Work In Progress / A Tall Story (revamp)

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Posted: 18th Jun 2019 23:25 Edited at: 18th Jun 2019 23:40
Game Name/Title : "A Tall Story"

Developer : Honkeyboy aka Non Linier Gaming

Storyline : "A Tall Story" is a game about just that, the stories told at a camp fire or at an Inn, stories of slaying mythical beasts, epic adventures, rising to fame. An RPG, crafting, building, hunting or even murdering all in all being the best at what you do. What a Story to tell when sipping a mead at the local Inn.

A run down: Hi all as you may or may not know this is my third attempt at getting this game how I want it and after my old pc chucked out a toffee crisp wrapper at me and I lost gigs worth of GG stuff I have finally boosted myself up to have another go, this time I have used what I have learned in "Dark Harbour" and have included most of the elements from that into this new project.
The new " A Tall Story" features multiclass RPG mechanics meaning you can basically mold your character as you wish you can gain experience as a Hunter, Craftsman, Merchant and Rogue and even get sailing exp from sea battles when you are going from port to port.
Every tree, rock, shrub, animal can be felled mined, foraged and hunted and you can even just be evil and just murder people for their cash and goods (just watch the guards if you do ) I have most of the tutorial level and half of the city now competed and its running quite well on my lower spec machine 40+ fps so I'm pretty pleased so far although I need to work on the lighting etc etc. anyway heres afew pics of the tutorial level leading up to the city gates and the beginnings of my rpg system (the menu) which now says inventory instead of crafting menu after completing these two levels I'm working on the adventuring side where you will have built your ship and can sail off in search of fame or this space

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Posted: 19th Jun 2019 02:16
Looking Excellent !!
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 20th Jun 2019 00:41 Edited at: 20th Jun 2019 01:05
Thanks synchromesh Today I have added collectable wheat from farms a few scripts for chatting emotes and generally decorating the insides of the buildings . Wolf prompted me a while back to make sure anything out of view or small things you don't pick up to "turn the physics off" and I have found that it was a great tip for adding many more objects without hitting the fps (and it works) so Nice one Wolf m8 I've pretty much got all the main placeables down on map 1 and still am getting 40 + fps on my slower pc I even take the physics of collectables now and let the script do the work. Sounds and lighting tomorrow so fingers crossed. will have a vid up soon now I have movie maker installed again which was a bind as its no longer supported by MS but with a work around I have it working again on windows 10

new characters "the kings Militaria" chatting at the port

inside the bowyer/woodworkers shop no quite complete but getting there

Kings Militaria at the port gates

one of the new farms with collectable wheat in the enclosure

looking through the farmhouse window

newly added crystal formations which can be mined for spell crafting and flintlock making mats ( and posting pics always make me pick up on my spelling mistakes lol, )
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Posted: 20th Jun 2019 02:09
Looks great H, I will keep watching this space!
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Posted: 20th Jun 2019 06:04
Are those mountains part of the terrain, or is it a skybox?
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Posted: 20th Jun 2019 13:04 Edited at: 20th Jun 2019 13:10
Thanks Loretta still have tons to do though It's a skybox Gtox blends nicely with the forest terrain plus if you cut the map away correctly at the edges for water it really looks the part think if I'm correct it's one of Rolfy's, fog blends it in well.
It'd be 100 x better if I could suss out how to control the fog height but that's maybe for when I get to the finishing touches
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Posted: 21st Jun 2019 09:18 Edited at: 21st Jun 2019 11:33
Honkey Boy I think there is a setting in setting.fx that controls fog. Can make or prevent fog going higher.

EDIT: Found it:

It looks to me like the first entry is enabled in your screenshots, like this:

