Lafette II
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 11:05 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2018 11:09

I wanted to know it again, and have created a mean little game, which I started about a year ago. However, through the ego perspective, it was very confusing and even meaner, as the critters attack from all corners, including from behind. So it became a third-person shooter.
The development was fun for me, the completion was not so good. I had to recreate a lot of times. There were always some little problems. The sound was missing in places, the graphics broke, the creepy-crawlies did not move and now after a few small changes nothing is possible anymore. It will be completed, but if I pass from the first to the second level everything breaks down. Well.
And unfortunately, my English skills are so bad, so forgive me if my pronunciation is incorrect. I hope, however, that it is reasonably understandable.
The story is a bit narrow. Nevertheless worth reading for the player, at least the things that are important. I only left a necessary note in the first level that applies to the whole game. And remember, the game is sometimes unpredictable. Mostly everything worked out for me. The sound had to be adjusted many times, because he was not heard despite full volume.
So, if anyone is interested, further down is the approximately 730 MB file to download

The story in pictures :

The game in pictures :

The game as download : JOHNNY TOXIC

by ..
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 19:46
okay, I downloaded this game basically expecting to not like it but was pleasantly surprised by its general awesomeness. top-down, it controlled amazingly and had animations for all movement directions that all worked pretty well toghether. I also liked using the vault anim for jump!!

level 1 was a nice easy training level but it could have had one or 2 more enemy types.

level 2 got a bit tedious with how many bugs you had to kill so after getting bored I jumped out of the map by climbing on top of the oil tank and went to the win zone. I like that you can do that. I expected the collision for the character to be way worse.

level 3 at first appeared to be a huge departure in terms of difficulty curve from the last 2, but i was doing pretty well just running past everything, only shooting when they clustered together behind me. I was on the 17th "preparation" (whatever that is) and COMPLETELY out of ideas where the next would be, frantically running through the map when my computer gave me the vertical bar screen of death and i decided to call it quits. I had decent solid fun for about 20 minutes.

the frame rates were generally abysmal but it was clearly something where a good amount of effort and forethought was invested and therefore it was fun. all the enemy models looked really good and their AI was amazing, i loved when the spider jumped off the oil tanker in level 2.

the one thing the game lacked was any sort of lighting at all. I think if the dynamic light that highlights the preparations is going to stay once the object is picked up, and act static, it could at least cast shadows.

overall pretty decent. maybe a 7/10 on the gameguru scale. it couldve been made better with better frame rates and lighting, but i loved the gameplay and general concept! if I didn't think it was going to completely crash my computer again I'd probably find it pretty addicting.

Lafette II
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Posted: 4th Jul 2018 05:59
Hi Bugsy...

Thank you for testing the game. Your assessment will definitely help me. The thing about leaving the level 2 early on the tank is of course my mistake, I did not think about it. I could do that differently. In the jungle you have to kill all creatures and find all the preparations (or say dissection?) to get out there. That's exactly where the mistake lies with me. I have built the map, and therefore knows where everything is. I can not ask the player to go the same way as me. So I would have to make the map linear. I did not want that. I had not considered that there is the possibility of spawning many opponents at once, and so to send the performance in the basement. I should have created dependencies to make the process more linear. Ok, beginner mistake. The lighting of the places where you should pick up objects is actually not particularly contrasting. That too I chalk on. At the low frame rates, as described above, when too many opponents are on the go, things get more and more hectic. To alleviate it, a little advice:
I have a counter in the upper left corner. If there is still a number, there are still a few critters in the region. Only when everything is dead, the display goes out. And you really should use every path, and look everywhere. This is especially true at the temple in the jungle.
Anyway, I thank you for your statement. It helped me alot.

Greetings Andreas
Lafette II
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Posted: 24th Jul 2018 07:59
This is my last attempt to make my little game interesting. Unfortunately, it was necessary to create a dubious video. I hope that I can lure a few more people.

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Posted: 30th Jul 2018 01:07 Edited at: 30th Jul 2018 01:09
I'm playing it, currently on level 4 after maybe 45 minutes-hour of playing? Overall I think it is a good game with coherent direction and style. I enjoyed how the non-shooting portion was in first person before switching over to third.

The third level seemed to be where the game really found its stride for me. That level really felt like a true "level" whereas the first two felt a bit like running around inside a box fence. I assume this was somewhat intentional though to keep the first two levels as 'tutorial' style levels.

My framerates were totally fine throughout, but I had a very different playstyle than Bugsy. Once I realized that the spiders were triggered as opposed to all hiding, I generally tried to trigger a manageable amount at a time, and ran backwards across clear paths until I had cleared them. In a couple instances I did accidentally get cornered though and survived by jumping over them and then running backwards the opposite way.

If I had a main (hopefully) constructive criticism it would be that in games that have fetch quests or "can't proceed until you kill all of x" mechanics, I much prefer when you need to kill/find a certain percentage as opposed to every single one. This is because it is demotivating to have killed all but one or two spiders and be running around an otherwise cleared/empty map trying to figure out how to trigger them. But I did find all of the 'preparations' to be fairly logically placed and did not have a ton of difficulty finding them.

One bug note: (or possibly me not knowing all the controls) On my computer if you click the right mouse button the overhead camera zooms way in, and I could not figure out a way to get the camera wide again until the next level loads.
Lafette II
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Posted: 30th Jul 2018 18:09
Thank you, lorddweeb, for testing johnny toxic. I am glad that you did not demonize it. I'm not really a game developer. A few years ago, I once had a little spider game in the FPSC. I like the topic and I like the AI ​​a bit better than with human opponents. Actually, I had thought the first level as a training level to get used to the critters. Of course, the factory site was only the beginning and therefore a bit lighter. You're probably right, I should not have asked to kill all the animals, but where do you draw the line, ok my mistake. The thing with the right mouse button is new to me. I can not say that with me. The preparations are also illuminated, but not very apparent. Good to know that they are easy to find. If you have not played the last level in the village, you could be even more frustrated. It can happen that such a beast hides in a house. I could not prevent that somehow. I wanted to solve the problem via the collision mode, but stated afterwards. that I did not get through everywhere, so I let it be. It is also rather rare. But you have to search for a while. But if you had such an hour or so of fun, that makes me happy. Maybe I'll pick up on such a topic again. Thanks again for the comment and sorry for my bad english.

Greetings Andreas

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