Multiplayer / [SOLVED] What's the state of Multiplayer right now?

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Posted: 12th Jun 2018 04:16
I just bought Gameguru to test out a big idea on a much smaller scale. But older posts in this forum say that MP does not work at all. Is that true?

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Posted: 12th Jun 2018 10:09
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
Multiplayer works, but all the players need to own GameGuru to play, and it doesn't use custom scripts, so it's limited to what you can do.
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Posted: 12th Jun 2018 11:41
That's a relief. Thanks. A shame about the scripts. I've been finding useful ones.
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Posted: 12th Jun 2018 16:09
The reason custom scripting doesn't work is because scripts won't transfer through the system it uses to network, so only the person who launches the game initially would have the scripts and the other players wouldn't. They will be eventually creating a standalone or steam app for gameguru multiplayer which will open things up for custom scripting, but it's not a priority at the moment so may be a while.
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Posted: 12th Jun 2018 23:47
I wouldn't hold your breath for true multiplayer (stand alone). How many years has Gameguru been out without real multiplayer? Oh 3 years.... I had to look it up it's been a while. I keep seeing old posts of it's coming. At this point I've moved on. If it happens great. I might come back to check out out.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2018 01:33 Edited at: 13th Jun 2018 01:34
Can anyone point me to a game that allows you to create Multiplayer standalone .exe's for a PC
I have all the Quake, Doom, Half-Life series and many more but cannot seem to finds one that will let me create a standalone multiplayer game ?
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Posted: 13th Jun 2018 06:29
Are scripts the only thing that won't go through? I've put in some custom sounds and plan to put in custom models and player models with animations.

Also, is the maximum player count still 8? Which is fine. My very long term end goal is to make a 100 player BR style game, but if I can't make the basic idea work for 8 players or whatever the limit is in Gameguru, it probably isn't worth trying to do it for 100. If it works, I might move on to another engine. Otherwise, I'll stick to Gameguru and try a single player game because I'm really enjoying working with it.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2018 08:48
Quote: "Can anyone point me to a game that allows you to create Multiplayer standalone .exe's for a PC
I have all the Quake, Doom, Half-Life series and many more but cannot seem to finds one that will let me create a standalone multiplayer game ?"

I think you are misunderstanding what they mean here, Quake, Doom, Half-Lifer ARE standalone multiplayer games. They're not talking about making a game that you can make standalone's from, they're talking about the multiplayer game being standalone.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2018 09:45
Yes the limit is still 8 and I believe you will be fine with custom assets but its been a long time since I even opened multiplayer so no idea if it still works.

Just to clarify belidos' point: Its not that the scripts don't get sent to all players, its that they don't get updated during game for all players but rather individually as they would in single player (I.e. triggering a script for player 1 doesn't trigger it for player 2 and vice versa)
So all you have in multiplayer is purely the basic functionality such as shooting each other and positioning etc.

As for people saying multiplayer is coming... I don't think I've ever seen Lee say it was coming (except the steam version for release but that was years ago and has technically been "done"), its been made clear it isn't a priority though so I really wouldn't count on MP being added any time soon.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2018 12:11
Quote: "As for people saying multiplayer is coming... I don't think I've ever seen Lee say it was coming (except the steam version for release but that was years ago and has technically been "done"), its been made clear it isn't a priority though so I really wouldn't count on MP being added any time soon"