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Posted: 21st Jun 2019 12:33 Edited at: 21st Jun 2019 12:34
Yeah m8 its already enabled on mine, what I meant was to control the density of fog at lower levels to create a heavier ground fog (like on the skybox) would make it far more realistic. Or maybe a way to size up the standard particle emitter as that looks like fog its just a bit small to get that effect.
I'm playing around with both of these atm to see what results I can get.
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Posted: 21st Jun 2019 20:31
Pretty good use of fog and the muted color pallette is working too
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Posted: 27th Jun 2019 21:53 Edited at: 28th Jun 2019 00:12
Thanks Wolf lots to do though m8 might have to poke you here and there for some advice Well the tutorial level is all but done models wise, the lighting seems to kill the fps so I've ditched it for now in favour of not going completely dark on the night and day script and letting the flame decals do the work. Again not totally happy with this but I'm working on workarounds to keep the fps up.
On a brighter note 90% of the scripts work as intended (the survival ish type ones anyway) I'm working on a random weather script using Graphix's particle weather and a stealth script for any budding rogues. so still lots to do there most the merchants in this area just buy and sell all the crafting is going to be done in the city and so its up to the player whether to hold onto resourses or not anyways here's a quick looksee at what I have got so far sorry couldn't fit it all in on this vid but more to come. Also just a note every tree just about can be cut down or shook to drop birds nests every rock can be mined pretty much everything can be utilised on every map.
p.s video quality is crappy will save it higher quality next time

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Posted: 28th Jun 2019 17:47
Quote: "might have to poke you here and there for some advice"

Sure! Anytime paly!
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Posted: 28th Jun 2019 21:28
nice first good rpg from GG
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Posted: 29th Jun 2019 15:47
@Osiem80: Huh! Well Honkeyboy is certainly doing very good work but there where honorable attempts in the past as well, games like Twin Worlds, my own Shavra or Memory of the Hedolan.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2019 22:33 Edited at: 29th Jun 2019 22:42
lol @ Wolf just saw that and was going to mention yours "I'm definitely not the first" and those were extremely good projects. I just thought it might be worth another go at "A Tall Story" given we have new commands and the fps is way better. @ osiem80 thank you though
Righty little bit of an update I have the city basics complete as in its mapped still a shed load of content to add e.g all the furniture etc and have to remember to turn all the physics off that lot to keep the fps up. I have Dvaders lockpick script on doors chests etc (Nice scripts m8 worth grabbing if your doing a similar project *plug* )
Here's a quick vid of it so far and me trying to be Roguey The City map is mainly intended for Rogue and Merchant as there's no hunting here I have some ideas im getting down into scripts for some Rogue skills e.g hidden when crouched and a getaway script for a Rouge speed boost so when he or she is in trouble they have some extras to help them dodge the angry guards, but that's to come later when the levels are built and I'm happy with them.
Here it is:

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Posted: 30th Jun 2019 02:11 Edited at: 30th Jun 2019 02:19
oh yeah u are right i forgot shavra ^^
dont saw this other games before
is Memory of the Hedolan not a dead project?
But generaly there is a lack of classic third person gothic-style rpgs here
appreciate the video
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2019 22:50 Edited at: 3rd Jul 2019 22:51
I think that well for me especially as I love 3rd person is creating the animations for chopping down trees etc etc I suppose you could switch between 3rd and first to work around it dunno I'll maybe check it out once I have all the levels completed.

Here's where the city is now at pretty much mapped and nearly all entities on and still ok fps 36 -48 atm and every single house is neally decorated (just minor items) and robable still have some tweaks to the night and day script as it dips too dark in the early hours, have to touch up here and there, add the scripts for the crafting stations and merchants and work out where any lighting is needed without killing it. heres a vid showing the city and the first of the rogue skills picking locks (script by DVader)

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Posted: 5th Jul 2019 00:03
The Honkeyboy rides again, great to see you creating another game

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Posted: 5th Jul 2019 00:44
Yes he does lol Cheers Dave I'm taking much more time tis time with keeping the fps down lighting was killing it when you had tons on but I've not had chance to test it since the fixes so will have to back up and try it see what happens. My scripting is better although I still struggle with timers (they mess with the old grey matter for some reason) but my menus and crafting scripts I find a breeze I suppose we're just good at what we're good at "ho hum said Poo"
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Posted: 5th Jul 2019 15:33
Very dynamic town you got going there. What irks me a bit are the identical buildings but I suppose it can work and was not too uncommon in some older medieval themed games. Also a lock picking mechanic! WOW!
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Posted: 5th Jul 2019 16:15 Edited at: 5th Jul 2019 16:17
Quote: "Very dynamic town you got going there. What irks me a bit are the identical buildings but I suppose it can work and was not too uncommon in some older medieval themed games."

I agree with that, i also think it's a little to ordered and neat (the paths need to be less defined and not as straight for a start), there's little in the way of clutter, and there's too much open space, especially the docks. But it is a very good effort so far.

