Quote: "Wow..thank you very much for this Software. "
Your welcome.
Quote: "Can you tell me a littlebit about the ide + large asset pack? Have you some pictures from the characters and the other stuff?"
The final ide will consist of full support of all mentioned game engines in the open beta version.
large asset pack will consists of All PBR Based contents (You won't regret it):-
3D PBR characters (6 with 10 animation and 4 enemy types),
animation library (flight, mele, sword fight),
forest asset pack (56 models of PBR Trees, rocks),
environment asset pack (>73 models for precisely developing an a class level with different military vehicles ),
sound pack(900 all for horor sounds),
music pack (25 music pieces with mix of synthpop, cinematic etc),
futuristic weapon pack (>30 alien and modern weapons),
Dialog sound library (500 dialogues of AI announcer in demon and robotic voice ).
I've sculpted all models and now in the process of texturing it. It will take some time to share the final results with you.
Quote: "Are the Pack free to use for a commercial product?"
You can do anything with it. Giving credit would be nice but not required. But am not in favour of re-selling it on marketplace.
Thanks for giving it a shot
Quote: "noticed a few missing commands"
currently, I've included all the blocks mentioned in steam page mentioned in your footnote. Will update all in few weeks.
Quote: "p.s. lua has some nice standard functions such as 'tonumber' or 'tostring' which would go great in the text and math toolboxes (i use these a lot for debug purposes)"
Thanks for bringing it up. Will definitely add it.
Quote: "p.p.s would prefer a way to switch off the sounds, don't like them :p"

You didn't liked it

Now to just irritated you I'm gonna replace all sounds with that of raking donkey..full volume...
Let me know any other shortcomings...
Quote: "I just don't get it?"
Will release a small and slow tutorial today, that will clear things up...
Quote: "Do I need to know Lua basic's before using this product? "
Not much but need to learn few beginning steps of programming and logic building. I'll clear that up in the tutorial.
Quote: "What about tutorials? Is there a guide or video's showing how to put a script or script's together?"
Will release it today...
Quote: "Could someone with no scripting skills be able to make his/hers own script's by using this software?"
Yes that's the point. No scripting skills required but need a little bit of know-how on baby steps of programming.
Quote: "Great job Ankush! Hopefully more people will support this now"
Thank you sir...Hope so... Good news is that GameGuru Creator has supported the project...
Quote: "I think the greatest benefit to this will be a stored library of "blocks of code", then we'll have the ability to select from 'drive car', 'fly plane', etc."
True that. For people looking for templates and messing with it; when other users upload there blockset you can easily tweak it...for starter I'll add one today...
Quote: "it had me stumped."
Don't worry. I;ll clear things up in the tutorial.
Quote: "I initially thought this kind of tool would allow me to select a template of some kind - like 'drive vehicle', 'fly plane', 'pickup object', etc - and just edit necessary things like names. "
As @tdreisinger mentioned when other users share there script you can simply download it and load it into your workspace and tweak things out.
Quote: "I feel it may be just as easy\hard to learn coding in Notepad ++."
Notion is to make things easy.
@synchromesh & @TazMan
describes it better...
Quote: "Or 'make AAA game'. "
I quite didn't understand whether your comments were sarcastic or something else..but try the software and let me know your experience and its shortcomings. It will be helpful if proficient programmers like you can point out the mistakes and make things better for others.
Quote: "Watching the video for this over and over again is not a good idea because it will just get you confused, sorry RP (but you are a little fast in your explanations)."
My bad..
Quote: "This is a fantastic bit of code though, it is great for newbies or hardened coders because it is always nice to be able to code visually."
Good to know that you liked it..
Lastly, Today Mr. Lee (GG Developer) extend his support. Check out his experience at:
See ya in few hours with new tutorial...
Regards to All