Yeah Reliquia, I kinda had that idea about the progress in GG,
it seemed like without impeding upon bug squashing! -- upon closer look.
Win-win for everyone I just wouldn't suggest who did what on which part,
even bring in a new coder perhaps?
I think though that Dynamic Lights will require a transfer of GG over
to the 64 bit arena. Because memory corruption while scripting in the editor,
along with stand- alone bugs is a killer presently. You can keep re-loading GG
when editing, but -- sheesh! Then with Dynamic lighting- which would be really cool,
couldn't help out those developing hurdles much- how long would 32 bit last?
3com asks-- can you work on bugs, and dynamic lights separately?
Maybe not, and certainly not likely if moving up to 64 bit.
Therefore, maybe a GG 2020 DLC or upgrade product seems even
more interesting?! - or maybe not.
If we was to look at other Steam companies, some have about 5-6 versions
of their game maker, (the most popular company), some have 2-3 versions,
and if I'm not mistaken, the least popular ones have a single product.