If i remember right he made a post not too long ago specifically asking whether we wanted a standalone or a steam type multiplayer, and said that it wouldn't be a big job to do it, and might do it in with some other work he was doing.
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Posted: 16th Jun 2018 23:56 Edited at: 16th Jun 2018 23:59
I have just started getting back into the MP again just recently and its pretty underrated .
You can play Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Co-op.
Despite the fact its missing script customisation its really great fun and as usual with any game its enhanced by the maps level design.
If you have never tried it its really a missed opportunity .. We have been having great fun with this.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2018 16:59 Edited at: 17th Jun 2018 17:00
yep I can attest to that it was a blast lol and your map is very good Synchromesh
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Posted: 18th Jun 2018 13:57 Edited at: 18th Jun 2018 13:58
indeed the basic multiplayer is pretty good considering it was really just quickly added to try sell GG on steam for it's "release" as the "multiplayer" icon looks good on the store page but it would be awesome to create maps like the COD zombies mode or the battle royale type maps though, i think it was a shame the steam multiplayer never got taken seriously, it would have really helped sell GG (at this point it's already missed a huge window of opportunity imo).
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Posted: 18th Jun 2018 23:58
Locally hosted (LAN) and standalone multiplayer is a must for GG to go forward there are tons of games out there that are held up purely because of these functions. e.g 1 map you have a game 4 maps+ you have BR running these on our own machines releases the force so to speak as we will be able to dictate how any particular game is played. I agree just a multiplayer on steam could be fun (although I have never got it to work correctly) Having it hosted on our own machines would make it a more worth while venture Imho
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Posted: 19th Jun 2018 12:42 Edited at: 19th Jun 2018 12:42
Quote: "Locally hosted (LAN) and standalone multiplayer is a must for GG to go forward "

Now if I was Lee I would be saying
" But Nobody plays MP so why go to all the effort on a maybe then they will "
I kind of agree there are more things we need.

We had the community voting system up and it never really got to the top so again it isn't really as important to that many or it would have been right up there.

I think for Lee to put his efforts into MP as a priority then Users need to at least use what's available and keep pushing that we want more because right now the interest just isn't there to warrant such a big commitment when there is far more needed.
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Posted: 19th Jun 2018 15:57
How do you know when a game is being hosted? Just check the multiplayer occasionally and try to catch one when it's up? I'm up for playing if anyone hosts their game.
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Posted: 19th Jun 2018 17:51
Hi JimH

join discord you can chat to other users and play MP now and again
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Posted: 19th Jun 2018 23:36 Edited at: 20th Jun 2018 00:19
@ synchromesh hey m8 wasn't saying that other items arn't more important just that it would give that extra avenue. Sometimes when we are waiting for the more long winded updates e.g the dx 11 one it would have been nice to rattle out our own hosted multiplayer maps to keep us all occupied. Games like BOP, BR etc etc there's loads of them are ongoing just because of that. If I remember Lee mentioned it wouldn't be too hard to implement, if so why not?
It'd just give us all something extra to play around with while major updates are worked on. Of course I understand the importance of these I just think GG would benefit from it if its not a big job. I used to use it a lot with Torque and even in the basic state it was quite good fun
and@ Graphix hi m8
The point here I think I'm trying to stress is that I have probably 6-10 projects (single player) that some of which now don't work correctly and took a lot of hours to make as you guys know yes GG is getting better and better of that I have no doubt. but Its slightly for me become a little stale in that I keep having to roll back all the time and redo hours and hours of work to get to where I was before I do understand this is progress and I'm not bitching, I just thought if that I could have got a multiplayer up and running hosted on our own p.c's no matter how basic I could have some fun while I work on/Update the single player projects e.g Vcity "I personally love the game" not everybody shares my opinion but lol it makes me laugh

P.s I'd deffo try it multiplayer if I could
If its easy enough to implement get it in and let us play with it!
p.p.s nobody plays multiplayer because in it's current state it just isn't viable (doesn't work) locally hosted option might just cure that
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Posted: 20th Jun 2018 08:41
Quote: "How do you know when a game is being hosted? Just check the multiplayer occasionally and try to catch one when it's up? I'm up for playing if anyone hosts their game. "

Pretty sure there is an indicator on the GUI when someone is in MP .. I forget exactly what I will get back to you on that .

