Product Chat / Free Open Beta Released for Public: GameGuru Visual Scripting Framework (Feedbacks and User Experience)

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Posted: 12th Jul 2018 21:20 Edited at: 12th Jul 2018 22:42

Hi Guys, I've released CodeWorks: GameGuru Visual Scripting Framework for open beta. This software will enable you to easily build game logic by simply drag and drop operations. Check out the software at:

Kindly, share your experience, queries and feedback with the software in this thread. For reporting bug fixes only use the form provided in the application itself or you can revert to:

Support the project if you want it to see the daylight:

Have a nice day.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2018 22:17 Edited at: 12th Jul 2018 22:20
Wow..thank you very much for this Software. I try it tomorrow and if i can i give you alos feedback Can you tell me a littlebit about the ide + large asset pack? Have you some pictures from the characters and the other stuff? Are the Pack free to use for a commercial product?
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Posted: 12th Jul 2018 23:51
works nicely so far, noticed a few missing commands which are highly needed when dealing with entities via script - GetPlayerDistance(e), GetEntityPositionX(e), GetEntityPositionY(e), GetEntityPositionZ(e).
i'm sure you have plenty more work to do adding commands though, certainly a good start

backed your project, keep it up, looking really solid already, i especially liked that it simply ignored incorrect code rather than crash and that we can see the code nice and quickly

p.s. lua has some nice standard functions such as 'tonumber' or 'tostring' which would go great in the text and math toolboxes (i use these a lot for debug purposes)
p.p.s would prefer a way to switch off the sounds, don't like them :p
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 01:21
I just don't get it? And I been trying my butt off to understand this. Do I need to know Lua basic's before using this product? I watched that video over and over. I been reading the forum's etc. In that video, All I see is RP moving colored blocks around like a mad scientist. What about tutorials? Is there a guide or video's showing how to put a script or script's together? i would love to put my own script's together. Could someone with no scripting skills be able to make his/hers own script's by using this software? Thanks I.A
Jim C
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 02:13
Great job Ankush! Hopefully more people will support this now
Timothy D. Reisinger
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 02:15 Edited at: 13th Jul 2018 02:22
Quote: "I just don't get it?"

Lol - I was in the same place! It simply had me stumped so I think you do need to know how to code.

I downloaded the program and gave it a whirl, but found myself just sitting there thinking 'now what' lol. I tried selecting a few blocks but really had no idea what to do with them. I picked a 'loop block' but it was stuck to the mouse, and couldn't get it to paste anywhere - obviously doing something wrong I know but it had me stumped.

I initially thought this kind of tool would allow me to select a template of some kind - like 'drive vehicle', 'fly plane', 'pickup object', etc - and just edit necessary things like names.

It does have a nice feel to it so I will give it more of a look when I have time over the weekend, but I feel it may be just as easy\hard to learn coding in Notepad ++.

aka OldFlak
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 02:46
The idea is to make the process easier but yes you need a basic understanding.
Its a case of dropping the whole commands in rather than manually typing them in.
Being visual also helps you get to grips with the lua structure.
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 02:50
I think the greatest benefit to this will be a stored library of "blocks of code", then we'll have the ability to select from 'drive car', 'fly plane', etc.
Timothy D. Reisinger
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 08:37
Or 'make AAA game'.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 11:47
@reliquia, @Blacknyt46, The idea behind this is to make the LUA scripting easier by making it visual but to have a go at it really you need to have an idea of what you want the LUA script to do, for instance, you might want it to open a door or switch a light on.

You do need to have an idea of how to start programming so I would suggest that anyone who has no idea takes a short tutorial on the basics of programming. Watching the video for this over and over again is not a good idea because it will just get you confused, sorry RP (but you are a little fast in your explanations).

Hope this helps.

This is a fantastic bit of code though, it is great for newbies or hardened coders because it is always nice to be able to code visually.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 12:34 Edited at: 13th Jul 2018 12:36
Quote: "Or 'make AAA game'"

Great dry British humour there.
Julian - increasingly disillusioned and jaded
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 14:55 Edited at: 13th Jul 2018 15:00

Quote: "Wow..thank you very much for this Software. "

Your welcome.
Quote: "Can you tell me a littlebit about the ide + large asset pack? Have you some pictures from the characters and the other stuff?"

