Hi! just an a idea for gameguru developers
Its possible to put a video (.mp4) instead a .jpg in the back menu of the Standalone games? such like Half life 2 first menu, like a background looping video... you know what they saying, the first impression of a game its really important.
Maybe creating a .PNG transparent items for the menu and a loop video in background could create some serious startpoint for gamemakers using gameguru...
i buyed gameguru via steam a month ago... found this tool fantastic, because i dont have coding skills, my thing its to think and create maps with some missions (using the smallg scripts and others, such a great help for us), GG is the only tool in the market that works for me, Unity is fair to complicated for non coding minds, but the performance of the engine its awesome...
I have faith in gameguru coders and developers, think this can be revolutionary, just hope to developers keep go with the improvements of AI and FPS jugability (for our low benchmark people!).
Just some ideas ... thanks!