Quote: "@ synchromesh hey m8 wasn't saying that other items arn't more important "

Oh I realise that and you gave some good points ..
I was just speaking from ( if I was Lee ) perspective as why I wouldn't commit to it right now. Like I said I think MP has been underrated as its so much fun and I would love to see some improvements on what we have now like better physics, custom scripts or more modes like CTF but you can have great fun with Co-op but again no one seems to play with what is available that much anyway
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Posted: 20th Jun 2018 22:39
Yeah thanks m8 get that, for me it never seems to work correctly e.g hangs or your waiting forever if you have something steam doesn't like. Just thought if we have it our own end we could fiddle about with it a bit more and get it (maybe to work for us) but yes agreed on your points just was hanging on that quote from Lee saying "It wouldn't be that difficult to implement" don't care for the security side etc etc as I and others could sort that side out themselves
If that's the case and its not too time consuming to let us have it to test out maybe it'd spark some more active users to dig in and make it work But as I said before maybe We'll just have to wait some more :/
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Posted: 21st Jun 2018 20:42
The whole reason I bought this engine was for the multi-player. I think if we could just get scripts to work, would go along way to get more people creating levels.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2018 16:24
Standalone multiplayer would be awesome. CS style at first. Just pick the map from menu and play.
I don't understand why aren't they doing it. It would boost GG sales 10 fold at least...
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Posted: 16th Jul 2018 22:27
They aren't because they is Lee and a couple of other contributors, he has a few core updates to do m8, which we including myself asked for first, I'm sure he will look into it in time and I'm sure will be popular but we'll have to wait as Lee likes to get things right
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2018 02:43
Real multiplayer is the only think GG needs to be great because all other issues are ok for me in the last update
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2018 08:00 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2018 08:02
Quote: "Real multiplayer is the only think GG needs to be great because all other issues are ok for me in the last update"

For you maybe, that's your opinion and i respect that.

But for me multiplayer is way down on the list of things that are needed. Basic core issues still haven't been addressed, the light mapper still does not work properly, and is actually broken from the previous version making it worse than we had, there are still massive memory issues, there are still issues creating a standalone game, there are still issues with the entity importer, there are still issues with the shaders, and much more.

Without these issues being fixed it's pointless working on multiplayer standalone, hell if Lee can't even get single player standalone working properly then what chance has he got to get a multiplayer standalone working?
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 23:02 Edited at: 26th Aug 2018 23:38
+1 on that one m8 lol although I do agree the multiplayer standalone thingy would be a pretty cool thing to play with but as you said …………..
But I will say a standalone multiplayer will in no matter what state will give users something else/new to get their teeth into and no matter how simple or how buggy it will generate interest and also contributors to work on it no matter what state it is in. it is something that is just really popular atm and in so would drag in more people to GG and if you think about it these would be single maps and so easier to create or choice of single maps....gotta be worth a bash in my eyes
For me I would make these levels but as a player I play single player even in multiplayer games "state of decay 2" atm but I can totally see the attraction here
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Posted: 6th Sep 2018 00:16 Edited at: 6th Sep 2018 00:17
Multiplayer in general hasnt been under my interest... however if it was able to produce a standalone somehow... that would for sure bring in more users. Possibly 1000's. Curious if this would require Steam Workshop API integration somehow?
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Posted: 19th Sep 2018 23:23
Don't think it would actually need a Steam API Teabone tbh but it might end up that way TBH loads of engines have there own standalone player Torque (old now but free) being one of the ones I used to use and it worked very well for up to 8 players. Its the one thing about GG which still confuses me as, as you said I'm also sure it would bring members to the fold as you could essentially do 1 map games e.g kinda like quake which isn't what I would work towards but it still has a good following. I still see kind of social games being made that involve nothing more than people being on a map with the ability to chat to each other for whatever strange reason that is it still seems to attract people. I think just having the choice to be able to host our own games multiplayer and run our own scripts on them would open soo many doors. But that is just my opinion
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2018 14:28
i think multiplayer "stand alone" is a must
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2018 19:51
Well maybe Lee will chime in and at least let us know his thoughts. Multi-Player is a must for me as well.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2018 23:22
For me I think Multi-player was added as a gimmick to increase Steam sales. It certainly needs some work to be particularly useful. I can't see it ever being a locally created (network) game, but will use Steam features to work. That is no issue as far as I can see, we just need scripts to work in multi-player.