Quote: " Also a lock picking mechanic! WOW!"

DVader's had that script on the store for a while now.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2019 00:27
Yeah I get you Wolf about the uniformity of the buildings but from what I was reading it was a memory saver = 1 model I know this wouldn't medieval wise be true as most people built their own houses but if it works....
@ belidos must be OCD m8 lol they we're like that to start with and I straightened them up lol typical yeah m8 the lack of clutter atm is down to two things 1/ its not quite completed and 2/ I'm trying to keep the fps down so its slowly and surely atm and ditching the physics on everything I can to make sure it doesn't just die on me bout 3k entities atm on the city level and I remember when I did dark harbour it just died when I hit around 5k so just trying to be careful and at the same time test how far I can push it.
All in all though as you guys know its a bit of fun for me and i'll give the game and my personal scripts etc etc away when I'm done and Yeah Dvaders lock pick script rocks and is kinda why I started this in the first place
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Posted: 6th Jul 2019 07:50 Edited at: 6th Jul 2019 07:51
Totally understand, to he honest no game is going to be well optimized by using default or purchased entities, to start with when an actual game developing house build levels they use custom models which have faces and parts missing that aren'tt visible in the scene, and a lot of them use large textures that are shared by multiple models to reduce texture loading. You can do that with gameguru too but you have to he able to make or commision the models to your specifications which is why game making isn't just a drag and drop experience and takes time.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2019 19:44 Edited at: 6th Jul 2019 19:46
Yep agreed but as you know m8 I've no intention of trying to make any creds out of what I do lol houses are Sula's off the store (very well done tbh) the city maps are always my bugbear as all the main trading , crafting and thievery is done here so tons of scripts running as well as tons of models but its still ok atm so hopefully a bit of room to add some clutter.
been working on armour today so the player can have 3 types of crafted armour light, medium and heavy (or leather, studded and plated)
plated parts you have to hunt from well plated critters which brings me to map 4 the Eastern Isles the home of giant scorpions (plate drops) , snakes and a few pretty nasty things round the ruins I've used the Aztec models for place holders while I rattle up some pyramids but its a start

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Posted: 7th Jul 2019 08:49
This is looking great.

Re the performance I know you’re a GG veteran so just as a reminder turn off the SAO - I get a 5 to 10 FPS increase when I do this.

The other things I have found with large levels other than those you’ve mentioned is to use LOD on any higher poly models (but not all/many assets come with this and it takes a bit of wrestling with a modelling program to add). The other is to build up a scene or parts of a scene in a modelling program and export it as one model and use that in GG instead of the many individual parts. Your castle walls may work great with this as presumably they also use the same textures. This model batching can be done automatically in other engines based on materials they use. It makes a huge difference on reducing draw calls. But is a bit of a faff for GG but may be worth looking at if you fall in love with your levels but really need more FPS without dropping other things first like shadows.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2019 14:28
@ cybernescence cheers m8 Thanks for the pointers, turning off SAO ? I've tried this with the sliders but it doesn't change anything so would I have to change the values in the visuals config? if so what settings should I use? The castle walls have been done by Laffete and already have the bottoms, sides missing and don't hit it too hard fps wise the floors I've flattened and took the physics off. I did notice that when I have a load of lights on either dynamic or static it kills the fps hence not having any atm, was trying to wing it by not letting the day/night script get too dark so the player can still see (working on that though) as I'm sure I'll need some eventually. No shadows as yet again as I'm trying to get everything on that 1 level (city map) before I try to pretty it up with shadows and lighting. The open maps east, west north and south all see to be pretty much ok for fps as well I guess the have less on them especially in the way of AI etc. I'm making up the pyramids for the eastern level today using the EBE to see how they fare. hopefully I should have one done today ready for testing.
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Posted: 8th Jul 2019 22:20 Edited at: 8th Jul 2019 22:21
Bit of an update I've been wanting to try to use the EBE for some models (why have it if we don't use it ) and I wanted an Egyptian pyramid so yesterday and today I set to building one. Apart from some strange height error (The EBE seems to boot you off gg if you go too high) I managed to make one, then had some issues with the fps and a thank you to Graphixs who helped me convert it over to a .x I've managed to reduce this (cheers m8 ) I have a few Egyptian models I've been working on for a few years now and they now have a place (still need a few more though) @ Wolf didn't you have some m8? couldn't find any on the store and only found your free ankh model?
Anyways...… here it is undecorated in all its glory lol (had to mind the passing scorpion)

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Posted: 8th Jul 2019 22:36 Edited at: 8th Jul 2019 22:37
I'm i the middle of doing some egyptian style models for my new pack, it's mainly a dungeon kit, but while i'm at it i'll knock up a few bits for you Honkey, can't say when though.

