Can anyone please tell me (1) which (if any) of the variables in the script “floating_platform2” might actually control the height of the platform where the player stands, or is there a way to change it at all? I'm trying to put the player-start position on top of a train to have a shootout with other AI while on top of a moving train.
(2) Is it possible to start the platform moving immediately at the start of the game, even if the player starts out standing on top of the entity platform (which for me is a train)? It seems like the platform will only start moving after the player runs up to it and gets on it.
The script is listed by smallg at this link in the forum -
It's also attached below.
I have tried (without success) to use boat.lua, floating_platform, floating_platform2, moving platform, rideboat, ride platform, ez platform, ez entity mover, trap_wall, and I have also tried the latest update and tried road_follower, and rail_follower. Since I want to be on top of a moving train, I need the player to associate with the entity so they will not fall off the moving entity. Some of these scripts do this and some don't.
I also started building my game a long time ago, so I'm still using GG version 1.14 or 1.4 (which are the same thing)... It was when EBE first came out. I have been told it isn't good to do major updates in the middle of making a game.