for sure. Anyway that's all for now I'd also like to mention I'm gonna be taking a break for a week or so from this project to focus on other things but don't worry work will commence when i return i hope everyone has a splendid day.

Also here's some screen shots of my last winter levels hope you enjoy

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 13th Nov 2020 23:30
Nice looking scenes, well done with this.
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Hardware: ULTRA FAST Quad Core Gaming PC Tower WIFI & 16GB 1TB HDD & Win 10 (x64), Geforce GTX1060(3GB). Dell Mixed Reality VR headset, Aerodrums 3D
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Posted: 26th Dec 2020 20:13
Hello everyone hope you guys are having a good Christmas/ Boxing Day. After a long break from this project I've decided to put this on the shelf for now untill GG max comes out hopefully. I feel like this game would have to be split in two in order to work as i can play both halves of
my game but when i combine it it seems to crash on me.

This project is still on my to do list but I think future development I will wait it out for Max at this point but I will still be working on it in the background as I see there will be Backward comp for exporting levels to GG max from classic. So I will keep you updated but not so much as i wait it out. I do apologize for any inconvenience .
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Posted: 5th Jun 2022 18:42

DIETARA 2022 Update June 5/2022

​Hello everyone its finally happening the move to Game Guru Max. I've been waiting to start working on this project and am happy I can

the only work that can be done right now is level design and now that I moved engines I can now have the world on a 5km map. That being said I've already started progress mostly all assets used for this project have been imported to Max and will be making huge changes to the game.

What's been worked on so far

- now working on adding villages and castles to the map

- terrain level design

- rebuilding game from scratch

Now this game is back in early work in progress so stay tuned for more to come. Here is some screenshots of latest work


And yes this thread will be moved to Max W.I.P thread thank you for your time

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