I have a few nice pillars and obelisks you might like.

BTW, a pyramid would never have that much space inside, here's what the great pyramid looked like inside:

Note how little there was actually inside, it was all long narrow tunnels with a couple of small chambers.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2019 01:22 Edited at: 9th Jul 2019 23:02
@ Belidos lol yeah m8 studied palaeontology/geology as a part of landscape management at De Montfort Uni but archaeology was one of my loves as my grandad has hundreds of (ivory coast) exhibits at Nottingham Uni kinda always made me fond of it both pre human and human history.
Models look very sweet btw need Horus, am working on one atm but hey if you can rattle one up quicker all the better m8 did you know the story of Horus mirrored that of Christ, born of a virgin, buried ..resurrected bla bla lol there have been about 6 instances throughout time with the same story? ….lol now im waffling.
Looks like an Egyptian pack could be welcomed m8 see a few asks for stuff and we have the characters

New Egyptian styled monument with secret chamber inside

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Posted: 12th Jul 2019 21:36
The Northern Borderlands , mapping completed, not much in the way of filling content atm but the basics are in and working, buildings by Belidos (cheers m8) sized em up ready for use as workshops and my newly created Northern Guard with a funky helmet lol

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Posted: 12th Jul 2019 23:26
At the danger of sounding pedantic, Egyptian pyramids were smooth on the outside, they only have steps now because all the casing stones have been robbed from them.

Also they would have been a brilliant white colour as the casing stones were mainly polished white limestone (except for the 'red' pyramid of course).

Egyptian statues and other monuments were also originally painted in vivid colours, lots of blue, red and gold.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2019 10:39 Edited at: 13th Jul 2019 11:38
" It's Not Real!!!!!!!! " rofl
Yeah I know m8 check the date on the calendar lol
(plus it's a EBE model wanted to test out GG game tools or as you said could have been robbed by then )
Same with the use of question marks above peoples heads
Its not really supposed to be Egyptian just styled that way same with the other levels not supposed to be realistically or historically accurate just themed in the direction of north, south, east and west type thing.
Its my kind of gaming style = not too serious just pure fantasy
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Posted: 13th Jul 2019 11:55
Yeah I get that, I was just thinking you could probably create low poly pyramids for the background with smooth edges!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2019 14:58
hmm or maybe a skybox with pyramids good idea m8
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Posted: 14th Jul 2019 11:18 Edited at: 14th Jul 2019 11:19
I did a lot of research on pyramids a while back, and dressed pyramids were a rarity, and only during a certain period. Most of the pyramids were actually step pyramids, and a majority of the tombs weren't even pyramids, they were (depending on the period) mostly mastabas, which were squat structures with a flat roof and sloped sides containing a temple chamber, buriel chamber and onterconecting corriders with a small chamber containing a well like hole.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2019 20:01
Well to the best of my knowledge there were 4 step pyramids before the first true pyramid, all Egyptian pyramids after that one were 'true', as in smooth on the outside. (and there are about 120 we know of, 4 out of 120 is hardly 'most')

The first ever Egyptian pyramid was dressed in white limestone and would have gleamed in the sun like a huge beacon.

Not all pyramids were dressed in stone btw, some of those built in the poorer dynasties were plastered on the outside.
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Posted: 15th Jul 2019 01:52
The great pyramids (or at least THE great pyramid wasn't a tomb!!
BTW a good trivia question for those wanting to research the pyramids...
How many aliens did it take to build the great pyramid?
Did they come from Mars or a different system?
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Posted: 15th Jul 2019 09:37
Quote: "and there are about 120 we know of, 4 out of 120 is hardly 'most'"

There's quite a few more than 4 step pyramids, there are at least that are 6 named pyramids, and dozens more that are unknown.

Granted many, of the step pyramids had their steps filled in at a later date (probably a reign change) and were smoothed off, but they were originally built stepped. Even Dahshur (the bent pyramid) was originally built as a step pyramid and converted at a later date. Only a handful of pyramids were actually designed and built as true pyramids, most were built as step pyramids and then converted during a later reign.