Online games are always a tough cookie. There's many reasons games like WOW are difficult to make, the big one as far as we are concerned is the server side of things. Hence GG using Steams built in tools. Honkeyboy mentioned security not being an issue, but really how can we sort that out in GG? I know from experience that even making an online high score is a difficult process, mostly because of security and needing to learn enough php to get it to work, never mind an online game! The average GG user would not be interested in that sort of workload and would just expect things to work. So I can see why it is low priority, it's a lot harder than most would imagine.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2018 10:09
Hello, I bought GG a couple of days ago, and seems a very interresting development tool for games.
I was really interested in multiplayer but I confess, I red a lot of forums and web pages but I cannot definitively understand what's the situation.
I understood these facts (please help me to understand if I'm right or wrong)

I can create a multiplayer game STANDALONE only if I distribute it via steam. In this way the players use Steam servers to stay connected and play.
In this case I will publish an exe, including my scripts, and the players will download (buy?) the game and will be able to play in deathmatch, coop, etc..

I can create a multiplayer game, standalone(?) , but in order to play in multiplayer I need to buy GG. In this case I can play online via steam and LAN.
Custom scripts will be distributed also?
Can I manually via LUA, sync data between clients and server?

Or.... ??

Please can you help me to clarify?
If the players buy GG, they will be able to edit and re deploy my game?

Thank you for your help!

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Posted: 12th Nov 2018 10:24
You cannot make standalone MP games full stop …
You can create maps and play other users who own GameGuru via the editor interface and steam server.
Custom scripts will not work in MP at the moment.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2018 13:50 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:43
I think the way multiplayer is advertised is deceitful. People expect to be able to build multiplayer games. Many people have purchased this engine specifically for that feature.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2018 13:58 Edited at: 15th Nov 2018 14:00
Quote: "I think the way multiplayer is advertised is deceitful."

Whats misleading about this ?

Quote: "Easily host and join games you make in GameGuru using Steam Multiplayer and Steam Workshop"

You mean people don't read things correctly or see what they want to see..
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Posted: 15th Nov 2018 22:00 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:43
Quote: "Easily host and join games you make"

"Games you make".....

Games made with GG can't host or join other games made in GG.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2018 18:02 Edited at: 16th Nov 2018 18:03
The advert front page of GG's homepage actually says this ?!

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Posted: 17th Nov 2018 14:59 Edited at: 17th Nov 2018 17:30
That's 100% true .. But then your not going to buy it based on that one statement alone ..
You would at least click features to find out more about the product and a more detailed explanation
Or at least I would of any product I thought about purchasing ..

Quote: ""Games you make".....
Games made with GG can't host or join other games made in GG."

LOL … like I said about people seeing what they want to see without reading it correctly … You missed out the rest

Quote: ""Easily host and join games you make in GameGuru using Steam Multiplayer and Steam Workshop""
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Posted: 17th Nov 2018 20:39
Hi all
Not particularly interested in MP, but can see why others are.

Quote: "I think for Lee to put his efforts into MP as a priority then Users need to at least use what's available and keep pushing that we want more because right now the interest just isn't there to warrant such a big commitment when there is far more needed."

Last time I tried MP it simply doesn't work so bit hard to use already existing features when they don't work.

Pretty sure nothing has changed since it's initial implementation - last time I tried I couldn't even get a simple map with nothing but the player markers to run. Has anything changed?

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Posted: 18th Nov 2018 13:27 Edited at: 18th Nov 2018 13:35
That wasn't a slate guys just was pointing out what people may read into that at first glance. I would say probably a good percentage of people might see that as "you" can host and share. which kind of says locally at first glance maybe better to mention steam in that bit e.g you can host and share your games on steam. Just thought that bit raised the questions maybe?
Personally I'm just playing with single player again atm as I can't see multiplayer being viable until it is and that's that really for me. If it does come in at some point its a bonus.
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Posted: 20th Nov 2018 07:33 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:43
Or perhaps mention "All the players need to own GameGuru to play" on the site. So there is clarity and people don't read into it incorrectly.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2018 11:20
With all the posts asking for standalone multiplayer It seems to me that the opinion of the community has either changed or that not everyone voted the first time.
Either way the outcry for that feature is getting louder.
If people were not interested in it that would not happen.
If people could build standalone multiplayer games, other people would not need to buy GG to play.
This way people have to buy GG to play and that means higher sales for GG its self.
It's just the way business works the world over.
I totally expect things to fall short when I see something new.
No matter the reasoning, we just have to wait for as long as Lee says we do.
I'll wait.
For a short time anyway.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2018 11:43
Quote: "Either way the outcry for that feature is getting louder."

