Hi Guys
I've been into Panaromic photography for ages, and was wondering how I can get my own backgrounds/skymap in GG.
I've seen the post about @GraPhiX CubeMap generator, and the video how to use that cube images in a skymap.
Cubemap Generator:
Video Making Cubemaps
Video how to make skymaps with the images
After watching his video, I realize I might use this more than once, but looking for and easier way of doing my skymaps.
I'm lazy right, and as soon as I know I have to do something more than once, I look for a shortcut.
This is when I start writing a small APP for automate this complete process of making a skymap from GraPhix Cubemaps Generator.
Now you can generate a SkyMap within a few seconds.
1. Make Cubemaps following GraPhiX Cubemap Tutorial:
2. Download Cubemap -> Skymap GUI
Unzip to any 8 character folder.
Unfortunate, the png2dds convertor I'm using don't accept long filenames. Might look into this in the future.
3. Unzip cubemap.zip to known folder (Download from GraPhiX CubeMap Generator website (Step 1))
(The must be 6 png files, nx, px, py, nx, pz, nz.png)
4. Run CubemGui.exe
Step 1. Enter a name for the skymap - IMPORTANT.
This will be used to create the correct Folder, .X file, and correct .DDS files
Step 2. Select the unzipped .png files
Step 3. Create the needed .X file, Skyspec.txt file, and 6 *.dds files for the skymap
* Change skyspec settings
* After creation, copy to gameguru\files\skybank folder and start using diretly in your Game
Hope someone find this useful.