So i suppose really it depends on which time period we're talking about as to whether they would be stepped or true, the Egyptian hostory spans a very long time, but if we're talking about real early ancient Egypt, then it would have been mostly mastabas for the lesser families, and a combination of mastabas with steps added on top, or actual step pyramids.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2019 22:42
Quoting from the web re the 'bent pyramid':
"Its appearance is unusual. The first 49 metres, which have largely kept their smooth limestone casing, are built at a steep 54 degree angle, before tapering off in the top section."

What make you say that the "smooth limestone casing" is a later addition? (bearing in mind this is one of the earliest 'true pyramids'?)

I thought it was very unusual for a Pharaoh to actually improve his predecessors monuments (more usual was to diminish their predecessors monuments!) unless it was maybe their fathers tomb and they were just completing it.

I have btw been studying our ancient past for most of my life (as you may have guessed by my username) especially the ancient Egyptian bit.
The last 4 pharaohs of the third dynasty all had stepped pyramids (and clad in polished limestone), before them all the pharaohs had mud-brick mastabas. Following them all future pharaohs (at least up to the new kingdom) went for true pyramids, I am unaware of any of those not being either clad in limestone (or red granite!) or plastered smooth in the case of smaller 'queens tombs' or those of high priests.

If I was given the chance of a single trip in a time machine into our past I would select 2400 BCE Egypt just to see the pyramids in all their original splendour, brilliant white with gold tops surrounded by colourful temples and statues.
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Posted: 15th Jul 2019 23:55 Edited at: 16th Jul 2019 00:01
lol well you two look like your having a fun discussion I have to agree It'd really would be something else to see the pyramids in there original splendour shining like marble (well the ones that looked like marble) I was watching a program a while back about a settlement Neolithic somewhere around the UK and the archaeologists said it would have been more advanced than the Egyptian structures so who knows we may have been the cleaverererer ones lol Anyhoo.
I've been playing with the eastern level in-between being dad's taxi as all the kids now have jobs. :/ and yay for them!!!,
retextured the fort to a more sandstone eastern vibe thing, same with the doors and used some of the death valley models to see how they looked.
I could do with a generic eastern house tbh yes we have some in the packs but they don't have insides and I cant be bothered using transportinzone all the time so if you have one on the stores please link it if not I'll have to try to rattle one up myself when I find time (doing characters for the level atm = time consuming)
anyway here's a look at the port as it is atm what you guys think looks wise? and what else would I need? views plz
P.s was half practicing the roguey bits while I was at it lol
p.p.s can I make the player jump higher? if so how please?
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Posted: 16th Jul 2019 00:12
Not sure I'd go with 'more advanced'. Egypt is probably the pinnacle of Neolithic technology but Bronze age Britain is pretty amazing as well!

A recent Lidar survey of England has upped the estimate of Bronze Age population by a large amount, in fact they found it hard to find anywhere that wasn't populated in the Bronze age! I think one estimate came out at 25 Million purely based on the new population centres found using Lidar.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2019 00:29 Edited at: 17th Jul 2019 23:24
Can't remember now what it was I was watching I'll try to find it again and link it very well known archaeologist who does the UK bit like this one but im sure it was bigger

Meanwhile back at the desk I've just completed the mapping for the second to last main level still need a lot of populating but here it is "The Southern Shores"

Two new buildings in the making a generic eastern house and an eastern palace Palace not quite there yet and needs domes



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Posted: 20th Jul 2019 21:31 Edited at: 20th Jul 2019 21:45
Bit of an update have finished the Eastern Palace and houses, created a new Eastern flavoured Guard and apart from clutter in the back gardens, palace etc the eastern map mapping wise is pretty much there, still some scripting to be done for searching cabinets, bookcases etc etc but all in all its not too bad.
p.s should be water collected from cactus lol
p.p.s I can see the pyramids in the background quite clearly sry for the poor quality vid :/
Check it out:

the port map

a quick run around

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Posted: 20th Jul 2019 22:29
Loving your work too Honkeyboy
Enjoying what you have done and where you Re going with it
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Posted: 24th Jul 2019 01:27 Edited at: 24th Jul 2019 01:37
Cheers science boy its getting bigger by the day, still working on the eastern isles and its massive atm. Pretty much every single item on the map can be interacted with, trees can be chopped down, water collected from cactus, berries etc etc from bushes, if your taking the rogue route everything can be picked, murdered stolen (although if you get an infamy point everyone is after you) all vendors are in and working.