The final ide will consist of full support of all mentioned game engines in the open beta version.
large asset pack will consists of All PBR Based contents (You won't regret it):-
3D PBR characters (6 with 10 animation and 4 enemy types),
animation library (flight, mele, sword fight),
forest asset pack (56 models of PBR Trees, rocks),
environment asset pack (>73 models for precisely developing an a class level with different military vehicles ),
sound pack(900 all for horor sounds),
music pack (25 music pieces with mix of synthpop, cinematic etc),
futuristic weapon pack (>30 alien and modern weapons),
Dialog sound library (500 dialogues of AI announcer in demon and robotic voice ).

I've sculpted all models and now in the process of texturing it. It will take some time to share the final results with you.

Quote: "Are the Pack free to use for a commercial product?"

You can do anything with it. Giving credit would be nice but not required. But am not in favour of re-selling it on marketplace.

Thanks for giving it a shot
Quote: "noticed a few missing commands"

currently, I've included all the blocks mentioned in steam page mentioned in your footnote. Will update all in few weeks.
Quote: "p.s. lua has some nice standard functions such as 'tonumber' or 'tostring' which would go great in the text and math toolboxes (i use these a lot for debug purposes)"

Thanks for bringing it up. Will definitely add it.
Quote: "p.p.s would prefer a way to switch off the sounds, don't like them :p"

What! You didn't liked it Now to just irritated you I'm gonna replace all sounds with that of raking donkey..full volume...

Let me know any other shortcomings...


Quote: "I just don't get it?"

Will release a small and slow tutorial today, that will clear things up...

Quote: "Do I need to know Lua basic's before using this product? "

Not much but need to learn few beginning steps of programming and logic building. I'll clear that up in the tutorial.

Quote: "What about tutorials? Is there a guide or video's showing how to put a script or script's together?"

Will release it today...
Quote: "Could someone with no scripting skills be able to make his/hers own script's by using this software?"

Yes that's the point. No scripting skills required but need a little bit of know-how on baby steps of programming.

Quote: "Great job Ankush! Hopefully more people will support this now"

Thank you sir...Hope so... Good news is that GameGuru Creator has supported the project...
Quote: "I think the greatest benefit to this will be a stored library of "blocks of code", then we'll have the ability to select from 'drive car', 'fly plane', etc."

True that. For people looking for templates and messing with it; when other users upload there blockset you can easily tweak it...for starter I'll add one today...

Quote: "it had me stumped."

Don't worry. I;ll clear things up in the tutorial.
Quote: "I initially thought this kind of tool would allow me to select a template of some kind - like 'drive vehicle', 'fly plane', 'pickup object', etc - and just edit necessary things like names. "

As @tdreisinger mentioned when other users share there script you can simply download it and load it into your workspace and tweak things out.
Quote: "I feel it may be just as easy\hard to learn coding in Notepad ++."

Notion is to make things easy.
@synchromesh & @TazMan
describes it better...

Quote: "Or 'make AAA game'. "

I quite didn't understand whether your comments were sarcastic or something else..but try the software and let me know your experience and its shortcomings. It will be helpful if proficient programmers like you can point out the mistakes and make things better for others.

Quote: "Watching the video for this over and over again is not a good idea because it will just get you confused, sorry RP (but you are a little fast in your explanations)."

My bad..

Quote: "This is a fantastic bit of code though, it is great for newbies or hardened coders because it is always nice to be able to code visually."

Good to know that you liked it..

Lastly, Today Mr. Lee (GG Developer) extend his support. Check out his experience at:¬if_id=1531480725695203¬if_t=feed_comment&ref=notif

See ya in few hours with new tutorial...

Regards to All
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 15:20
I worked with it without checking any tutorial or even the video, so with understanding of code it is already easy to learn and use, had no problems with it and did get a working script into GG in no time (once I had had an explore around to find out where all the commands were and which ones I had available to play with).
I don't think you will be able to just throw stuff together and get it to work so yes you will need some understanding of code and how it should flow but even without any interest in learning you can still use it to load a ready made script and then make changes to, say, the text prompts etc as they are in their own little edit boxes so you won't need to worry about breaking the existing code.

