My plan with this was to:
1. Make a new set of "faster" shaders that use the baked textures.
2. If you use a existing PBR object , the new baked textures will be created for you , IF the timestamp of the _ao,_gloss,_metalness,_normal and/or (_illumination,_emissive),_detail is newer then the baked textures. ( so you can update the old images, and it will bake again ).
3. If a baked texture exist it will be loaded and the new faster shaders will be selected ( and sure use way less mem. ).
4. Only the baked textures would go into the standalone.
Stab: This would allow you to directly use the new shaders in the .fpe and bake your own texture sets.
cybernescence: Your old media will be baked for you.
About what goes into what is not really planned yet , but i might go selfish here and follow the GG Loader setup, would make things easier for me in the end
_D is always left alone.
_N can have a emissive texture baked into the alpha , if a illum,emissive exist. Done it this way as there are few objects with emissive so you normally do not have to bake the _N ( saves alot of processing time ).
_S always have R=(_height,_detail,_spec, or other less used formats), G=_metalness, B=_gloss, A=_ao
Bugsy: Yes i use the DNS formats in GG Loader , as i can have the same loading,setup if it use PBR or the old DNS. As you can see the _S can still have the _spec in the red channel so old DNS textures can be used in the same setup as the new PBR baked format with no changes.
EDIT: the baked naming would NOT be DNS , as normally you will leave the _color,_normal alone, and only make one new baked image, Just so you dont think we are going back to the old naming
But hey not sure if its time to do this baking , or other problems have higher pri. so many things on the list , just check github