Hello there!
There are a lot of little things I learned and got used to while making
Acythian. Now a lot of these are not necessarily obvious and might help someone new to the software. I know that most of the advanced users already know this stuff but I bet it can help some users out there. Its not really a tutorial, more a bunch of tips.
And here are ten things to simplify using Game Guru, or simply tweaks to have fun with.
1. Do you wish to have the ability to spray any vegetation you want rather than being stuck to a single choice?
Its easy! Grab any vegetation model you like and give it the
"effectbank\reloaded\apbr_veg.fx" shader.
What this does is that the vegetation now has the same swaying/wind animation as the grass and is looking the same. Press the "I" key to start spraying mode and here you go. Infinite vegetation possibilities! and they are now animated too.
Find free grass textures on
2. In the
setup .ini is a command to increase the maximum terrain brush size. Now making mountainous levels is much easier. Just set it to something like 9999.
3. Paint.net is a free light weight tool that can convert back and forth from .dds textures. There is a batch conversion plugin available somewhere as well. Remember, you need to modify your textures if you want your game to look coherent. You will likely also have to decrease texture resolution from stuff you bought on the store for performance.
4. In your effectbank is a settings.fx file. Here you can tweak a lot of brilliant settings to have further control over your overall games look and feel. You can edit this file with the notepad.
5. You can actually change the controls in the setup.ini by entering the right scan codes. I took the liberty of posting them for you here!
6. When using a laptop and having an editor that lags severely during level creation: close the editor and open up the
setup.ini, change pbroverride from 1 to 0. Now you have an extra FPS boost on laptop. HOWEVER, your game will now render faulty, make sure to close the editor and set it back to 1 before you test the game.
7. Remember that GG characters have a whole pool of diverse animations in their .x model files. If you want to gain a significant FPS boost from your NPC's then do this: Import the meshes in your 3d software, I.E.
fragmotion, delete all the animations you dont need, export and reimport. If you import an idle NPC, that has only his idle animation and is also imported as a dynamic entitie rather than a char, you can really save a lot of FPS on a town or city scene.
8. If my
tutorial on performance is tl;dr for you, at least remember this: Deactivate terrain and water if its not visible (there are ready made scripts for this in your scriptbank) and decrease your camera distance. You'd be surprised how low you can go until you have entities popping in.
9. Remember to always have several copies of your maps. I recommend three. Its very easy to have a change in terrain layout completely ruin a carefully made city level and there is no undo function. You can spare yourself a lot of frustration this way.
10. If you are looking for free content to bolster your collection but are not yet too experienced with models, shaders and converting, try also looking for old FPSC freebie websites. FPSC stuff is already in the right format and you only have to add a shader line to the fpe (even if you dont have shader maps, its for coherent lighting).
Thanks for reading and feel free to post your own little tips.