Im working on a day and night script whereas they don't appear at night or wont sell you goods if you have infamy. You can search everything in the city for coin gems etc, Now I'm outside the city working on Pyramid puzzles whereas you have to solve puzzles to enter the monuments/pyramids (although the first one to alittle effort to kick in) and then avoid traps to get the treasure but it will be worth it in the end.
this is 1 of 5 maps all themed differently e.g north, south, east, west etc e.g The north is styled in a Norsk/Viking style still with all the hunting, rogueing, crafting, trading elements so its going to take some time to finish but its fun atm I've estimated about 4 months to complete to a working example but knowing me lol

Just got the pyramid puzzle books in place heres a quick looksee

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Posted: 25th Jul 2019 22:52 Edited at: 25th Jul 2019 22:59
The " Northern borders" has a new multilevel dungeon called "blárHjem" nothing alive lives here and there a strange blue glow but there is treasure to be had for those brave enough to challenge the traps and undead that reside within
P.s this dungeon was completely built using Lafette's MYSTICAL DARK AGE pack (cheers m8 wonderful pack)

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Posted: 26th Jul 2019 15:48
ok, That seems to me to be a bigger project from an epoch that I really like. The idea of ​​connecting several cities in different regions (although not new), but varied, and thus probably interesting over a longer period of time. Fun and performance: To save polygons, I might not have built a walled city because I had to fill the whole room with buildings and stuff like that. And with that everything looks, as Belidos said, very linear. It might look a bit more chaotic. Perhaps a smaller castle with 4-5 buildings inside, and individual buildings, generous and unlinear, would be the better solution outside (less is more). Bigger free spaces are actually only needed for combat scenes, so I would have compressed a bit, the city. Striking points, such as the shops (usable) can be highlighted. Trees that are far away, as well as distant buildings can be represented as sprites. Of course, they must not be reachable. The harbor size is ok. There you can create level with market and sometimes without market. For a game with personal style please do not take the standard models nor those from the store without at least changing the texture. There are some good modelers here who will certainly support you if you see good approaches and progress. But this should not stop you from expressing your personal style, because of course I can be completely wrong. I'm not a gamer and therefore I do not know what's fashionable right now.

So now I have had everything translated by Ms. Google and I hope you can read that to some extent
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Posted: 26th Jul 2019 18:36
@Honkeyboy , nice project i like it.
@Lafette , Fantastic models.
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Posted: 26th Jul 2019 23:13 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 21:59
@ lafette what I have done now to as you say reduce the size to increase the clutter is separate the two blárHjem and the port are now 2 separate maps and so I can now increase the clutter and not lose fps yes I do get your point on the "less is more"

For the trees atm they all have the physics off and all are scripted to do something e.g be chopped down for wood, collecting feathers from nests for fletching etc etc every single item on the map can be used in some way.
The linier buildings are just placeholders for now and will be changing them as I go yes I totally get what you and Belidos were saying there

It still has a lot more changes to happen (I'm just winging it )

Thank you for the pointers

@ PCS thanks m8

speaking of which here's me testing the roguey mayhem in the dungeon

Edit: just constructed 1 of 4 Medieval houses to go into the northern borderlands port consists of two floors and a walled garden

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Posted: 29th Jul 2019 21:22 Edited at: 30th Jul 2019 19:46
Ok I've taken your advice guys and have started constructing my own houses, so as I have less on the map (less is more ) I have constructed 4 so far using the EBE and made my own roofs, also Lafette has used his magic and kindly ruined his castle to give me a more haunting look to BlárHjem. Still quite a bit to go on this one (some spooky vampish staues maybe) but its getting better I think, personally loving the new castle look especially at sunset
Check it out here's a vid showing them both.
"The road to BlárHjem"

Todays new entry the Northern Longhouse (made a thatched roof for this one)

new stables

And BlárHjem gets an even more ruined look (Thanks Lafette)

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Posted: 31st Jul 2019 15:06
Yes, maybe you can use something like that? Ok just does not fit the climate, but you can use it universally ...


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