To be honest, I've only ever seen the same half a dozen to a dozen people even mention multiplayer, out of tens of thousands of users, hardly an outcry to be fair.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2018 12:06
Outcry meaning to cry out regardless of number of people.
I believe that your estimate of people asking about it may be slightly low although I do not have admin access to the forum to get more info on that.
I do not know if you do or do not have access.
If you do not then we both have the same information to go on.
Taking all of that into consideration, it is getting more important to people it seems.
It will be interesting to see where it goes.
I personally bought GG strictly for the multiplayer.
The wording in the marketing mentioned that others with GG can use that feature.
However it does not say that standalone is not possible to share with people that do not have GG.
I feel as though I was mislead through omission, but it only cost $25.00 so no biggie.
However I am morbidly curious to see what happens next. LOL!!
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Posted: 24th Nov 2018 13:18 Edited at: 24th Nov 2018 14:09
MP ( for what it is at the moment ) works very well … People just don't use it .
You wanna try .. PM me
And as for the old " You have to own GameGuru " well you have to own Doom, Quake to play those as well..
Free or not you both need the engine installed in some form.

Quote: "I personally bought GG strictly for the multiplayer."

No disrespect but you joined 20 days ago and this is your first post on MP ?
All your other questions have been SP related
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Posted: 25th Nov 2018 22:39
Quote: "And as for the old " You have to own GameGuru " well you have to own Doom, Quake to play those as well.."

I n honesty, that is not really a fair comparison. I understand your point of view but Game Guru is a game engine not a game. So if someone releases Zombie Fest 9000 using GG and wants a multi-player option in their game (that people have purchased, as it's been released on Steam for example) - well there **** out of luck

I think the main issue here is we can only use GG for multi-player, rather than a product made from GG to include multi-player in of itself. Doom players and the like do not have to have access to the dev kit to play multiplayer maps.

So, while I agree that multi-player is still low priority, I also see why people want multi-player options in their game. I also realise it's a lot harder to accomplish than a good many people know
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Posted: 26th Nov 2018 10:53
Quote: "So if someone releases Zombie Fest 9000 using GG and wants a multi-player option in their game"

Is that what we are talking about here .. An MP option in your final standalone game ?
If so I have totally misunderstood ..
I was under the assumption that users complaining about needing GG to play MP from the editor not a standalone game you create.

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Posted: 26th Nov 2018 21:02 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:43
Quote: "Is that what we are talking about here .. An MP option in your final standalone game ?
If so I have totally misunderstood .."

Whoopsy, sorry Synchromesh. That's exactly what I've been referring to and I didn't clarify that.
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Posted: 27th Nov 2018 12:02 Edited at: 27th Nov 2018 12:03
Quote: "Whoopsy, sorry Synchromesh. That's exactly what I've been referring to and I didn't clarify that."

No its my own fault … I got it totally wrong .. Apologies ..
You did actually point out " Games you make " above which now I understand exactly what you were saying.
I was still thinking Levels from the editor … Yep I dropped a Boo Boo on this one ..
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Posted: 27th Nov 2018 12:35 Edited at: 27th Nov 2018 12:43
Quote: "MP ( for what it is at the moment ) works very well"

I've never once been able to connect to a game, i just get the message "Cannot collect to the lobby (Error MP002)", that's why i don't play it.

Quote: "Is that what we are talking about here .. An MP option in your final standalone game"

Yup, that's exactly what we're all talking about.

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