The first sound effect made me jump as I wasn't expecting it and it played about 2mins late (loading time?) So I had already been using the software for a while and suddenly there was this loud sound effect out of nowhere, congrats on making a horror game out of your ide :p
After that though the sounds worked fine, just a bit loud and obtrusive for my liking
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 15:48
Thank you for you respond Ankush Rai One question i have, what is with the people the have no credit card? Is it possible to pay you with Paypal?
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 17:01
You can try donating through remember that after donating.. pm me your name and email add..

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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 18:18
Glad that the god of gg lua scripting liked my product...
regarding sound the first run it would take a delay to load all resources. Afterwhile it will locally cache the resources to make things smoother.

Quote: "congrats on making a horror game out of your ide :p"

ha ha ...If ide is that horrific..the actual game would be more horrific... my bad..

Lastly, I request to all top programmers in GG community to upload there test blockset (whatever it may be) so that it would be helpful for other users to bring them to speed..
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 18:27
First off, nice job, looks great.

Not sure if this is possible, but to have the ability to load an existing lua script and have the interface put the visuals together.

This would be useful for people to open scripts, learn the formating of what is needed, and be able to improve on existing scripts.

I have not tried this yet, because I do not have any coding structure.

making models is my strong suite.
But I do open existing scripts to modify them for what I want them to do in notepad++.

Just a thought.
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 20:37 Edited at: 13th Jul 2018 20:42
Quote: "@smallg
Glad that the god of gg lua scripting liked my product...
regarding sound the first run it would take a delay to load all resources. Afterwhile it will locally cache the resources to make things smoother. "

yh it's been fine on subsequent openings

GetPlayerInZone(e) needs to be a joining piece (i.e. connect same as a variable as it returns a value), rather than being used as a command (it doesn't do anything on it's own).
same with GetTimer(e)

Quote: "Lastly, I request to all top programmers in GG community to upload there test blockset (whatever it may be) so that it would be helpful for other users to bring them to speed.."

i would help create code blocks and tutorials but there's not much we can create at the moment, without being able to interact with entities (distance checks etc aren't possible as i already mentioned previously) and the zone's not working due to the above issue it's a bit hard to come up with a fully working script as it's not really possible to limit when the script turns on and off etc
not criticising though, it's still early and for a beta it's very solid - hasn't crashed yet
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 13th Jul 2018 21:12
Rp how i can send you money with I have now a account and i also find you account but i see no option to send you money or donate?
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 10:43
Backed it

Gave it a spin , made a block , and used "Save blocks" , it saved the xml fine , but now i cant use "Load blocks" to get it back in, should load block be working in the beta ?

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best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 11:04 Edited at: 14th Jul 2018 11:08
Pirate Myke

Quote: "this is possible, but to have the ability to load an existing lua script and have the interface put the visuals together.
I have not tried this yet, because I do not have any coding structure."

Possible but would take significant time and thus not financially feasible but eventually it will be added in due time.


Quote: "works nicely so far, noticed a few missing commands which are highly needed when dealing with entities via script - GetPlayerDistance(e), GetEntityPositionX(e), GetEntityPositionY(e), GetEntityPositionZ(e).
i'm sure you have plenty more work to do adding commands though, certainly a good start " global variables player global section

Quote: "p.s. lua has some nice standard functions such as 'tonumber' or 'tostring' which would go great in the text and math toolboxes (i use these a lot for debug purposes)"

that too custom blocks section

Quote: "GetPlayerInZone(e) needs to be a joining piece (i.e. connect same as a variable as it returns a value), rather than being used as a command (it doesn't do anything on it's own). same with GetTimer(e)"

That was my mistake...while coding for blocks in same section order to save time i copied block property from others and later forgot to edit is corrected..

Quote: "i would help create code blocks and tutorials but there's not much we can create at the moment, without being able to interact with entities (distance checks etc aren't possible as i already mentioned previously) and the zone's not working due to the above issue it's a bit hard to come up with a fully working script as it's not really possible to limit when the script turns on and off etc

so far wherever you'd pointed out, I'd made arrangements for that... It will work now...
Many thanks for your time investment. Hope you will point out more shortcomings..
I used to copy your scripts and now we're working together (sort of)'s a great feeling...(sort of b/w All might and Midoriya, if u get the reference)

Quote: "Rp how i can send you money with I have now a account and i also find your account but i see no option to send you money or donate?"

