Work In Progress / ZS:02: Into the City

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2018 01:48 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2018 02:09
Developer: SBGAMES


The year is 2033, a full decade after the outbreak of A98Z - a mutated Crimean-Congo
hemorrhagic fever that adopted the tendency to reanimate their deceased hosts.

Fortunately, the world was well-prepared for any kind of zombie-related threat.

Safe zones were secured efficiently and a vaccine was created within the first year.

Though the death toll rose into the millions and the infected even higher, with no threat
of further infection the world began to return to normality. Badly infected sections of
cities were quarantined, and keeping an eye out for the occasional would-be-neckbiters
when out of safe zones became as common as watching out for any other predatory creature.

The world went on without the zombies, but the zombies were still there. Aggresive and
unyielding husks of their former selves, shambling rather pathetically around deserted,
walled areas.

Somebody needed to take care of them, but who? No one wants to deal with zombies.
They're gross.

And so began the Exterminator Initiative.

Now anyone can grab a weapon and slay some zombies - $5 a pop.

It's dirty, dangerous, and gruesome work.
And it really doesn't pay much.

But sometimes, it's hard to find a job. You know what they say -

"You gotta do, what you gotta do."


Kill zombies to get killstreaks and cash. Puchase weapons, upgrades, ammo, and
environmental effects from the shop. This is an attempt at an cod-zombies style
game but with more focus on "fun" and less focus on "horror." Kind of arcade-y
with no real win screen and endless streams zombies until you die.

Contact: or PM me here

Thanks for reading
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2018 01:56 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2018 02:08
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2018 03:01
This game honestly looks like it would be super fun for 15 minutes every few days. A game with legitimate replayability (albeit likely not long-lasting) outside of for nostalgia factor is a rarity around here. I tried to do something like this way back when with Urban Combat in FPSC, but couldn't script like you can so it never materialized. you went in depth enough with the scripting (and making the changeable aesthetic) and the game-play looks super rewarding, plus i like the variety of weapons. I only wish you had added some static lighting, that would have really cemented the quality for me. as it is, it looks like the level is unfinished and nooby.

I might also turn down the fog slightly, unless its so high to keep camera distance super low which i would understand. Those are my only 2 criticisms. Keep on Keepin on.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2018 03:41 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2018 04:39
Thank you Bugsy! Legitimate replayability is exactly what I'm going for - for those times you don't really feel like engaging with a "real" game haha...

I feel everyone wants their games to be super feature heavy and incredibly complicated to the point where some games are beginning to feel like work. Fun work, sure, but not relaxing (to me).

Ironically, I created Zombie Slaughter (you can find on my website) in like an hour so I could just get some unadulterated zombie killing fun and uploaded it just for the heck of ended up being my most popular game on and it's just a crappy low-effort "game" for personal use without even a win-screen or any deviations from default GG!

So I thought I might as well pursue that angle. A game you pick up now and then just for some fun when you get the how games used to be in a way

Now they are all so complex and ultra engaging...everyone and their dog has a crafting system these days for example. This development trend is making games like movies in my opinion - good for a replay once or twice if you really liked the story.

Thank you for the criticism, and I agree - some static lights would really, really breath life into the city. However, I'm not sure the lightmapper is functioning properly in the current public preview? Everytime I press F3 it takes ages to lightmap and at the end of it I still have no shadows or lightmaps of any kind... I've verified my files daily so I'm not sure if it's my system or an issue with public preview. Also, there is quite a bit more decoration to do in the level.

As to the fog - I admit its a bit thick but it's to hide the zombie spawns

P.S. Huge fan of your work Bugsy
science boy
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2018 14:47
it looks quite uptempo gameplay wise, but i agree with bugsy some more concentration on aesthetics will go a long wya, think of games where you shoot a lot, the best part is when you go up a level and see a whole new level with newer graphics and types, every time you go up a level try make it as different as possible, this adds lasting gameplay as curious creatures we are and we always love new stuff. keep up the task and never say die
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Posted: 24th Jun 2018 02:30 Edited at: 24th Jun 2018 02:36
Agreed, I was toying with the idea of choosing your level (aka "jobsite") at the beginning and I'll be sure to make them varied. Thanks for the advice and encouragement science boy

Do you guys have any specific recommendations on where my decoration is lacking in particular?
science boy
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Posted: 24th Jun 2018 21:15 Edited at: 24th Jun 2018 21:23
I think you should add your own mark to it. You may not be a modelling person but. You can easily texture uv maps

What you need to do is get all the models and make them more fitting to yur style. The problem is many people buy or get free models and slap it all in. The lroblem is 2 things
1. It all looks out of place and odd as different artists do it different to others. This makes a lot of games not work and look shoddy or really not flowing as it should.
2. Everyone has the stock mods and it does not give a suprise! And more a oh there is that model house from mega pack 1 or something

So if you over dress all the textures to something you think works and fits together well and it all works then it will look a lot better and also people will not see it as stock media and think it's a game and also you add the atmosphere you want. Not a mix bag

That's the easiest way to get your game instantly better

There are lots of texture sites or as I did I went out and photo a lot of bricks wood metal etc. is free and does the shader amd formats
Gimp is a tool where you get the normal map converter

Both free and gives you the toops to personalise your game

Ie can put umbrella Corp on trucks posters on buildings change zombies clothes color. And make the fat ones exploding like I have on my zombicide tribute game. So yes get into the graphics and make it yours. And you can make a lot more zombies and that will help you make harder zombies etc. Good luck
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 27th Jun 2018 13:51
I actually like this one.

Lots of zombies coming at you. I like it when the surroundings such as the barrels and stuff get blown out of the way as you attack the zombies. More of that will add to it also.

Seems like a lot of weapons and a lot of ammo to be found. So I am guessing that there are places to buy this ammo, since your making money blasting zombies. Maybe get some questing going on for more infected parts of the city and you get more money per kill as there is more danger for you to be there.

Traps and hazards for the player to get hurt. Old abandoned building have weak flooring. easy to fall thru and find yourself in a basement of zombies.

But a texture reworking on all the assets to your style would make this a hit. Custom graphics for HUDs also.

This is a great start. Thanks for posting.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

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