Truth be told, I'm not interested in taking donations from paypal. It created a bad repo when associated with crowdfunding campaigns where campaigner take load some of money through paypal and escape (hush citizen). i feared association with paypal might create image problem like that of people's perception of nazi symbol but in reality it is the symbol of god of intelligence and prosperity (Lord ganesha) in Hindu religion. but owing to the huge user base inclined to perform transaction through paypal; I'd to think other ways...Thus, i find is the best possible transparent and secure option; without tarnishing my image with any association.

When you visit , click on download it will take you too paypal page...just remember to checkout the perks mentioned in IndieGoGo page before proceeding with the donation... PM me your email and name after making transaction...

Lastly, I've uploaded the first blockset created by Lee using the software which he shared with me on fb..check that out in visit archive section of the software...Also, request others to upload their work..also, Since the software in current state is useful for developers who are aware of 10% or baby steps of programming. Owing to the feedback from community users who are starting scripting from 0. I decided to launch an easy mode where blocks will be in form of natural language... I'd started working on that too ...results will be shared sooner than you expect...
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 11:57
Preben wrote: "Gave it a spin , made a block , and used "Save blocks" , it saved the xml fine , but now i cant use "Load blocks" to get it back in, should load block be working in the beta ?"

yh i get the same issue but the upload2archive should work

RP wrote: "so far wherever you'd pointed out, I'd made arrangements for that... It will work now"

yep, see the updates, will work on uploading some basic scripts
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 13:20
Quote: " but now i cant use "Load blocks" to get it back in.."

Many thanks for backing...
It is working fine...the thing is first attempt things will be quite confusing to the user. You might be only clicking on the loadblock button...Now follow this steps.:-
1. Open the "Browse" button next to the "open indiegogo" button.
2. browse to the path..Select the .xml file...and press open..
3. Then click "Load Blocks" button..
4. It will load all the blocks into the workspace...
Note: By default it will load below the last main blocks such as function blocks...Thus, if you did not see it into the workspace then simply zoom out using your mouse wheel and then drag it to your desired position...
Check out the video if it is still unclear...

Quote: " should load block be working in the beta ?"
I didn't hide any features...except those which are WIP. you people are the reason for forging it into existence...what will I gain by doing such deception...I am not EA

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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 13:37 Edited at: 14th Jul 2018 13:39
Quote: "It is working fine...the thing is first attempt things will be quite confusing to the user. You might be only clicking on the loadblock button...Now follow this steps.:-
1. Open the "Browse" button next to the "open indiegogo" button.
2. browse to the path..Select the .xml file...and press open..
3. Then click "Load Blocks" button..
4. It will load all the blocks into the workspace..."

found the issue, if you save the blocks it saves as blahblah[1].xml - the [1] is causing the error "please upload a valid .xml file", would be nicer if we can get the option to save as a custom file name and path.

also once you have loaded a file it won't let you load another one unless you quit and restart codeworks
(have also sent a bug report)

added a basic AI block set to the archive (not sure if RP has to approve these before it is visible though)
edit: .xml file attached (load it with codeworks to see the blocks)
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 14:12
That's a really cool script !!
Excellent example
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 15:44 Edited at: 14th Jul 2018 16:34

Awesome Work!!

Here everything is working fine on my end...kindly, find the small shabby tutorial on how to save and load blocks with custom name...

Quote: "found the issue, if you save the blocks it saves as blahblah[1].xml - the [1] is causing the error "please upload a valid .xml file""

hey, the filename with special character will not load....its better to use your own custom name...check the above mentioned shabby tutorial...

Quote: "would be nicer if we can get the option to save as a custom file name and path."

its working fine on my end...plz select save option to decide where to save and with what name..rather than pressing open button...

Quote: "also once you have loaded a file it won't let you load another one unless you quit and restart codeworks"

Nooooo. you need to first select browse select the file and then click load button...consider browse button is input field where we give the name and file path of the file...and load block as enter to execute it..after giving one input (file name and location) the more times you press load block ..that no of time it will load blocks in the workspace... if you want to load other file then start the process by clicking browse button first and then clicking load button...
try running with admin privileges (require to write the file in file system...)
till now ..I've not encountered that problem...if the problem persist then could you share the video...

Quote: "added a basic AI block set to the archive (not sure if RP has to approve these before it is visible though)"

The file upload system and archive is all live....whatever changes takes place will immediately take in effect and requires no improvement from anyone....actually back in the morning i messed it up...but now it's all set...
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 16:01 Edited at: 14th Jul 2018 16:14
next video is a tutorial on how to use codeworks to create a basic door script

should also be able to find the blocks on the archive

Quote: "Nooooo. you need to first select browse select the file and then click load button...consider browse button is input field where we give the name and file path of the file...and load block as enter to execute it..after giving one input (file name and location) the more times you press load block ..that no of time it will load blocks in the workspace... if you want to load other file then start the process by clicking browse button first and then clicking load button...
try running with admin privileges (require to write the file in file system...)
till now ..I've not encountered that problem...if the problem persist then could you share the video..."

yep, i understand how it works but earlier it was refusing to load anything after the first load of a file - working fine now i wanted to try reproduce it for you though, if it happens again i'll record it for you

my problem with saving is that when i hit the save button it instantly just opens the file as a block of text in IE, no option to input any save information at all which was confusing me - i think i must have some default action set somewhere on my system that is messing it up
edit: yep changed my .xml default to firefox and it now asks me if i want to save the file as shown in your video
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 17:03
This is looking really good well done RP sorry I have not responded to your PM's I am away at the moment will catchup when I get back
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Posted: 14th Jul 2018 19:51 Edited at: 15th Jul 2018 07:21
if you set notepad++ as default to open .xml It will work. You've already figured it out ..just posted so that other users will know..

Cool videos!! ...You have put me to shame...I'd developed 3 tutorial videos but haven't uploaded it and never going to; as all of it were nowhere near yours.
I'm gonna leave tutorial to you and pay attention to programming and improving CodeWorks. Added your videos on so that people can see what they can achieve...also shared it on several social media platforms.... Many thanks for taking off the burden...side by side I'll blocklized ( term for codeworks workflow) your script bank...

Thanks for your time and let me know any other problem..


thanks and No worries...take your time...
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Posted: 15th Jul 2018 07:34
this is a pretty awesome/needed thing. maybe i can figure out how to make my simple "play animation/loop animation/etc" scripts for characters and objects finally. I couldnt figure the syntax out to save my life. thank you!
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Posted: 16th Jul 2018 08:38
RP: Yes some blocks can load but some cant , i made a bug report and uploaded the block i have problems with , perhaps there are errors in the block i was just poking around trying different stuff so its not a finish block just me trying different stuff , but i cant load it back in.
Also uploaded setsurfcolors.xml in this post if you did not get it from the bug report

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best regards Preben Eriksen,


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Posted: 16th Jul 2018 10:21
Bug Fixes/FAQ:
1) getTimer fixed
2) File saving and loading: do not save filename with special characters.. set the default program to open .xml as any one of Notepad++
3) delete all blocks: right click anywhere in the workspace...a pop up will open with following options:
(a) Undo
(b) Redo
(c) Clean Up blocks: rearrange it in visibly tidy manner
(d) collapse blocks: encapsulate all the blocks in a single block. (advantage: increase abstraction level...non-coders can simply load files and include it into their own scripts)
(e) expand blocks..reverses action of (d)
(f) Delete n blocks: Option will delete all n no of blocks currently residing in workspace...

4) to load another file click on browse and click load blocks ..
5) Middle mouse button is reserved for other future functionality but in order to control your camera..simply point your mouse anywhere on workspace and then use mouse wheel to zoom in/out...
6) custom save path and file names: simply set notepad++ as your default program to open .xml will give option to either directly open the file(by default saved in download folder of C directory) ...

7) Preben: Could you send me complete screenshot of your workspace with your blocks... @

@bugsy...thanks for picking it up...all the best for your games...

Working on adding More is almost 80 pages long....
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 11:44

Fixed some issues with the live service...install the new executable to continue accessing codeworks without any hitch...

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Posted: 11th Aug 2018 23:08
Last 3 days before campaign ends if someone interested in getting lifetime license of CodeWorks then back it now. As the final steam version will be available with support for other softwares and my own game engines+app builder therefore steam version will be inform of yearly subscription model. Get it when its cheap...

Final update of CodeWorks is Live now...I've made things easy wherever necessary....added extra blocks with description wherever necessary to make things easy for non-coders. Almost every blocks mentioned in global.lua resides in CodeWorks; except (400 – “not so important blocks” related with control of weapon & Game Mechanic). Will unlocks it once I figure out how to not make things cluttered; otherwise it’s just matter of a press of a button.

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